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Archive for February 2013. For one reason or another, I forgot to post a few pieces that were completed and published during 2012. Of course it’d be ideal to post diligently, but sometimes projects and events line up in very odd ways. Nevertheless, here’s more work. The New York Times TextFyre The Work Style Magazine Skiing Magazine World Wildlife Fund. Beth Cavener Stichter - On Tender Hooks - Slideshow.

TheFourHumors December 1st through December 5th, 2010 with the Claire Oliver Gallery at Art Miami.. The Four Humors is a body of work spanning 2009-2010 which examines the history of scientifically categorizing human behavior, specifically the particular theory of (mis)understanding human psychology invented by the Ancient Greeks. As the Wikipedia entry describes: Sanguine - Too much blood - Passionate, Bold, impulsive Melancholic - Too much black bile - Depressed, anxious, moody Choleric - Too much yellow bile - Irritable, hostile, bitter Phlegmatic - Too much phlegm - Passive, introverted, rational I also want to add a deep and sincere thanks to my interns Jon Bashioum, Lyndsey Fryman, Mike Parsley, Sarah Moore, and Chasen Barry for all your awesome help on putting this show together.

Inquiries about available work Back to: Index Main Gallery. Beth Cavener Stichter - Home. February 2013 mix. Daft Punk. Off Kilter Art. In Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project - 12 videos. Escape Into Life. Nadirah zakariya | photographer. Japanese Girls Rent Their Thighs as Advertising Space. A good way to make sure your advertisement gets plenty of exposure is to place it where a lot of people are looking.

With this important marketing rule in mind, one Japanese advertising service is offering brands a novel way to raise awareness to their business – placing advertising stickers on the bare thighs of young girls. We’ve featured some pretty bizarre advertising techniques here, on Oddity Central. We’ve had people renting out their last names to the highest bidder, tattooing brand names on their faces, and even using animals as living billboards, But so far, women’s legs have been off limits. Well, not anymore; Japanese PR company Absolute Territory PR has begun paying young women to wear advertising stickers on their “absolute territory” – the part of their thighs between the edge of their miniskirts and their high socks.

Apparently this area of the female thigh is very popular with Japanese men, as evidenced by the fact that it even has its own Facebook page. Reddit Stumble. G i l l e s v i d a l - p h o t o g r a p h e. Untitled. Sketch of Voronoi. Amplifying Nature Through Design: Meet Super Nature. Living in a big city makes us either deeply long for nature, or forget about it completely. Shanghai-based design firm Super Nature has been bringing the concept of nature closer to city dwellers through their beautiful art installations. Their latest restrospective “The Scent of Light” featured not only some of our favorite interactive installations, like the scientific theory-inspired Lost In Pascal’s Triangle and PRISMA1666, but also a light installation created by hundreds of LED flowers, and a collection of natural specimens that illutrates how design and creative ideas often originate from the natural environment around us.

Recently, Super Nature was approached by tech giant Toshiba to create a unique interactive experience for their new product. Working with Great Works China, they combined wearable technology and Toshiba’s new tablet computer to create a human robot called “Tablet Man.” The Creators Project: Can you tell us more about how you developed the suit concept?