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Building a system for understanding future news events - Follow The Story Arc. Le Web13 : les 4 critères d’un bon web entrepreneur. The Muckraker. In 2012, tech journalists Bobbie Johnson and Jim Giles raised over $140,000 on crowdfunding site Kickstarter for their new publication, Matter. The idea was simple: a digital publishing house that produced in-depth, investigative stories about science and technology (think Kindle Singles and you have an idea of what Matter stories look like). Their business model – charging readers 99¢ per story – was deemed revolutionary in an age where content is given away for free and paywalls are sneered at.

Since then, they’ve been acquired - and recently announced that they’re dropping the paywall. The announcement seemed to induce some panic on Twitter, with paywall devotees being particularly critical. Lyra: Surprisingly, you guys seemed to get a lot of aggression on Twitter in response to your decision to drop the paywall, with people saying you were only doing it because the paywall “didn’t work”.

Bobbie: We got lots more support from readers than aggression. Bobbie: Of course. Et TDF lancent l'appli NewsMatch | Leankr - Make your second screen app captivatingLeankr – Make your second screen app captivating. L’application NewsMatch propose en temps réel des articles d’actualité en lien avec l’émission que vous êtes en train de regarder à la TV (journaux télévisés, talk shows, débats politiques..). L’application disponible sur l’App Store utilise la plateforme RedBox de Leankr (TV Augmentée) et la technologie SynchroScreen (reconnaissance de la chaîne regardé) de TDF.

Article La Tribune Télécharger l’application pour iPad et iPhone About admin newsmatch , second screen , tdf. Goodbye Memes, Hello Quality Articles & News: What Facebook's News Feed Changes Mean For Admins. Yesterday, Facebook announced changes to the News Feed that will show related articles, posts with recent comments, and better quality news and articles. While the related articles piece and comment highlighting may have garnered the most attention in the update, they weren’t the most important change.

The biggest element of the announcement for marketers is the fact that Facebook will now be putting “More relevant articles in the feed.” This means that Facebook users will see more, well, news in their News Feed and fewer images and memes. This comes as a complete 180 to much of the image marketing posts that were highly touted just last year. This Has Been In The Works For Awhile Now In case you haven’t been following Facebook’s changes that closely, a big change came 3.5 months ago when they added more prominence to the way that Link posts were displayed in the News Feed. The image with linked description was clearly poor form and something that Facebook needed to fix.

Google News pushes into mobile with new redesign. For many people, Google News is the page of choice for a quick sweep of the headlines. Today, with an eye towards the increasing number of readers coming to Google News on mobile devices, Google released a new look for the more than 10 year old site. “Over that time period, consumption patterns have changed. What people expect from news has changed,” says Mayuresh Saoji, product manager for Google News. The new web app, which uses the increasingly popular card navigation to chunk information, is focused on enhancing personalization while making the user experience consistent across platforms.

For example, “gadgets” which previously existed only on the desktop version, like weather and Editor’s Picks, will now appear on mobile. That said, while videos are available on the desktop version, for now they won’t be on mobile. “We’re still in two minds about whether to bring that to the smart phone. In addition, personalization will also be more consistent. . — Caroline O'Donovan. Where in the world is BuzzFeed? Building foreign news around themes rather than geography. When BuzzFeed launched BuzzFeed World, an ambitious foreign news vertical, not everyone thought they were up to the task: That link, which is broken, is supposed to take you to a story written by Max Seddon, BuzzFeed’s foreign correspondent in the Ukraine. Seddon was hired by Miriam Elder, who herself spent seven years in Russia before making the move to New York to run BuzzFeed’s world desk. I asked Elder how she would respond to naysayers like Morozov (who, to be fair, has many nays to say).

“If that’s what someone thinks our entire foreign coverage is, that just means they haven’t been looking at what we’ve been producing,” she says. Elder wasn’t always sure BuzzFeed’s unique blend of what she calls “the fun side” and serious journalism was for her. “Nobody wants to see these foreign desks closing; it was incredibly difficult for me, personally, in Moscow, going to the closing party for the Newsweek bureau or something. Elder’s next hire was Lester Feder. VICE News: Coming 2014 (Trailer) Does Upworthy prove media outlets are hurting themselves by publishing so much content? Two years ago, Upworthy didn't exist. Today, it gets more than 80 million unique visitors every month. That dwarfs traditional media outlets like The Washington Post and The New York Times. Upworthy isn't the first newcomer to post impressive traffic numbers. Yahoo, Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post all rack up eye-popping totals.

