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Minilytics by Unified | Simple answers to complex questions about your Facebook Page & the News Feed. This hidden Facebook page feature is key to getting your content seen. By Steph Parker on Jul 24, 2012 By now, using Facebook Insights to gauge your page’s health is commonplace. But, relying solely on how many fans your page has, and how many likes your posts get can only tell you so much.

As a social media manager, you’re essentially in a relationship with your page. As a good mate, you have to know what your counterpart likes. You also have to know what they don’t like, and how you can turn those negatives into positives. It’s easier than it sounds, I promise. Uncovering Negative Feedback on Facebook Anyone familiar with Facebook Insights has probably exported data into spreadsheets before, at both a post level, and a page level.

In case you haven’t, go to the “Insights” section of your admin dashboard. From there, click “Export” and select “Post level data”, as well as the dates you’d like to analyze. Within the “Key Metrics” tab, you’ll see two things: Lifetime Negative Feedback Users, and Lifetime Negative Feedback from Users. Analyzing Your Work. Free Facebook Insights Analysis Tool. How to Analyze Facebook Insights to Improve Your Content Strategy [With Video!] Your Facebook business page is a haven for well-crafted status updates, photos, and links -- it's the ultimate content-sharing platform. But in order to understand which content you post is actually benefiting your business, you need to take the time to analyze your Facebook Insights (Facebook's proprietary business page analytics tool) to capitalize on what works and wave au revoir to what doesn't.

Trouble is, if you’ve ever exported data from Facebook Insights, you understand the overwhelming nature of what you receive. With multiple sheets and columns of never-ending data points, it can be hard to know what you're looking at, let alone what the data means! Many of the data points are repetitive and/or provide no way to improve your marketing. Let's get started! 1) Export With the Right Settings First, we need to export the data. 2A) Trim the Useless Fat As we mentioned before, Facebook provides you with an overwhelming amount of data. Now, let's trim all the excess fat. How to Analyze Facebook Insights to Improve Your Content Strategy [With Video!]

Google Analytics : 5 tableaux de bord optimisés à installer. Social Media Manager. 6 outils pour se passer de Facebook Insights : Quintly : déjà plus de 25 000 utilisateurs. Anciennement connu sous le nom d'AllFacebook Stats, Quintly est une solution allemande utilisée actuellement par plus de 25 000 utilisateurs. Si cet éditeur a tout juste élargi le spectre fonctionnel de son offre à Twitter, la version gratuite de sa solution (qui ne permet pas l'analyse de tweets) mérite d'être testée. Pourquoi ? Elle propose les mêmes fonctionnalités que les versions payantes, sachant que les différences se situent notamment au niveau du nombre d'utilisateurs, de la période d'analyse possible, ainsi que du support et de l'export Excel/CSV.

A noter également qu'une période de test gratuite de 14 jours est proposée (même pour la version L, la plus haut de gamme, à 399 dollars par mois) sans avoir besoin de saisir son numéro de carte bancaire. Audi, Adidas, Ketchum Pleon et Ubisoft font notamment partie de ses clients. Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics.

Connect with Faceook, sign in for free, and get unique, personalized information anad analysis on your social data-computed by Wolfram|Alpha Clustering of your friends What are the groups of friends that make up your network? How do these groups relate to each other? Where in the world are your friends? Where do your friends live? Where are their hometowns? Who comes from which countries? Your network's global reach Who lives farthest from you? How popular are your friends? How many friends do your friends have? What do you talk about on Facebook? The bigger the word, the more often it's used in your conversations. When do you use Facebook? When are you most active? Where are your friends at in life? Do your friends' ages reflect what kinds of relationships they're in? Explore the structure of your friend network How do your friends connect you to your other friends?

Who plays the special roles in your network? How are your friends tied together? Your most popular photos. Analyze your Facebook page | Likealyzer. Quintly | Track And Benchmark Your Facebook Pages And Twitter Profiles. Tigerlily, Stand out on the social web. Facebook Page Apps, Statistics, Management and CRM - agorapulse. About Page Karma. Today, Facebook has over 4,600,000, 25,000,000 and 57,000,000 active users respectively in Belgium, France and Brazil. Each day, 66% of them connect to Facebook. Many brands believe in Facebook’s ability to grow brand awareness and increase customer dialogue, in conjunction with other marketing efforts. When owning a Facebook page, a brand quickly faces two challenges: Growing the fan base, in other words, defining and/or redefining a size objective;Engaging the fan base, namely getting maximal visibility for the content – posts – and an active engagement of the audience through actions such as likes, comments, and shares.

Till now, no tool can precisely measure the dynamic of Facebook pages and, more generally, of Facebook users. Facebook itself delivers little information about like rankings, comparisons, or insights on how the Facebook audience engages with pages. Today, the real challenge for a brand consists in the interaction with its fans, measured by the engagement score.