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Historiska kartor. I våra digitala arkiv finns mer än en miljon historiska kartor och de sträcker sig så långt bak i tiden som 1628. Kartorna täcker stora delar av Sverige och är i många fall så välgjorda och rikt utsmyckade att det är frestande att kalla dem för rena konstverk. Inte konstigt kanske, att de ofta ges bort som presenter. Det är gratis att titta på kartorna och vi vågar lova att du hittar något intressant när du tar del av dem. Om du vill kan du även spara ner dem till din dator eller skriva ut dem. Önskar du beställa kartorna i en högre upplösning? Innan du börjar finns det några saker som du behöver göra: Kom igång med historiska kartor. Unknown Alien Metropolis Is Uncovered Off Ice Land. A Giant Energy Machine? 5 Incredible characteristics of the Bosnian Pyramid. Ivan Ivan has been part of the team at Universe Explorers since February 2015.He is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of He also writes for Svemir Online and Ancient Origins.History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.You can follow Ivan on Facebook" Latest posts by Ivan (see all) From the presence of a mysterious underground energy beam with a radius of s 4.5 meters and a frequency of 28 kHz with a strength of 3,9 V, to the presence of ultrasound Beams at the Pyramids of the Sun, here we have 5 incredible characteristics of the Bosnian Pyramid which suggests this could, in fact, be an extremely advanced ancient structure.

The idea that the Bosnian Pyramid is, in fact, one of the oldest Pyramids on the surface of the planet, and that it belongs to a set of other ancient structures in the area is heavily disputed by numerous scientists who refuse to accept the notion that there are highly advanced structure located in Europe. Sacred Sites at Sacred Destinations - Explore sacred sites, religious sites, sacred places. Ancient Giants. Greco-Roman mysteries. See Western esotericism for modern "mystery religions" in the Western cultural sphere. Definition[edit] The term "Mystery" derives from Latin mysterium, from Greek mysterion (usually as the plural mysteria μυστήρια), in this context meaning "secret rite or doctrine". An individual who followed such a "Mystery" was a mystes, "one who has been initiated", from myein "to close, shut", a reference to secrecy (closure of "the eyes and mouth")[4]:56 or that only initiates were allowed to observe and participate in rituals.

The Mysteries were thus cults in which all religious functions were closed to the uninitiated and for which the inner workings of the cult were kept secret from the general public. Characteristics[edit] Mystery religions form one of three types of Hellenistic religion, the others being the imperial cult or ethnic religion particular to a nation or state, and the philosophic religions such as Neoplatonism.

Mysteries thus supplement rather than compete with civil religion. Great And Never Explained Mysteries Of Nevada's History. - Nevada is full of archaeological and anthropological discoveries - antiquities, no one is able to explain. One of these shocking discoveries gives us evidence that man existed in Nevada more than 200 million years ago. Further on was another line of sewing, and in the center, where the foot would have rested had the object been really a shoe sole, there was an indentation, exactly such as would have been made by the bone of the heel rubbing upon and wearing down the material of which the sole had been made.

Thus was found a fossil which is the foremost mystery of science today. For the rock in which it was found is at least 5,000,000 years old. " Curiously enough, an inquiry by us to the American Museum of Natural History resulted in a reply that the report by Matthew is not in their files. Although there are no people, animals or handprint symbols depicted.

On January 23, 1904, The Saint Paul Globe" reported from Winnemucca, Nevada as follows: 10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals And Wormholes. Space Many ancient cultures speak of portals to other worlds and gateways to star systems where their “creators” reside. Conventional wisdom tells us these tales are merely myths and legends. However, recent declassified FBI files have stated that our Earth has been visited by beings from other dimensions and planets. NASA has announced that “portals” do indeed appear to be hidden within the Earth’s magnetic field, making some wonder if the legends of stargates, portals and wormholes may have some degree of truth to them. 10Gate Of The Gods, Hayu Marca, Peru In 1996, it was discovered by Jose Luis Delgado Mamani while he was trying to learn the layout of the area for a job he had recently taken as a tour guide.

