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Pellet: OWL 2 Reasoner for Java. Jena Semantic Web Framework. OWL API. SPARQL Endpoint interface to Python. This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI and, possibly, convert the result into a more manageable format. The package is licensed under W3C license, and it can be downloaded in .zip and .tar.gz formats from GitHub, also from PyPi or from Debian, and eventually from SourceForge where was previously hosted.

The following packages are used: for JSON, the simplejson package (for Python < 2.6) for RDF, the RDFLib package These packages are imported in a lazy fashion, ie, only when needed. Developers involved: Here you have an example of how to use the library in your python program: You can also read online documentation for more information, or contact us at the rdflib-dev; the archives from the old mailing list are still available.

Linked Data | Linked Data - Connect Distributed Data across the Web. Protege OWL tutorial at Manchester (School of Computer Science – The University of Manchester) Exemples d'utilisation de Dbpedia.