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Building Scalable Mapping & GIS Apps with Web Services. Introduction With the emergence of popular online mapping applications over the past few years, more businesses are seeing a need to build mapping and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) functionality into their own custom applications. While online services like Google Maps & Virtual Earth work well in some cases, many times programmers need more control over the map data, map rendering, GIS capabilities, security and overall architecture. In this article, I will show you how to build a scalable mapping application utilizing a web service and how to consume the web service from a client application. Getting Started Typically, when I get ready to build a new mapping application, I take a look at how the application will be used and try to break the map data into two separate categories: Base Map – The base map is made up of the relatively static map data that you always want to show.

The Web Service Global.asax Code MapService.asmx Code The Client Application Default.aspx Code Summary Downloads. BatchGeo | Make Maps Fast, Interactive Locators. Discussions - Google Maps EZ. HOW TO: Embedded Google Maps. It seems like someone releases another cool use for Google Maps every week. You have likely seen the ever popular Frappr service, based off of Google Maps. After Google Released the API for their popular Google Maps service, integrating maps into your site could never be easier. This article shows you how to embed a customized Google Map into your website or blog.

Update 1-16-2011: This post is very old. Google's Maps API now has excellent documentation for getting started. Before you do anything, as with most API-based web services, you will need to attain an API key before you are able to use the service. Head over to this Google Maps page to sign up for an API key. You then need to download the gmapez.js file from this website and host it somewhere on your website. Below is the code you will need to put in that html file; a few things will need to be changed so keep on reading. This is the basic skeleton of code needed to get a Google Map running on your site. Adding Info Bubbles. Maps JavaScript API V2 Overlays - Google Maps JavaScript API V2 - Google Code. Version 2 of the JavaScript API has been turned down Warning: Version 2 of the Google Maps JavaScript API is no longer available. Please follow the guide to migrate your code to version 3 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. As of November 19, 2013, all applications requesting v2 are served a special, wrapped version of the v3 API instead.

We expect this wrapped version of the API to work for most simple maps, but we strongly encourage you to migrate to the v3 API immediately. Overlays are objects on the map that are tied to latitude/longitude coordinates, so they move when you drag or zoom the map. Overlays reflect objects that you "add" to the map to designate points, lines, or areas. The Maps API has several types of overlays: Points on the map are displayed using markers, and often display a custom icon. Each overlay implements the GOverlay interface. Markers identify points on the map. Markers are designed to be interactive. Draggable Markers map.addOverlay(marker); Icons Custom Icons. USNG UTILITIES. The national grid will improve public safety, commerce, and aid the casual GPS user with an easy to use geoaddress system for identifying and determining location with the help of a USNG gridded map and/or a USNG enabled GPS system.

Although the USNG can provide for what ever level of precision desired, users may prefer to use the UTM format for applications requiring precision greater than 1 meter. How to read USNG coordinates. Grid Zone Designation. The U.S. geographic area is divided into 6-degree longitudinal zones designated by a number and 8-degree latitudinal bands designated by a letter. Each area is given a unique alpha-numeric Grid Zone Designator (GZD) (i.e. 18S). 100,000-meter Square Identification. Grid Coordinates A point position within the 100,000-meter square shall be given by the UTM grid coordinates in terms of its Easting (E) and Northing (N). Examples: 18SUJ20 - Locates a point with a precision of 10 km 18SUJ2306 - Locates a point with a precision of 1 km Download USNG. Welcome to the USGS - U.S. Geological Survey. Google Maps Without the Scripting. Posted by Tom Manshreck, Maps API Team If you're a regular reader of this blog, you probably already use the Google Maps API and love it as much as we do!

But you may find it not useful for certain cases: the Google Maps API requires JavaScript, can take a while to load over slow connections, and requires some overhead to maintain a dynamic website. The Google Static Maps API provides a simpler way to add maps to your website. Rather than use JavaScript, the Google Static Maps API creates map images on the fly via simple requests to the Static Maps service with HTTP requests. No JavaScript, no overhead. Just create a special URL as the src attribute within an <img> tag and let the Static Maps service create your image. To see how easy the Static Maps API is to use, note the image below: This image was created using the following simple <img> tag: (Note that you will need to replace the key parameter above with your own Maps API key. As always, please post questions in the Maps API forum.

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