The “doorway” is actually two doorways, almost in a “T” shape. One legend of a mortal passing through the doorway appears to lend a little credibility to Mamani’s alleged dream. 9Abu Ghurab, Egypt, The Place Of The Gods 8Ancient Stone Arrangement In Lake Michigan 3Abydos, Egypt. Reversing the Elements Back to the Soul. The cosmic elements that have created the entire universe are forces the soul needs to create and ma... The cosmic elements that have created the entire universe are forces the soul needs to create and manifest on its own volition. The matrix holds it to remain materialized. On Earth, the soul has been subjugated, incarcerated and forced to work as a slave to maintain the status quo of the 5 senses, which have formulated the biggest illusion one can imagine.

Why? The soul (i.e. the real you) uses the five elements to manifest worlds, and the illusion we have been fooled to create through the 5 senses, holds in it the 5 elements that we need to reverse back to the soul, in order to regain full potential and possibility. This process is carried out by formatting all that the 5 senses have conjured, and turning it back to the 5 elements. How knowledge keeps you outside of the NOW All items and objects in existence have a level of consciousness. More Clarity on the Elements The Earth Element. Ancient Giants. Lost Sea. Ancient Astronauts From Toro Muerto - Peru. - The petroglyphs of Toro Muerto cover an area, which is 200 meters wide and about two kilomoters long.

Carved by the hand of man, on volcanic boulders of a large desert plateau, Toro Muerto petroglyphs constitute unique records of prehistoric visits of ancient astronauts on earth. Toro Muerto - hidden in a ravine about 165 km west of Arequipa, heading toward Cotahuasi - lies in the region known of many sacred places of Peru.

Petroglyphs have been dated to 10,000 BC, and can still be found in contemporary locations. Particularly interesting are prehistoric figures that do not depict humans but rather uknown beings. The engravings were accidentally discovered by Christine Dequerlor, a French scientist in 1970. It is important to add that Toro Muerto's art was known to scientific community already much earlier and has been investigated since 1951. The validity of this dating is highly controversial. On what is the dating of these petroglyphs based? Pierres d'Ica. Figurines d'Acambaro . En Images.

Enigmes < Enigmes Archéologie. Paléontologie < Pierres d'Ica. Figurines d'Acambaro En 1976, Robert Charroux a publié un livre « L’énigme des Andes » dans lequel il retrace notamment sa rencontre avec le Dr Cabrera et les pierres d’Ica. Ces pierres gravées constituent selon ses propres termes une véritable « bibliothèque préhistorique ». Combats entre hommes et dinosaures ou interventions chirurgicales nous sont comptés. En 1945, W. Pierre Tréand, archéologue reconnu, découvre en 1986 au cours de fouilles à Serre-de-Brigoule (sud de la Drôme en France) des silex qui portent les traces d’une intervention humaine.

Étant pragmatique, j’ai abordé avec prudence, mais sans à priori les découvertes énumérées ci-dessus. Il ne s’agit pas dans ce dossier de retracer chaque découverte dans leurs détails. Mon objectif est d’analyser les faits et d’essayer de fournir des réponses qui ne relèvent pas de la pure fantaisie. Les pierres d’Ica Des hommes qui utilisent une loupe Pierre d'Ica. Astronome. Thoth, The Ancient God. The Hypogeum, Malta. Chronology At its earliest, the Hypogeum' is dated at around 4,000 BC (1). What was the purpose of the Hypogeum: The hypogeum offers us a rare glimpse at the prehistoric synthesis of funerary, solar-worship and shamanic traditions. The central chamber has several small rounded cubicles carved into the walls which it is currently suggested, were originally intended for 'living' people as part of a ritual, in which they would have had to lie inside in a foetal position (out of necessity).

It is reported that from within these small cubicles, echoes from the 'speaking' chamber reverberate into a rhythm that is similar to the human heartbeat. The Skeletons: When it was first discovered, the skeletons of over 7,000 people were found near the inside chambers at the entrance. The Structure: The entrance to the Hypogeum is through an unsuspecting doorway in an unsuspecting street. The first excavations in 1902 were performed by Fr.

Acoustics in the Hypogeum: (More about Archaeo-acoustics)