In November 2013, the Huffington Post published more than 18,000 articles. Upworthy posted 250 pieces of content. Prior to Upworthy the model for success online was to use fewer people than traditional news outlets do to create and curate much more content. "Our top curators comb through hundreds of videos and graphics a week, looking for the 5-7 that they’re confident are super-shareable," Upworthy explains. One reason Upworthy limits the content it unleashes is that they're focused on traffic from Facebook, and Facebook limits the amount of content a publisher can profitably post.

Or so goes the theory. I'd like to to have an answer to these questions. Subreddit Announcement: Nature Partnership with Journalists and Editors : science. Apple’s vision of the future — Tech Talk. If you have been following Apple for a bit you would know that they aren’t too fond of NFC technology … and if you haven't been following Apple, well, they aren't too fond of NFC. In the event that you don’t know what NFC is I’ll quickly elaborate. NFC stands for Near Field Communication. Essentially NFC allows you transfer/send information, such as files, images, settings, etc. to another NFC chip/device just by placing the two on top of each other.

These chips can be put in phones, speakers, computers, and just about anything where you can fit a no power chip. You may recognize the use of NFC from sharing photos on Android by putting two devices together to share a picture or by select stores that support Google Wallet which allows you to pay just by tapping your phone to the store’s POS terminal. By now you’re either wondering why Apple won’t implement NFC into any of their products or you know what I’m about to mention next. iBeacons.

What are iBeacons? Pierre Omidyar’s new media venture now has a name, $50M in funding and an interesting corporate structure. Not surprisingly — since it involves a billionaire spending $250 million on a brand new media venture with NSA leak architect Glenn Greenwald at the helm — there has been intense speculation about every aspect of eBay founder Pierre Omidyar’s new entity since the news broke in October. On Thursday, the world got a small peek behind the curtain at some details about the venture.

The new entity is being called First Look Media, and it has received its first round of funding from Omidyar to the tune of $50 million, and is setting up offices in New York, Washington D.C. and San Francisco. The news came via a press release from Omidyar Group and a blog post from advisor Jay Rosen. Two arms: One for profit and one non-profit The new venture has an interesting structure, in that First Look Media will consist of two legal entities: one is a for-profit company whose goal will be to “develop new media technology,” and the other is a non-profit corporation that will pursue independent journalism.

[Flipboard] Son CEO Mike McCue dévoile la version française. Sorte de magazine digital, Flipboard est une application qui agrège les contenus et les met en scène comme une revue de presse. Disponible sur iPad et iPhone, Flipboard récupère les flux RSS de vos sites favoris, et, depuis peu, des fils twitter et publications Facebook. Lors de la dernière édition de Le Web en 2011, Flipboard avait fait plusieurs annonces : d’abord la sortie de l’application iPhone, et un partenariat hautement stratégique avec les chinois Sina et Renren grâce auxquels Flipboard a lancé son édition chinoise. Aujourd’hui, le spécialiste de la curation des médias sociaux lance une version française . La France est, depuis la création du magazine social, dans le top 10 des téléchargements. Les heureux propriétaires de tablettes iPad et iPhone pourront désormais feuilleter les pages des sites de presse, avec l’entrée de Grazia dans le « catalogue » des publishers francophones.

La start-up américaine, fondée en 2008 par Mike McCue, avait levé 60M de $ en 2011. Flipboard says that it really wants to help publishers, not take advantage of them. There’s been a kind of lingering tension between online publishers and Flipboard ever since the service first launched in 2010, but that tension broke into the open last week, after Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall said that he thought Flipboard and similar services were a “scam” against publishers — and that he would no longer be putting the full version of his content on those platforms. Marshall’s views about the relative merits of playing ball with such services seemed to strike a chord in the online media business, judging by some of the comments on Twitter and in the comment section of the post I wrote about it — although he has somewhat tempered his views about the “scam” aspect of these services in an update he posted after speaking with Flipboard founder Mike McCue.

“I do think these services, as they currently exist, are bad for publishers. There’s a good Flipboard and a bad Flipboard A potential solution to freefalling ad revenue. Flipboard 2.0 attire 3 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs. Le nombre total d’utilisateurs de Flipboard atteint 53 millions depuis son lancement en 2008. Flipboard, l’ application de social news permettant d’agréger et de hiérarchiser différents flux RSS, Twitter ou Facebook sur une interface design, à la différence du futur feu Google Reader, avait embrassé le virage social il y a deux semaines au travers de sa dernière mise à jour.

