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Facebook Twitter - شقالك | Chasseur de rumeurs - صياد الإشاعات. La rumeur : Elle court, elle court la rumeur… La rumeur, un phénomène qui a toujours suscité les débats les plus passionnés. En Tunisie, suite à la révolution, il a pris une ampleur démesurée. Quelle en est la finalité? Et qui en est le principal instigateur? La rumeur semble indissociable de notre quotidien. Elle circule partout, insidieusement.Depuis la révolution, elle a gagné en consistance, si bien que chaque jour apporte son lot de rumeurs aussi fantaisistes les unes que les autres et l’info de l’instant peut s’avérer de l’intox tout de suite après.

Le problème est que la rumeur, une fois propagée, devient difficile à démentir, ou à contenir, vu qu’elle s’enracine dans nos têtes en tant que vérité inamovible. De plus, et lors de ces dernières années, la rumeur a pris plusieurs formes : orale au début, elle devient journalistique, et surtout via internet où elle trouve un terrain pour enfler.Facebook, l’accusé numéro 1 Les réseaux sociaux, souvent très fréquentés, constituent une aubaine pour répandre la rumeur. Walid BOUROUIS. Internautes, ne propagez pas la rumeur ! Recommander cette page à un(e) ami(e) La révolution du jasmin en Tunisie, bientôt considérée comme l'événement fondateur du printemps arabe dans les médias, fut aussi le triomphe des médias sociaux, utilisés tant pour l'organisation des manifestations que pour informer le monde de ce qui se passait dans les rues de Kasserine, de Tunis et d'ailleurs.

Oui mais voilà : ces médias sociaux, acclamés par les évangélistes du Web 2.0, n'ont pas seulement transmis la vérité d'une résistance en train de se transformer en renaissance; ils ont aussi transmis de nombreuses rumeurs, inexactitudes et calomnies. Et ils continuent de le faire. Les médias sociaux, anges ou bêtes ? Dès le mois de janvier 2011, dans l'émission L'Atelier des médias sur RFI, Julien Pain alertait sur ce phénomène : "En Tunisie, à la suite du départ de Ben Ali, on a beaucoup parlé de prétendues milices, à la solde du président-dictateur déchu, qui pillaient la ville.

Aucune preuve n'a, semble-t-il, été apportée à ces ouï-dire. How To Use Technology To Counter Rumors During Crises: Anecdotes from Kyrgyzstan. I just completed a short field mission to Kyrgyzstan with UN colleagues and I’m already looking forward to the next mission. Flipping through several dozen pages of my handwritten notes just now explains why: example after example of the astute resourcefulness and creative uses of information and communication technologies in Kyrgyzstan is inspiring. I learned heaps. For example, one challenge that local groups faced during periods of ethnic tension and violent conflict last year was the spread of rumors, particularly via SMS. These deliberate rumors ranged from humanitarian aid being poisoned to cross border attacks carried out by a particular ethnic group.

When word of the conflict spread, the director of one such groups got online and invited her friends and colleagues to a dedicate Skype chat group. The Skype chat was abuzz with people sharing and validating information in near real-time. The degrees of separation needed to verify a rumor was close to one. Like this: Like Loading... En Tunisie, le Web souffre de la rumeur. المبتدأ والخبر. المبتدأ والخبر المبتدأ والخبر: اسمان مرفوعان يؤلّفان جملة مفيدة. والأصل أن يتقدم المبتدأ ويتلوه الخبر، ولكن قد يكون العكس. ولكلٍّ منهما أحكام نوردها فيما يلي: حُكْم المبتدأ: ¨ أن يكون معرفة. ولكن جاء في كلامهم نكرةً، في كثير من المواضع. أشهرها وأكثرها استعمالاً ما يلي: · أن يتقدّم على المبتدأ شبهُ جملة (ظرفٌ أو جارٌّ ومجرور) نحو: [عندنا ضيفٌ، وفي البيت كتابٌ]. · أن يكون منعوتاً نحو: [صبرٌ جميلٌ، خير من استرحامِ ظالم]. · أن يتلوه مضافٌ إليه نحو: [طَلَبُ عِلْمٍ خيرٌ من طَلَبِ مال]. أحكام الخبر: ¨ يشترط في الخبر أصلاً أن يطابق المبتدأ، إفراداً وتثنية وجمعاً، وتذكيراً وتأنيثاً

