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33 Thoughts That Will Make You Rethink Your Entire Existence. 31 Reasons Blair Waldorf From "Gossip Girl" Is The Real Queen B. 10 Life Lessons From Dr. Suess That'll Make You A Better Person. 23 Important Reminders For Every Early Twentysomething. 21 Times People From Colorado Should've Known Better. A Comedian Takes You Around The World Of Discrimination In 5 Hilarious Jokes. Conan O'Brien: My next guest is a comedian whose debut album, "Waiting for 2042," is available now, and he could be seen live this Friday and Saturday at the Sled Island Festival in Calgary, Alberta if you're in that neighborhood.

A Comedian Takes You Around The World Of Discrimination In 5 Hilarious Jokes

Please welcome the very funny Hari Kondabolu. Hari Kondabolu: Thank you. Thank you very much. So great to be here. So before we begin, I'd like you all to know that the theme of my set tonight will be colonialism, which is why I am speaking only in English. I was at a restaurant recently. So I was overhearing the conversation further, and this man was making a brilliant argument about why English should be the national language of this country. The 26 Most American Comebacks In The History Of The World. 38 Wonderful Moments In Closed Caption History. 24 Warning Labels That Need Warning Labels. 23 Silly DIY Projects That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud. Inside The Secret Dunkin' Donuts Hidden Within The Library Of Congress.

21 Kids Who Are Too Literal For Their Own Good. It's Really Hard To Have A Conversation About Something Women Are Shamed Into Not Talking About. 22 Beliefs All Twentysomethings Are Still Desperately Clinging To. 24 Questions Disney Left Unanswered. 24 Questions Disney Left Unanswered. 23 Things That Happen On Every Episode Of "Shark Tank"

18 Cool Internet Tricks You Didn't Know Existed. 33 Things Everyone Who Went To High School Will Understand. What The World Was Like The Year The Lewinsky Scandal Broke. 40 Reasons Local News Is The Best News. You Will Totally Understand The Little Girl Who Wrote This Note In 1988. 25 Things That '90s Kids Are Still Trying To Figure Out. 21 Kids Who Got The Answer Wrong, But Deserve An A For Effort. What The Hell Do People Believe In If They Don't Believe In God? This Guy Has One Heck Of An Answer. The Germans Play Monopoly. The Germans Play Monopoly I'm not sure what they expected, it was inevitable really.

The Germans Play Monopoly

Permanent Link to this Comic: Make sure the check out the Partially Examined Life Calendar, with art drawn by me. The 27 Most Comforting Feelings In The Whole Wide World. 64 Mind-Blowing Facts That Will Make You Feel Incredibly Happy. What It's Like To Be A Girl With Small Boobs. 60 Food Facts That Will Blow Your Mind. What If You Stick A Gay Person And An Anti-Gay Straight Person In A Room And Ask Them To Hug? Awesomeness: What are some of the most badass photos ever taken.

The Anatomy Of Your Pet's Daily Thoughts. 2sisters_angie on Instagram. Watch How These People React When They See A Child Alone In The Cold Without A Jacket. The 17 Happiest Smells That Ever Happened. 36 Kids Crying For Hilarious Reasons. 24 Stunningly Subtle Disney Tattoos. 37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old. The Men Of "Full House" Reunited To Help Jimmy Fallon With His Nightmares.

This Craigslist Missed Connection Is The Most Touching Thing You'll Read All Day. 24 Signs You're Topanga Lawrence From "Boy Meets World" Little Girls Explain What Led to “Worst Haircut Ever” The cutest interview ever is resurfacing on the Internet.

Little Girls Explain What Led to “Worst Haircut Ever”

Two years ago, Hartford-based WNPR reporter Jeff Cohen decided to interview his two little girls, Sadie and Eva, about what he calls, the “worst haircut ever.” Sadie, who was 5-years-old at the time, decided to give 3-year-old Eva a haircut. We’ll let you decide how it ended up looking! A few weeks later, dad did what he does best, and took out his recording equipment to find out why the girls decided to do this. Loading “It’s sort of an occupational hazard. Jeff decided to post the girls’ explanation online in June 2012 and it has recently resurfaced. Jeff explained that they took Eva to a hairdresser after to get it fixed but they still have the hair Sadie cut off.

These Kids Finally Say What They Really Think About Mom. And Her Reaction? Priceless. 29 Photos That Put All Of Our Struggles In Perspective. Life can flutter between being terrible and terrific, but sometimes everything can all be proven worth it in just a sliver of time captured on camera.

29 Photos That Put All Of Our Struggles In Perspective

The Internet has a history of rounding up powerful photographs, but some images just go one step further and change your perspective on life and the challenges presented by the world we live in. All of these photographs may be once in a lifetime shots, but the tragedies and triumphs they document are those millions around the world face every day. We have an ugly and beautiful home, and it's entirely worth fighting for. I was considering Grad School…and then I saw this. HILARIOUS! A new gift idea for your loved ones: Graduate School Barbie (TM).

I was considering Grad School…and then I saw this. HILARIOUS!