Flipboard 2.0 permet en effet à ses utilisateurs de créer et partager leurs propres magazines numériques, à la manière de ou Depuis, c’est près de 500 000 magazines personnels qui ont été créés, dont 100 000 dès le premier jour du lancement de cette nouvelle fonctionnalité. Flipboard est ainsi passée en deux semaines de 50 à 53 millions d’utilisateurs et agrège aujourd’hui 6 milliards de pages . 50% des utilisateurs de cette nouvelle version consultent le site tous les jours. Des magazines comme Esquire, The Verge ou National Geographic ont même développé leurs propres contenus…

Are Flipboard and Currents marketing partners or scams that take advantage of publishers? Brief me, le Flipboard à la française. La start-up Webwag vient de lancer « Brief me », un nouveau lecteur de médias et de réseaux sociaux. L’application permet de récupérer les flux auxquels vous êtes abonné (Facebook, Twitter, Google Redear) afin de les mouliner pour les présenter sur une interface cohérente et unifiée. Une recherche Google permet à l’utilisateur d’ajouter instantanément n’importe quelle source. Brief me s’apparente donc largement au service proposé par Flipboard. Toutefois, selon ses co-fondateurs quelques différences notoires sont à relever:

Track180 Wants to Bring You News You Haven't Already Seen. Curating content to feed the hearty appetites of the news-obsessed is a tall order. Readers demand high quality stories that both inform and entertain. Now, a new news app for the iPad is offering an in-depth look at some overlooked topics in a visually rich formula. It's called Track180, it debuts on the iTunes store today, and it may just be a hit with both consumers and third party publishers.

Instead of repurposing the news like Circa or Flipboard, Track180 sends users directly to the site that sources the content, which doesn't rob sites of one of the most valuable commodity of the era: Pageviews. The interface of the app is an in-depth topic exploration with curated content from a team of journalists experienced and trained to contextualize crucial stories. So users get rich multimedia content, multiple sources and perspectives, and a "ripple effect" tool that lets readers explore a given story's impact across topics and social channels. Image Courtesy of Track180. Zite CEO Mark Johnson: 'Our relationship with publishers is critically important' Zite, a personalized news reading app for the iPad and iPhone, has made news on a couple of fronts over the last month. The San Francisco-based subsidiary of media giant CNN recently expanded the service beyond Apple and is now available for Android devices.

And earlier this month, Zite launched its first publisher program, which gives publishers their own sections on Zite. The news helped settle a firestorm with publishers who had sent the company cease-and-desist letters because the Zite app presented their content, but none of their ads or branding. Launch partners announced April 4 included: Bleacher Report, CNN, The Daily Beast, FOX Sports, HLNtv, The Huffington Post, Motley Fool, The Next Web and VentureBeat. TabTimes recently spoke to CEO Mark Johnson on where Zite is headed, what the competitive landscape looks like, and what the prospects for its partners are, as well as publishers in general.

You originally targeted the iPad with Zite. Zite is intimately linked to the iPad. Youmag, le magazine personnalisé français qui monte... Lorsqu’on parle de “magazine personnalisé”, on pense inévitablement à Flipboard. Un acteur Français, Youmag arrive sur ce créneau, avec un concept différent, et prometteur... Le concept de magazine social est un succès. Le principe est simple : vous choisissez un ensemble de sites ou de centres d'intérêt dans une liste préétablie.

Moteur de recherche, flux RSS, connexion à Google Reader, connexion aux réseaux sociaux... chaque acteur a ses recettes pour proposer un contenu personnalisé. En général, une application parfaitement adaptée aux tablettes remet en pages les articles dans et propose une expérience de navigation moderne et très agréable. Elle se met à jour en permanence en fonction des mises à jour des différents sites concernés. Un véritable flux d’informations correspondant à vos centres d’intérêt est ainsi disponible en permanence. Youmag : le magazine social version Française Autre différence : Youmag s'organise par sujet et non par source. L'application Youmag. Applications de social news: Zite ou Flipboard? Foundation: Matt Galligan On The Next Phase Of Circa. At Circa, it’s not about ‘chunkifying’ news but adding structure. Erik Martin of Reddit on Building Communities and Breaking News. Reddit’s crowdsourced media is a lot like the regular kind — good at some things, not so good at others.

Média en ligne : Buzzfeed révèle sa recette gagnante. INSIGHT - 5 Reasons Vice And BuzzFeed Are The New Face Of Journalism. Upworthy has a recipe for chocolate-covered news broccoli that actually tastes delicious. Upworthy, une information insolite sans journalistes. 6 leçons à tirer d'Upworthy, le média phénomène que tout journaliste devrait connaître - La social NewsRoom.