. ¨ إذا تمت الفائدة بشبه الجملة (الظرف أو الجارّ والمجرور)كان هو الخبر نحو: [خالدٌ عندنا، وزيدٌ في البيت]. ¨ قد يتعدّد الخبر، والمبتدأ واحد، نحو: [عنترةُ بطلٌ، شاعرٌ، فارسٌ]. ¨ يُحذَف الخبر وجوباً في موضعين: بعد [لولا]، وبعد مبتدأ قَسَمِيّ. ¨إذا اتصل المبتدأ بضمير الخبر وجب تقديم الخبر نحو: [للضرورة أحكامُها] (للضرورة: شبه جملة، خبر مقدم، وأحكامها: مبتدأ مؤخر). نماذج فصيحة من المبتدأ والخبر · قال الشاعر: (قطن:أقام، وظعن: رحل). Social Media Explorer - Social Media Marketing And Social Media Consultant Jason Falls. Always Open with David Koechner | Episode 1 with Jason Bateman. Sparks & honey. Social Media, Word of Mouth Marketing, TCA Push n Pull, Annapolis, Maryland, Washington, DC. 3 Ways to Improve Your Company's Social Media Architecture.

Joshua-Michéle Ross (@jmichele) is SVP and director of digital strategy, Europe with Fleishman Hillard and an O’Reilly Radar blogger. His free ebook on social media architecture is available here. While the pressures on large organizations to use social media have gone up, creating a social media presence has reached one-click simplicity. The result is a sprawling mess. Take one look at the social media footprint of any large brand and you find dozens of social sites that lie abandoned with no active engagement. Many are redundant, fracturing the same potential audience into separate, so-called “communities.” And the bigger the organization, the bigger the problem. This is unsustainable and counterproductive. The solution is a “social media architecture” — a structure that brings harmony, utility and durability to the diverse elements of an organization’s social media presence. 1. Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Visualization is the first step in recognizing you have a problem. 2. 3.

Branded Content: Not a Good Idea. Branded content. It sounds awesome, doesn't it? After all, our industry is married to the content industry. TV commercials keep the lights on at every broadcast network, and indirectly keep the cable bill low enough that HBO can exist. Content producers make their cool shows and make it worth brands' money to put commercials on the air.

Magazines and newspapers know they can write all the cool articles and do all the cool photo spreads because of the ads. But most of the time, something that's going to make a perfect TV or Web show, proper video game or film is going to be an idea that doesn't inherently play directly in line with the brand story (like, let's say, insurance.) The problem with the notion of branded content being a sort of "direction we should all go in" is that it will end up hurting content, which in the end is going to hurt the industry. So let's take insurance as a category. This is actually super Internet friendly, and future-proof. So what's the answer? Fri, 04/20/2012. What the Rise of Original Web Shows Means for TV's Future. Snatch up all the set-top boxes, smart HDTVs and second screen apps you want. The future of television will still, at its core, be about one thing: content.

All of the stakeholders realize this, from legacy players such as networks and cable operators to new entrants including streaming services and search companies. If the Web is going to compete with traditional TV, it won't be so much with technology as with high-quality content that people genuinely want to watch. That's why HBO is closely guarding its sought-after programing by tying its mobile apps to cable subscriptions. It's also why Web companies are investing huge sums of money to create premium video content of their own. Yahoo, AOL and Google have all been developing original video programming that they hope can compete with the type of content people have historically turned on their television sets to watch. How Netflix and Hulu Are Upping the Ante. Inside Forbes: The Inspiring Data Behind Two Digital Reporting Strategies.

Is Web TV's Free Ride Over? How Old Media Are Striking Back. The Internet was supposed to change everything. Television would be turned on its head, and big cable would be screwed - finally. TV is different now, to be sure, and those changes will continue for some time. But the Web-destroys-cable narrative many hoped to see isn't quite playing out that way. Recent moves by content providers, cable companies and ISPs aim to ensure that that storyline never comes to fruition. The tension between traditional content providers and the Web's new model of distribution is nothing new.

Networks have begun to rethink the practice of making new episodes available online for free, while some of the most coveted premium content (see HBO Go) remains locked behind the gate of a cable subscription. The news, which was reported by the New York Post, hasn't been substantiated. Fine, one might argue, take away Hulu; we'll just go back to pirating TV shows. The Web's Secret Weapon: Original Programming.