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Volunia - Una differente esperienza del web. What Matters to You Now - xMatters, inc. Google perde l'esclusiva della sua 'formula magica' Quest'anno scade l'accordo tra Mountain View e l'università di Stanford per l'utilizzo di Pagerank, l'algoritmo alla base del motore di ricerca.

Google perde l'esclusiva della sua 'formula magica'

Ma i tempi sono cambiati e non è detto che ci sia qualcun altro interessato a sfruttarne la potenza. Ecco la storia di una formula che ha cambiato la tecnologia per sempre di ALESSIO SGHERZA POTREMMO considerarlo un simbolo, una prova che un’epoca è finita, se qualcuno avesse ancora dubbi. Quest’anno scade infatti la licenza esclusiva di Google per l’utilizzo di Pagerank, l’algoritmo - o forse dovremmo chiamarla ‘formula magica’ - che ha rivoluzionato la ricerca delle pagine internet, un business su cui Big G ha costruito il suo impero. Compfight / A Flickr Search Tool.

Your intuitive search assistant. Quixey - Find apps that do what you want. Tag Galaxy. SpaceTime 3D. Web : Keeping Your Eye on the Search. Given the importance of visual elements in elearning, it’s interesting to note that many instructional designers rely heavily on text-based research at the outset of a project and then consider visual elements when the text-based content has been developed.

Keeping Your Eye on the Search

However, conducting text-based searches in parallel with media searches can allow you to find information and discern patterns that you might have missed with a traditional approach. Expanding your search engine horizons In addition to searching the image and video collections of standard search engines, like Google and Bing, there are a number of search engines that create different visual outputs of a search. These can help you broaden your outlook on any given research topic. ViewziViewzi gives you the option to view your search results in a number of different formats including: and many more.

RedZ A RedZ search allows you to pan through a gallery of web screenshots, if you’re in Web view, to find relevant content. Spacetime 3D. Design. Designing, design n. the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); "he contributed to the design of a new instrument" design n. a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something; "the design of a building" plan, design n. an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests" pattern, design, blueprint.


Images from Bing. Slashtag search. True Knowledge - the internet answer engine. Dalle calcolatrici ai vocabolari trucchi e segreti dentro Google. Dietro l'interfaccia pulita e immutabile, il motore di ricerca nasconde una serie di funzioni spesso note solo agli utenti più esperti.

Dalle calcolatrici ai vocabolari trucchi e segreti dentro Google

Ecco tutti gli stratagemmi da conoscere, e le sorprese nascoste nell'algoritmo di MAURO MUNAFO' UNA CASELLA bianca in cui scrivere con la tastiera, e la ricerca in rete parte in automatico, ormai senza neppure il bisogno di premere invio. Google è una delle cose più semplici da usare su internet. Eppure, nonostante il sito sembri sempre uguale a se stesso, dietro l'apparente staticità sono state introdotte negli anni decine di opzioni per agevolare la ricerca, che si attivano senza neanche accorgersene o utilizzando degli speciali codici.

What I Want in My New Google. I sent my first e-mail message in 1995, to a member of my development team.

What I Want in My New Google

That was the only person I knew who had an e-mail address in those days. I also did my first web search around that time. I think I used Lycos for this. I entered some keywords into a text box, separated by Boolean operators, and received a list of web pages that I could click on that referenced these words. Sixteen years has passed. But what has really changed in search?

I had hoped to put Google and Bing on the spot at the recent BigThink conference by challenging them to fix the spam problem; perhaps to follow Blekko’s bold lead in blacklisting the leading polluters. In the hope that I don’t have to wait another 16 years to see advancements in search, I’ll share my views on where it needs to go. Discover the Best of the Web. - A New Search Engine Surfaces. Bing Again is a new search engine that does something quite interesting for a change: it can look at the popularity of any given concept on Facebook in order to determine how high or low results should be positioned. - A New Search Engine Surfaces

That makes some sense, if you think about it. Right now, the popularity of content on Facebook can be easily determined by looking at how many times any item has been liked. If people like something, then that must be because it holds some transcendence. Additionally, all the main search categories (IE, Web, Videos, Images and News) become accessible at once when using Bing Again. So, summing up: Bing Again mashes up Bing and Facebook. In Their Own Words. Bing Again! Website Analysis & Internet Marketing. Products: Google Browser. Use this free Java application to explore the connections between related websites.

Products: Google Browser

Try it now! Enter keywords or a URL, and click 'Graph it! ' See Getting Started below for more details. Getting Started Make sure you have the latest version of java, at least Java 1.5 Type in your search keywords or a URL, and press "Graph It! " Boolify Project: An Educational Boolean Web Search Tool. Project Emporia. OVO. Reverse Email Search.