Media - NowThisNews : le journalisme pour les réseaux sociaux. Medium beefs up its design and also expands on editorial curation features. New York Times launches new digital ventures | Media. New York Times brings print edition to tablets and computers with Today's Paper web app. Does new Web app bring New York Times a step closer to abandoning native apps? 5 tips on designing digital magazines. 6 product development lessons from how the Financial Times built fastFT. Interview de Marc Rougier ( : La Curation, une opportunité de Brand Content. Six digital publishing startups to watch. Dix points à retenir de la #CNMJ, Google et Quartz fêtent leur anniversaire, les journalistes en France… La semaine. Former Facebook editor launches Beacon, a platform that pays journalists. Presse US : tour d’horizon des dernières innovations numériques. Is Quartz the Very Model of a Modern Publisher? 'Quartz' Passes 'The Economist' in U.S. Web Traffic.

Quartz publisher targets 2015 profitability with native ads and open w. How Long Play hopes to shake-up Finnish media with e-singles. The Guardian experiments with a robot-generated newspaper with The Long Good Read. A crowdfunded Dutch site goes from concept to reality. Lessons from journalism startup Matter: Paywalls make growing readership difficult. How we turned a world record in journalism crowd-funding into an actual publication — De Correspondent. This online journalism startup raised $1.7M in crowdfunding and you’ve never heard of it. Les médias lents nous sauveront-ils de l'infobésité ? Entretien avec Xavier Delacroix, fondateur d'Au Fait. Google lance une application mobile d'information. Is Google Play Newsstand a viable alternative to standalone Android apps? Google Newsstand: What do magazine publishers think? How The New York Times is Acquiring Subscribers Through Google Play Newsstand.

World of Print: News. Google Play Newsstand: The way to unlock Android or just a new headache? Take that, Cupertino! Google undercuts Apple’s subscription plan with a cheaper one of its own. What Apple’s new subscription policy means for news: new rules, new incentives, new complaints. Microsoft Word - NAA RFI - Google Response.doc - Google.pdf. Lagardère Active rejoint le kiosque Apple. Third time’s the charm: Will the new Potluck app be the best commenting section in news?

Paper, l'appli de Facebook qui avale et digère l'actu. Facebook Is Seeking “Editors” for News App. Journalists can now send push alerts using's Broadcast. Pierre Omidyar and Glenn Greenwald's newsroom – the business model | Technology. The newsonomics of why everyone seems to be starting a news site. Worldcrunch wants to be the Internet’s Rosetta Stone for news.

Worldcrunch Impact, solutions without borders by Worldcrunch. Featured Publisher: Worldcrunch — Tinypass. Jeff Israely: Entertain or inform? Save readers’ time or spend it? “I see this as the next CNN”: Jason Calacanis’ aims to solve news on mobile devices. The Dutch revolution in journalism: all newspapers behind one paydike. — Changing Journalism.

An iTunes for news? Blendle says it has built one, but the history of such efforts isn’t encouraging. eLinea to Launch All-You-Can-Read News Subscription Service in September 2013 - The Digital Reader. The Newsonomics of Three Cracks at the Mobile News Puzzle: Circa, NRCQ & News Republic. New News App Lets Readers Subcribe to Individual Writers - The Digital Reader. Ongo. New York Times launches cut-price NYT Opinion app | Media. The Washington Post partner program signs on nearly 100 newspapers. NewsMap- a long-term way of processing news stories | Future of News and Participatory Media. How good is your health journalism? by Ali and Julia | Future of News and Participatory Media. Final project proposal: FOLD | Future of News and Participatory Media. Expert Sources (seeking coding partner) | Future of News and Participatory Media.

17 projects receive funding through Knight Prototype Fund. Newstapes évolue vers le mobile. The New York Times shouldn't get distracted by its innovation report | Media Network | Guardian Professional. LeKiosk se refait une appli. How Niuzly wants to put control into the hands of journalists. Google Play Kiosque se lance en France, High tech. How we turned a world record in journalism crowd-funding into an actual publication — De Correspondent. Trove Is a Treasure for News Junkies. “I see this as the next CNN”: Jason Calacanis’ aims to solve news on mobile devices.

The news curation game gets another entrant as the WaPo’s former owner relaunches Trove. 7 Twitter Accounts for Outstanding Longreads. Developer APIs. The short story of Longreads, according to founder Mark Armstrong. Blog de Marie-Catherine Beuth.