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Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government. DARPA. NSA. DARPA. CIA. Test note. Human rights. Losing the Economic Battle. On the issue of public debt, Washington is experiencing what psychologists call “learned helplessness.” The financial news is so relentlessly terrible that people have become numb to it and assume nothing can be done to regain control over our fate.

Today the world’s public and private debt exceeds an incredible 300 percent of GDP. We are at risk of succumbing to an ugly, downward, global mark-to-market in asset prices. Yet the discussion in Washington fails to reflect the immensity of the threat. Some money managers have a theory that this mark-to-market process has been under way for some time. Stage Two is happening in Europe today. Stage Three will eventually hit the United States. A year ago, senior European officials never dreamed they’d be in their current mess.

The larger danger is that ballooning debt reaches a tipping point beyond which financial markets conclude the debt cannot be repaid without instigating political chaos. If only life were that simple! It’s Time to Impeach Obama — and Holder | Impeach Obama Campaign. Islam in America. Neb. mine find to challenge China’s dominance of vital rare minerals. Elk Creek, Neb. (population 112), may not be so tiny much longer. Reports suggest that the southeastern Nebraska hamlet may be sitting on the world’s largest untapped deposit of “rare earth” minerals, which have proved to be indispensable to a slew of high-tech and military applications such as laser pointers, stadium lighting, electric car batteries and sophisticated missile-guidance systems. Canada-based Quantum Rare Earths Developments Corp. last week received preliminary results from test drilling in the area, showing “significant” proportions of “rare earth” minerals and niobium.

The only people more excited than Quantum? The residents of Elk Creek, where nearly one in seven people live under the poverty line, but whose economy has been booming ever since the company showed up late last year to start laying the groundwork for a possible mining bonanza. “It’s been a very, very positive experience for our community,” said state Sen. The local buzz Mr. “It was, ‘What do you need? The Constitution of the United States of America.