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SEO Doesn’t Have To Be A Shot In The Dark. To many startups, search engine optimization (SEO) is a task that sits on their company’s back burner.

SEO Doesn’t Have To Be A Shot In The Dark

With features to launch and customers to support, the idea of spending time fiddling with your title tags can seem like a fool’s errand. That’s especially true when there’s no guarantee that your hard work will result in a single additional visitor from Google. That’s one of the reasons that a recent study ranked SEO as the third most important marketing priority for startups (behind social media and content marketing). Why do startups tend to shy away from SEO? From working with dozens of startups, I’ve found that founders hate the uncertainty that comes from SEO. Yes, there’s an element of uncertainty with SEO (after all, Google doesn’t publicly reveal the factors they use to rank websites). Backlinks, content and page speed are key Backlinko recently teamed up with a handful of SEO software companies to evaluate the factors that are most important for success with SEO today.

How to master Slack at your office. I'm a Slack convert.

How to master Slack at your office

Slack is my best friend. OK, not quite, though I'm entirely open to the idea that Slackbot is sentient. Forbes Welcome. What Marc Andreessen and Ron Conway teach Stanford students about raising money (in 4 quotes) Stanford University continues its overcrowded class in building super-successful startups, and every week, noted investor Sam Altman brings in local business celebrities to distill the secrets of Silicon Valley.

What Marc Andreessen and Ron Conway teach Stanford students about raising money (in 4 quotes)

Most recently, he gathered Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, SV Angel patron Ron Conway, and Zenefits founder, Parker Conrad, to talk about what they look for in an investment. We have the full 50-minute lecture, below. And below that, four quotes that stood out as worthy of attention: “So the big thing that we’re looking for, no matter which sort of particular criteria we talked about, [is] they all have the characteristics that you are looking for the extreme outlier.” – Andreessen. Design Is Changing How We Innovate. Yves Béhar 'Secure was Our First Criterion' Yves Béhar Cofounder, August; founder and principal, Fuseproject August Smart Lock.

Design Is Changing How We Innovate

7 Essentials of Marketing Analytics - Beginners Guide for Growth Hackers. Recently I was asked by a friend who wanted to learn more about how to use data and tools in their marketing analytics.

7 Essentials of Marketing Analytics - Beginners Guide for Growth Hackers

Here are the key things I told him to get to started with data-driven marketing analytics. 1. Researchers build pattern-recognition model that acts like a human. A trio of MIT researchers has developed a machine learning model that might help humans make better sense of big data by helping us make better sense of the patterns it discovers.

Researchers build pattern-recognition model that acts like a human

Its creators call it the Bayesian Case Model, but a simpler description might be the example-creator. The thinking behind the research is that humans tend to think about things and make decisions based on previous experiences or examples we’ve seen. Children, for example, might overhear just a few words of their parents’ conversation and know they’re talking about summer camp because they went last year and they know that words like “month,” “lake” and “counselors” are primarily used together only in that context. If, however, we have limited or no experience in a particular field, a little help might be necessary — which is where the Bayesian Case Model comes into play.

The approach should work with more difficult types of data in more specialized fields, as well. The full MIT paper is available here. Is An IKEA Run By Robots. Custom furniture is hard. Is An IKEA Run By Robots

Either you’re talking about something high-end with all sorts of frippery or something deliriously low-end like a countertop. What about the middle? The folks at, a Polish furniture manufacturer, are aiming for that interesting (and lucrative) market. First off, bear with me. The website is awful and the company has been around since 2008 as a sort of domain hijacking service that took over a number of popular Polish domains, the Polish equivalent of,, and the like. What Marc Andreessen and Ron Conway teach Stanford students about raising money (in 4 quotes) 10,000 apps later. Lessons learned. 10,000 Mobile Apps later and What we learned. tldr: We downloaded 10,000 mobile apps this year and we’re sharing insights on how we found them, examined them, lessons we learned about building apps, and a heuristic checklist for how not to screw up your own mobile app dev.

10,000 apps later. Lessons learned.