This Dad Taking Selfies With His Newborn Is The Cutest Thing You'll See Today. 50 Things You Will Never Be Able To Forget. New Bookstore Ads Capture The Magic Of Reading. 30 Things Librarians Love. The Great Gatsby's Plot, Visualised. 22 Questions "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory" Left Unanswered. Detroit Is Not Dead: Meet Some Of The 701,475 People Who Call The City Home (PHOTOS) After Detroit's landmark bankruptcy filing last week, more eyes than ever have zeroed in on this struggling city.

Detroit Is Not Dead: Meet Some Of The 701,475 People Who Call The City Home (PHOTOS)

For Detroiters, it's both a blessing and a curse. While it's a relief that some have started to pay attention to the countless problems that often make daily life an uphill battle, how Detroit is portrayed by outsiders can be disheartening: pictures of abandoned buildings stand in for the people who pass by them each day; headlines blare that the Motor City is out of gas, dead or even hell on earth.

We're not trying to say that Detroit isn't in trouble -- no matter what some say, things like startups, a billionaire's investments and community gardens won't "save" the city, which faces abysmal city services, has pervasive crime, continues to lose population and boasts an abandoned city structure for every 10 residents. But there are still 701,475 people who call Detroit home, more than Seattle, Boston, Las Vegas or DC. 10 Irish Inventions Infographic -

65 Books You Need To Read In Your 20s. 37 Delicious Ways To Eat Corn This Summer. The 10 Absolute Worst Craft Supplies From Your Childhood. 18 Signs Playing Risk Made You A Monster. 21 Jokes Only Nerds Will Understand. Tumblr_l2ppvcFtQW1qa51oqo1_500.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 517 pixels) Photo 1- A Critical Reading Of Mary-Kate & Ashley's Most Iconic Films. Passport to Paris This feature film is a classic coming-of-age tale à la David Copperfield, comparing the innocence of youth with the classic growing pains we all endure.

Photo 1- A Critical Reading Of Mary-Kate & Ashley's Most Iconic Films

The story follows Melanie and Allyson Porter, stereotypical pre-teens struggling with narcissistic tendencies and an inability to comprehend issues larger than themselves. The opening scenes are rife with the warning signs of leading a close-minded life, and their mother's distraught proclamation rings true even today: "It's not all about grades, it's about life. There's more to the world than call waiting and the mall. " While on a trip to Paris intended to expand their horizons, love develops fast and furiously, as they find themselves in over their heads, oblivious to the warning signs of a questionable relationship with two classic bad-boy archetypes, and defenseless against the pull of a European accent and a manly turtleneck.

Photo: Courtesy of Amazon. 50 Reasons Chicago Is Second To NO City. Trying To Fall Asleep At Night. I build my lady a house. 24 Texts You Don't Want To Get From Your Parents. 23 Unforgettable Things About Playing The Sims. 30 Undeniable Facts That Everyone Knows Are True. 35 Astounding And Uplifting Facts About The Universe. 18 Experiences You Only Have At University. If Humans Acted Like Pets 2. Top 100 Photos of the Year 2012. *Please note the photographs themselves were not necessarily taken in 2012, they just happened to be featured as a POTD this year.

Top 100 Photos of the Year 2012

The pictures are also listed in reverse chronological order. There is no ranking amongst the photos Enjoy! 18 Reasons You Had A Crush On John Bender From The Breakfast Club. 26 Shockingly Bad Predictions. Amanda Seyfried Poses With The Paparazzi. 50 Things That Look Just Like Your Childhood. Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal. 21 Photos That Will Turn Your Heart To Goo. Can You Make It Through This Post Without Wanting To Be In 5th Grade Again. The 25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions.

The 30 Most Articulate Shirts Of All Time. 25 Random Interesting Trivia To Brighten Up Your Day With Entertainment. 40 Things That Will Make You Feel Old. Cypress Ranch High School Anti-Bullying Lip Dub "Who Do U Think U R?" The 45 Most Powerful Photos Of 2012. Faith-in-humanity.jpg (JPEG Image, 598 × 9144 pixels) 32 Pictures That Will Make You Say Awwwwwwww. Socrates (In The Form Of A 9-Year-Old) Shows Up In A Suburban Backyard In Washington : Krulwich Wonders... When he rang the doorbell, Zia hadn't planned to step inside.

Socrates (In The Form Of A 9-Year-Old) Shows Up In A Suburban Backyard In Washington : Krulwich Wonders...

He was there to pick up his fiancee who was babysitting, but she couldn't leave (the parents were running late) so Zia agreed to hang out for a bit. His fiancee said, "Let me introduce you to the kids" — the 2-year-old girl, the 7-year-old boy and, most important, squatting, with no shoes on, surrounded by ants on the back patio, the oldest — the 9-year-old — the one he would make world-famous on YouTube. This is the boy he now calls "The Philosopher. " Nine is what fourth-graders are. 36 Illustrated Truths About Cats. 34 Things From 2012 That Made You Feel Old. Responsible Cat Leads Dog Home With Leash, Is Responsible. 17 Kids Who Will Change The World Someday.