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Relative Genetics:::Make your past>your present>to the future. Worldwide] Journal of Genetic Genealogy. British Isles DNA Project Home. Thompson DNA Project: Miscellaneous. The number one Y-DNA public database. Chris Pomery's DNA Portal: DNA & the Family Historian. DNA Heritage - Your Guide to 'Genetic Genealogy' Our tests are designed to deliver the best results and provide you with the most advanced tools to tackle any genetic genealogy challenge. Transfer your data from 23andMe© or AncestryDNA™ to find new matches in our database.Learn More Male testing with all the bells and whistles Family Finder + mtFull Family Finder + Y37 Male testers only All kits are custom built for you. Add any product or bundle to start building your own! Family Finder, plus a male specific Y-chromosome test and a Full Mitochondrial Sequence The most comprehensive and highest resolution mtDNA test. Humphrey Genealogy DNA Results.

Search for cousins in the Michael Humphrey line: Apparently, we have no living 4th, 6th, or 7th paternal-line male cousins. The paternal lines from our GGgrandfather and GGGgrandfather have "daughtered out", or these male ancestors had no children. We're in touch with our 3 remaining 2nd paternal-line male cousins and hope to have some DNA test results in the near future. Meanwhile, we continue to search for 5th, 8th, and more distant cousins. (And, if others surface, we'll be surprised & very happy!) Here's a list of our male ancestors back to Michael and some of their male descendants. Myron (Mike) Humphrey - Chickasha Okla/San Mateo, California Edwin Humphrey b. 1913 - Chickasha, Oklahoma Myron E.

Edwin D. Correll Myron Humphrey, b. 1824 - Springwater, New York Ozias Humphrey, Jr., b. 1789 - Simsbury, Connecticut Ozias Humphrey, Sr., b. 1763 - Simsbury, Connecticut Hezekiah Humphrey, b. 1718 - Simsbury, Connecticut Samuel Humphrey, b. 1684 - Simsbury, Connecticut Search for Cousins. Tutorials - Family Tree DNA - we do genetic tests for your genealogy questions! OXFORD ANCESTORS : Explore your genetic roots - DNA sequencing, Professor Sykes, Adam's Curse, Family Tree Searches, Your Ancestry DNA analysis, tracing ancestors. Trace Your Ancestry with DNA - Family Tree DNA - we do genetic tests for your genealogy questions! Sciona - Leadership in Nutrigenetics | Nutritional Genetics to Optimize Health. Family Tree DNA - we do genetic tests for your genealogy questions! Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation - Home.