This year, Brian and I downloaded over 10,000 mobile apps. We learned a lot about building apps and basic do’s and don’t’s in the process. It was part of the main inspiration for building LinkTexting. These are simply ways to make your life a little easier along the way. The road to a truly high quality mobile app product is paved in the sweat, blood, and tears of engineering along with hundreds to thousands of hours of talking to users.

The mobile app marketplace is one of the most interesting ones Brian and I had ever set out to explore. 500+ new apps daily. Every day 500+ apps are released into the marketplace. We spent $1200 on mobile apps. A SCALING FRAMEWORK FOR NETWORK EFFECT PLATFORMS. One of the most common misconceptions about running a platform business is that it’s all straight and easy once the initial chicken and egg problem of getting both producers and consumers is solved.


Ironically, in an age where kicking off new platforms isn’t quite as difficult as it used to be, the most important platform management issues really come up once the platform starts working and delivering value. But let’s start this at the beginning: The original platform hassle Everyone loves a good network effect. The problem is often that it is quite difficult achieving it. Matteo Achilli The Italian Zuckerberg. 6 Ways a Leader Should Show Up. How a leader shows up is everything. Tired after a rough night sleep? People don’t care. Having a rough hair day? Oh well. Here's how to hacker-proof your app in 5 steps. As reports of companies suffering data breaches continue to roll in with alarming frequency, concern about data security has moved beyond the realm of IT pros and into the mainstream.

Here's how to hacker-proof your app in 5 steps

Security breaches at a wide range of companies, from brick-and-mortar institutions like Target, which allowed hackers to access data on as many as 100 million customers in December, to web-based platforms like Kickstarter, whose site was breached in February, have shown that no organization is beyond reach the reach of persistent attackers. While each company faces different security challenges, there are several specific measures that web-based application providers should take in order to keep customer data safe.

Enterprises that provide web-based applications should take a broad approach to securing sensitive company information, ensuring that the data is protected from all possible attack angles. The problem with data journalism. The recent boom in “data-driven” journalism projects is exciting. It can elevate our knowledge, enliven statistics, and make us all more numerate. But I worry that data give commentary a false sense of authority since data analysis is inherently prone to bias. The author’s priors, what he believes or wants to be true before looking at the data, often taint results that might appear pure and scientific. Even data-backed journalism is opinion journalism. So as we embark on this new wave of journalism, we should be aware of what we are getting and what we should trust.

What To Do 15 Minutes Before A Presentation. How To Answer The ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Interview Question. Don’t be afraid of this question; instead use it as an opportunity to position yourself for success. When I was a human resources executive doing hiring interviews, I almost always began my interviews with candidates by requesting, “Tell me about yourself.” I did that for a number of reasons, the most important of which was to see how the candidates handled themselves in an unstructured situation. I wanted to see how articulate they were, how confident they were and generally what type of impression they would make on the people with whom they came into contact on the job. Define Stronger A/B Test Variations Through UX Research.

104863_CalBar_BLN.indd - bln_notes_article.pdf. SaaS Metrics - A Guide to Measuring and Improving What Matters. This blog post looks at the high level goals of a SaaS business and drills down layer by layer to expose the key metrics that will help drive success. Mitch's Blog. How London's Subway Map Is Helping Hold Investment Banking Accountable. When Harry Beck designed the now-classic London Underground map in 1931, he surely had no idea that it would someday be used to help banks make woolly regulatory information easier to decipher.

But this year, Beck’s map did just that. The design firm Electronic Ink, which specializes in business systems, used the familiar Tube map as a model for a flowchart that illustrates a new federally mandated approval process for financial products. Financial information is complex and boring. John Zeratsky: Understanding Entrepreneurial Design - The Accelerators. Guide to research. Research provides the inspiration, guidance, and validation we need to design great products. From Google Ventures: 5 Rules For Writing Great Interface Copy. For many technology companies, design is mysterious. What the 'Bitcoin Bug' Means: A Guide to Transaction Malleability. 7 reasons you need to learn reactive programming NOW. Equity and fund investments. Stimulating equity & fund investment We stimulate and catalyse private capital through investment in equity and funds.

