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Um laboratório, quatro espaços de aprendizagem. O homem que inverteu a sala de aula antes da tecnologia. Udemy raises $65 million to continue pioneering a global marketplace and disrupt the future of education. Stripes Group leads Series D funding round for the online learning marketplace; Udemy to expand offerings that empower people to pursue their ambitions SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. — June 2, 2015 — Today, Udemy, the leading marketplace for online courses, announced it has closed a $65 million Series D financing round led by Stripes Group, with additional support from Norwest Venture Partners (NVP) and Insight Venture Partners.

Udemy raises $65 million to continue pioneering a global marketplace and disrupt the future of education

Stripes Group Founder and Managing Partner Ken Fox will join Udemy’s Board of Directors. As technology causes more frequent career changes and professionals face a growing skills and income gap, people around the world are increasingly seeking new skills to be successful. Already home to more than 7 million students and tens of thousands of instructors, Udemy is a global marketplace for the most up-to-date, on-demand online courses for today’s changing economy. Udemy’s revenue has grown 200 percent in the last 12 months and continues to grow at an increasing rate. Repensando escolas. Open Education Week.

Natureza e crianças

Kids, Arduinos and Quadricopters—Stephen Wolfram Blog. I have four children, all with very different interests.

Kids, Arduinos and Quadricopters—Stephen Wolfram Blog

My second-youngest, Christopher, age 13, has always liked technology. And last weekend he and I went to see the wild, wacky and creative technology (and other things) on display at the Maker Faire in New York. I had told the organizers I could give a talk. But a week or so before the event, Christopher told me he thought what I planned to talk about wasn’t as interesting as it could be. And that actually he could give some demos that would be a lot more interesting and relevant. Christopher has been an avid Mathematica user for years now.

And so it was that last Sunday I walked onto a stage with him in front of a standing-room-only crowd of a little over 300 people, carrying a quadricopter. Christopher had told me that I shouldn’t talk too long—and that then I should hand over to him. I must have given thousands of talks in my life, but the whole situation made me quite nervous. I don’t think my talk was particularly good.

CS Education

REA no Brasil. Nesta página apresentamos uma série de projetos e repositórios de REA que encontramos no Brasil, especialmente aqueles com política de licenciamento aberto unificada ou compatíveis com a definição de REA.

REA no Brasil

Todos os projetos possuem mecanismos de busca internos, mas abaixo você também encontrará mecanismos de busca REA. Caso você esteja procurando projetos REA em outros países veja a página “REA no Mundo”. Olhe também a página de “Projetos Mistos” para ver uma lista de projetos ou repositórios sem licenciamento aberto unificado, ou seja, que possuem recursos REA e recursos que não são REA. Caso você tenha repositórios para sugerir a inserção nesta lista, entre em contato no e caso tenha dúvidas consulte as Perguntas Frequentes.

Especificamente, veja a tabela de compatibilidade do Creative Commons para compreender como pode ou não utilizar alguns dos recursos para compor seu REA. Playful solutions for lifelong learning - LLinE. Photo: PLC In his biography, Steve Jobs (2011) uses the word ‘playful’ to characterise the design of Apple computers.

Playful solutions for lifelong learning - LLinE

In doing so he distances Apple designs from other more traditional, dull and impersonal computers. For him, play and playfulness stand for the possibility for personal expression with material objects and engagement in creative interactions with the world. Jobs’ words merge well with our newly established Playful Learning Centre (PLC) situated at the Department of Teacher Education of the University of Helsinki, Finland. The Center concentrates on researching and co-creating innovative playful learning solutions, practices and material tools for learners at any age to learn as they play and play as they learn. In this article, we shall provide a brief introduction to the rationale and conceptual grounding to Playful Learning Center.

“The playful nip denotes the bite, but it does not denote what would be denoted by the bite” (Bateson, 1955, 180) Back to top Acknowledgements. M³ - As mídias. Os recursos educacionais da coleção M³ Matemática Multimídia estão em formato digital nas mídias vídeos, áudios, softwares e experimentos.

M³ - As mídias

Vídeos: Programas áudio-visuais de 10 minutos que servem para apresentação individual ou à sala de alunos com introdução de conceitos mas pouca formalização matemática. Eles podem fazer parte de uma série que tem características distintas. As séries de vídeos são: Matemática na Escola; e Profissões. Áudios: Programas de áudio divididos em duas partes de 5 minutos cada, que podem ser ouvidos em grupo ou individualmente.

Experimentos Atividades práticas instigantes que podem ser feitas em uma ou duas aulas em que se constrói algum conceito ou formalização matemática. Softwares Atividades com o uso de computadores para o estudo, aplicação ou formalização de conceitos de matemática do ensino médio. Temas abordados: Análise de dados e probabilidade. Números e Funções. Dica Não recomendamos usar mais de um recurso em uma mesma aula.