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Youth and sport

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Teen Footballer's Goal to be Role Model for Muslim Girls. Football In part two of our series on Muslim women and girls in sport, young footballer Huda Anas is working towards more women of colour representing her club and her code.

Teen Footballer's Goal to be Role Model for Muslim Girls

Huda Anas has played football since she was five. But growing up in a Sri Lankan Muslim household in Wellington, she can’t recall having a female Muslim athlete to look up to when she was young. “I would see ads on TV and they would have women in sport, but it wasn’t Muslim women in sport. And there wasn’t a very diverse range of people,” the now 18-year-old says. Instead, her motivation came from within.

Anas knew if other young Muslim girls saw her playing sport she could be “that person that everyone looked up to,” she says. Get your weekly LockerRoom fix Keep up with the play with our free weekly newsletter curated by Suzanne McFadden. With the rise of social media, Anas recently came across Ibtihaj Muhammad, a Muslim American fencer, who became one of the models for Nike’s first made-for-athletes hijab. A Sporting Chance: The seismic shift happening in youth sports. Taking promising young athletes into their own 'elite' training programmes is a really, really bad idea.

A Sporting Chance: The seismic shift happening in youth sports

But many parents still refuse to accept it. National Correspondent DANA JOHANNSEN reports in the first of a two-part series. In the hall of an Auckland football club, a heated debate is playing out. Parents and administrators have convened at the behest of one of the dads, who has concerns he wants to raise. The man believes his son, by all accounts a talented player, is being held back by the team environment. The father proposes that these players should be swapped out for four players he has scouted from the grade below. The most troubling aspect of this story is not that a father was trying to involve himself in selection discussions. It is that his son is 9 years old. Simon Walters hears stories like this all the time. How a whole village is raising a netball team. LockerRoom Through the initiative of one trailblazing woman - and the help of a cookie-baking grandma - a low-decile school in east Auckland is striving to ensure any kid who wants to play sport can.

How a whole village is raising a netball team

With whistle in hand, Precious Raupita-Tango displays maturity beyond her 11 years. It’s one thing to umpire a game of netball in an objective and rational manner, but to do so while reffing your peers is an even bigger test of character. “We went to a course at the netball courts and they taught us the rules; then I had a trial and I passed that,” she says shyly. Precious is paid $10 a game, sometimes more depending on the workload.

“We can use it to help my mum pay bills that she needs to, for the school and the community,” Precious says. Football player, 9, verbally abused and scared he'd be hurt physically by opponent's parent. If NZ really wants to revive youth sport, there’s one obvious nation to emulate. A squad of New Zealand’s big sporting bodies just announced they were ‘taking a stand’, to ‘create a positive experience for all young people playing sport’.

If NZ really wants to revive youth sport, there’s one obvious nation to emulate

If they’re serious about achieving both a healthier national culture and a slew of world-class athletes, the model should be Norway, writes Trevor McKewen. “It’s time to change our approach to youth sport,” went the all-caps headline in full-page advertisements placed in New Zealand’s three major daily newspapers (how quaint) this morning. Announcing a commitment to making children’s sports fun again, the text was signed by Sport New Zealand and five National Sports Organisations – the big ones: rugby union, rugby league, cricket, netball and hockey. Shake-up for youth sport in NZ. It's not all about the winners.

Shake-up for youth sport in NZ

While the Silver Ferns and Black Caps are being feted for their recent World Cup efforts, the falling numbers of young people playing sport is prompting a shake up in approach by leading New Zealand sports. New Zealand captain Laura Langman holds the Netball World Cup trophy with Maria Folau, Phoenix Karaka and Shannon Saunders after victory over Australia. Photo: Photosport. Kiwi kids increasingly suffering same injuries as pro sportspeople ACC figures. Children under 12 should not play contact sport ; NZ Herald article 2019. Gregor Paul: Schoolboy rugby resets its moral compass - but is it enough? NZ Rugby's message to unions after North Harbour cans junior rep rugby.

New Zealand Rugby has sent a strong message to its provincial unions and franchises, saying it sees little value in representative rugby at under-14 level and below.

NZ Rugby's message to unions after North Harbour cans junior rep rugby

In a document sent to provincial, school, regional and Super Rugby bosses, the national body outlined its position on the merits of age-group rugby. Pro dreams not just a school of thought. Gregor Paul: Targeted, deliberate, cynical - How St Kentigern College pushed things too far. Rugby: All Blacks star Rieko Ioane weighs in on St Kentigern College boycott. Rieko Ioane has added his opinion to the boycott of St Kentigern College's first XV, saying to be the best you've got to beat the best.

Rugby: All Blacks star Rieko Ioane weighs in on St Kentigern College boycott

Ioane, who played his high school rugby for Auckland Grammar, addressed the issue on Instagram, saying running from competition was not the answer. "I've seen it all now. Just because they recruit doesn't mean you pull (the) plug. Don't run from the competition. Rugby: St Kentigern College hits back with stunning claim after being effectively kicked out of top competition. Ten Auckland principals have agreed to boycott major private school Saint Kentigern College in the city's premier rugby competition.

The Saint Kentigern College rugby team Photo: PhotoSport A series of letters signed by the principals beginning at the start of November outline concerns about Saint Kentigern's approach to recruiting players from other school's first XVs. In a letter to the Head of Saint Kentigern David Hodge, they said he would already be aware that the competition had been a topic of discussion. "The discussion has rarely centred on the development of the sport, or the welfare of the players, but rather on the establishment and continual review of rules to stem the flow of what is euphemistically referred to as player recruitment. After a meeting was held on Monday 19 November, at which Saint Kentigern College's 1st XV Coach was present, the principals wrote again to the college stating their concerns had been further entrenched.

St Kentigern First XV rugby team boycotted. 'Forgotten' young netballers withdraw from club after being 'sideswiped' at awards ceremony. Last updated 20:52, September 5 2017 Katie Sylvester, the Seahawks' coach of two years, says the team were essentially ignored by the Silverdale United Rugby and Sports Club all season.

'Forgotten' young netballers withdraw from club after being 'sideswiped' at awards ceremony

A team of 12- and 13-year-old netballers are pulling out of their local Auckland sports club after being made to feel "forgotten" at its annual awards ceremony. Girls of the Seahawks netball team – which belongs to the Silverdale United Rugby and Sports Club – say they got "sideswiped" by male-dominated rugby teams at the event on Friday evening. Were you at the awards? Email us at The Silverdale United Rugby and Sports Club held an awards night for all of its teams on Friday evening. Their coach Katie Sylvester described the ceremony as "a big kick in the guts after all the work those girls put into their sport". The acknowledgement her team received was in stark contrast to the praise and standing ovations rugby players got, she said.

College Sport says it won't budge over girl playing in boys' team. Last updated 15:14, August 26 2018 Caption Settings Dialog Beginning of dialog window.

College Sport says it won't budge over girl playing in boys' team

Escape will cancel and close the window. This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. Modern teens less fit than parents at same age - study. A study has found teenagers are less fit and weigh more than their parents did at their age. Photo: 123RF The findings were part of the long-term University of Otago's Dunedin Study which has surveyed health for more than 40 years.

KID sports INc part 2. KID sports INc part 1.