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Life Drawing Classes. Apprendre à dessiner.


Fundamentals of Character Design, Character Design Master Classes - CGMA. mEAT gLITTER;: 30 day improve your draws. Seventh Sanctum. Academy of Art Character and Creature Design Notes. Tutorial thingies. I’ve had a bunch of people emailing me to ask about how I draw these things, so this week I decided to take a bunch of screenshots while I worked and paste them all together for you.

Tutorial thingies

While I was at it, I decided I’d do one on cleaning up line art too, because “lock transparent pixels” and “load channel as selection” are the two coolest things photoshop does. While I was at it, I remembered two other tutorials on anatomy I did a couple years back that have been making the rounds on the internet that I may as well post up here. Remember guys, these are for character design. Banque d'images. THE ART CENTER / Sharing Ideas And Tips From Artist To Artist. Artist Interviews.