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Raspberry pi

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The MagPi. FAVI Entertainment Wireless Keyboard (Built-in TouchPad/Laser Pointer) - Black: Electronics. Raspberry Pi GPIO Joystick | Chris Swan's Weblog. After getting MAME going on my Raspberry Pi so that I could play old arcade games. I wanted to hook up a proper joystick. Back in the 80′s I had the excellent and ubiquitous Competition Pro 5000. As mine (foolishly) got sold with my Amiga stuff I got one on eBay, and it came in the original box: The first step was to get it hooked up to the RPi general purpose input output (GPIO). Since I was originally planning to use gpio-keys I used the joystick pinout to hook up to the RPi thus: Up -> 11 (GPIO 17)Down -> 13 (GPIO 22)Left -> 15 (GPIO 23)Right -> 16 (GPIO 24)n/cFire -> 7 (GPIO 4)n/cGNDn/c Blind alley Having already seen gpio-keys I thought I’d be using that, but when it came to the crunch I didn’t know where to start – I probably need a package of RPi kernel source.

After some digging around the Raspberry Pi Forums I found a comment about using Python to generate keystrokes. Smelling victory I knocked together some code that turns GPIO into keypresses. The right(ish) approach Conclusion. Repairs, Mods and Guides. A Beginner's Guide to DIYing with the Raspberry Pi. Case | Cases for yo' Raspberry Pi | Shop. Turn a Raspberry Pi Into an XBMC Media Center in Under 30 Minutes. 40+ Cool Ideas for your Raspberry PI Project | PingBin.