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Epic Homemade Porsche Win. Epic Homemade Porsche Win372 By jason in Win on April 17, 2011 Browsing: Epic Homemade Porsche Win Share: FACEBOOK twitter Comment: FACEBOOK trollzone Cosplay Fail FAIL 4094 39 Comments Cake Fail FAIL 1875 54 Comments Share on Facebook epic epic win homemade porsche homemade porsche win Epic Girlfriend WIN FAILS: 25 WINS: 652 Guy Wants A Job Done But Doesn’t Pay For It. Stealing WiFi On The Highway WIN WINS: 427 Parenting Done Right : A Compilation FAILS: 18 WINS: 746 Mother Son Wedding Dance WIN FAILS: 96 Mario Shots WIN WINS: 574 Add Our New Site To Your Daily Routine WINS: 327 prev related next related 372 COMMENTStroll 372 Comments : trollzone Yeoldwolf posted on June 22, 2012 at 6:57 pm With talent like this one could get a job at any auto manufacture in the design department. Recent Activity Connect with Enter your e-mail address to get the from Epic Fail delivered to your mail Tag cloud on Epicfail on Facebook Epicfail on Twitter Epicfail RSS FEED Win Sites.

Annoying Things to Do on An Elevator | A Helicopter Mom. Monday: 30-40 minute Full Body Workout. Macgyver Challenge: Old Board Games. Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey. When you create the look... Easy Doily Bowl Craft a decorative bowl from a doily picked up from a flea market, antique...

Camper Birdhouse Encourage birds to stay awhile with an adorable vintage birdhouse. Beauty in life. The oops list. How To… Embed This Infographic <a href= ‎"><img src=" title="10 How Tos" alt="How To Infographic" border="0" class="nopin" /></a><br />Source: <a href=' title='Interesting Facts'><a href=' title='Interesting Facts'>Today I Found Out</a></a> 1) How to drastically increase the life of your shaving razor Before or after you shave (I prefer before so that the blades are dry), place your jeans on a hard flat surface; then run the razor up the pant legs about 10-15 times quickly; then repeat running it down the pant legs 10-15 times quickly.

No need to press that hard, but a little pressure is necessary. necessary. In both instances, you want to point the top of the razor in the direction you are rubbing the shaver on the pants. 2) How to make your teeth whiter With the engine on: 1. 2. 30 Very Funny Books--Seriously. By Gina Barreca, Ph.D. It's a dreary day, so I thought I'd indulge myself and come up with a list of my favorite comedies. A caveat, however: this is not a fancy English-professor-y list of the finest, most exquisitely crafted, most erudite or intellectually sophisticated works on paper in the language. This is a list of the books that make me laugh until my mascara starts to run. These are books to read over your first cup of coffee or just before you go to sleep .

Remember: a day you've laughed is day you haven't wasted--even if you didn't get out of bed. Some days you need a jump-start to get to the funny parts of life. These books offer exactly that kind of infusion of comic energy and I rely on them to get me to smile when nothing else does the trick. You've probably heard of most of these titles, and maybe you've already read several of them. You ready? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. A.S.B. • Hello, alcohol poisoning.