Bargaining power of buyers. The presence of powerful buyers reduces the profit potential in an industry. Buyers increase competition within an industry by forcing down prices, bargaining for improved quality or more services, and playing competitors against each other. The result is diminished industry profitability. How To Keep Your Team And Make Your Startup Acquisition Succeed. Growing up: How OpenStack could become the go-to choice for private and public clouds. Last week’s OpenStack: Breaking into the Enterprise event made one thing clear: the battle for the public cloud is just beginning, and enterprises are starting to see open-source cloud software OpenStack as a worthy challenger. Compare Economic Data for over 120 Countries CEIC.

P - CBJ Article.pdf. Online Form Builder with Cloud Storage Database. All-in-One Recruiting Software. VC Pitches In A Year Or Two. Entrepreneur: I plan to launch a better streaming music service. It leverages the data on what you and your friends currently listen to, combines that with the schedule of new music launches and acts that are touring in your city in the coming months and creates playlists of music that you should be listening to in order to find new acts to listen to and go see live.

VC: Well since Spotify, Beats, and Apple have paid all the telcos so that their services are free on the mobile networks, we are concerned that new music services like yours will have a hard time getting new users to use them because the data plan is so expensive. The Disco Blog. Turn Moments Into Games. Culture : Sequoia Capital : US. Neuroscience Research, Gatsby Charitable Foundation Read India, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation Linked Learning, James Irvine Foundation. Culture : Sequoia Capital : US. Fases. This 22-Year-Old Just Landed $25 Million for a Secret App. Secondary Markets: Increasing the Velocity of Liquidity for Angel InvestorsAngel Resource Institute. About First Round Capital. Pre-money valuation. What I’ve Learned in My First Month as a VC — Lessons Learned. II. The Best Approach to the Worst Conversation: "You're Fired"

Buffer Open. Bay Area BizTalk. The product design sprint: a five-day recipe for startups. The product design sprint: prototype (day 4) User Interface Design Libraries for Keynote, PowerPoint and OpenOffice. 6 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Market Research. How To Create An Open Office That Is More Awesome For Both Introverts And Extroverts. Why Some Communities Foster More Entrepreneurs Than Others - Richard Florida. API management —Any way you want it! Index Ventures - Portfolio. Free Venture Capital Firm Business Plan. Join the online debate on the Single Market. What Is Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Lending? Introduction to Angel Investing. The Rise of Fat Venture Capital.

McKaskill-_Intro_to_Angel_Investing.pdf. Main Stage 2013 on Livestream. Mobile App Anti-Piracy and Free Mobile App Analytics. Flurry. KISSmetrics. Plans and Pricing. People. How The Most Productive People Grow Their Network While Still Getting It All Done. Advisory Board vs. Board of Directors. Explorersfest presentations. The IT triangle strategy for evaluating enterprise tech startups. The Appy-Side of iOS 7 - Over 1500 New APIs for Sharing, Scanning, Navigating and Playing - Tapstream Blog. 6 reasons journalism schools should teach students computer code. McKaskill-_Intro_to_Angel_Investing.pdf. Highest equity returns from early seed and angel investing. Angel Investor and Angel Fund Returns. Visual. Annual report on the business angel market in the United Kingdom: 2009/10 - 2011_0041_business_angel_report.pdf.

HUDOC Search Page. Why being a VC sucks. Advice to anyone who wants to get into venture capital. Whatsthetrick. Free Venture Capital Firm Business Plan. Business Angels. 4927S ITI Equity Network=AW - Business Planning Tool - Business Cube methodology.pdf. Community Comments. My Startup has 30 Days to Live — In 30 days, my startup will be be dead. - Articles of association. 4927S ITI Equity Network=AW - Business Planning Tool - Business Cube methodology.pdf. Temas A-Z - - Capital de risco - Artigo: Capital de Risco. Guia Prático do Capital de Risco - GuiaPraticodoCapitaldeRisco.pdf. Tips from Angel Investors and Entrepreneurs - Gust. Microsoft Word - DG ENTR Business Angels Report 18 Oct 12 - ba-rep_en.pdf.

And How Their Founders Can Bounce Back. Why Angel Investors Don’t Make Money … And Advice For People Who Are Going To Become Angels Anyway. Fundos de Capital de Risco. McKaskill-_Intro_to_Angel_Investing.pdf.