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Super healthy snacks

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126 Super Healthy Snacks (Low Calorie & High Protein) If you’re searching for healthy snacks it’s best to walk briskly past the snack aisle in stores. Many of them will be full of GMOs, preservatives, chemicals, and artificial flavors and sweeteners. This list of snack idea includes foods you can make at home, several in a matter of minutes so you can curb hunger before it gets the better of you. You’re sure to find a few favorites here, and a healthy twist on some old classics. Meaty Roll-Up A Fruit Roll-Up won’t get you too far in terms of satisfying you until it’s time for a full meal, but a Meat Roll-Up gets the job done.

You’ll also be avoiding the sugar and chemicals that you’ll find in fruity packaged snacks at the store. What You Need: 2 Turkey slices (or sliced Chicken Breast, or lean Roast Beef) 1 Mini Carrot (or Celery Stalk, or Asparagus Spear) Steps: Roll the meat of your choice around the vegetable of your choice. It’s good to smell the roasted flavor and get good and ready for a snack right when the timer dings. What You Need: Quinoa Breakfast Bars. Quinoa Breakfast Bars. Spiced apple crisps. Gluten-free carrot cake. Dried fruit energy nuggets. Homemade Apple Chips.