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LSD Photos: Chelsea Morgan Mimics Psychedelic Experience In Trippy Photos (INTERVIEW) Page not found. The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: LSD ABC. Incas drugged children for months before sacrificing them, study finds. Three children used as ritual sacrifices by the Inca civilization centuries ago were given a significant amount of drugs and alcohol for months before their deaths, according to an analysis of the frozen bodies found near the top of an Andean peak in South America.

Incas drugged children for months before sacrificing them, study finds

The findings, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, give researchers a remarkably detailed two-year timeline of a child sacrifice’s final months. The children were discovered in 1999 less than 30 yards from the snow-capped summit of the 22,110-foot-high Llullaillaco volcano in northern Argentina. Each body was entombed separately, in chambers facing different directions (north, east and southwest). Together, according to the study led by Andrew Wilson of the University of Bradford in England, they represent “arguably the best naturally preserved assemblage of mummies found anywhere in the world.”

Angry French Bigots... On Acid! A Visit to a Mormon Temple... On Acid! No religion is complete without a little mystery—Catholicism with its Immaculate Conception, Scientology with its OT Levels, Buddhism with its Nirvana.

A Visit to a Mormon Temple... On Acid!

It goes without saying that the Latter-day Saints have their share of enigmatic rituals. Some Christian fundamentalists are quick to point out the esoteric beliefs of the LDS church, including the ideas that Mormons become gods of their own planets when they reach one of three heavens, that Jesus vacationed in the Americas, and that they once sort of had a thing against black people. How A Big Drug Company Inadvertently Got Americans Hooked On Heroin. When she was 18, Arielle would come home every day and embark on what she calls an “Easter egg hunt.

How A Big Drug Company Inadvertently Got Americans Hooked On Heroin

" She wasn’t looking for candy. Arielle was hunting behind stairwells and inside closets in her suburban Long Island home for the OxyContin bottles her cousin brought home from work at a pharmacy and was hiding from her mother around the house. “I found them one day, and I wanted to try them because all of my friends were already hooked,” said Arielle, who asked that her last name be withheld to avoid hurting her chances of getting a job. “I would see [my cousin] nodding out on the couch and not really being present, and that was how I wanted to feel. My best friend had just passed away, so I was numbing out the feelings.”

It took about a year before Arielle moved from prescription painkillers into the illegal drug that killed her best friend: heroin. Her friend helped her inject the drug. See full-size image here. LSD Used In Drug Therapy For First Time In Four Decades. Acid was used as a drug therapy for the first time since an informal ban on LSD research was introduced 40 years ago.

LSD Used In Drug Therapy For First Time In Four Decades

Swiss scientists broke the ban by announcing the results of a study in which cancer patients, most of whom are terminally ill, were given the drug to help curb their anxiety about death. The findings have since been published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. The goal of the study was to determine the safety and efficacy of LSD when used in conjunction with talk therapy. The patients were medically supervised during the acid trips that lasted for about 10 hours each.

Hallucinating Away a Heroin Addiction. This junkie is about to begin a three-day, neo-African, sometimes-terrifying, ritualistic trip.

Hallucinating Away a Heroin Addiction

Can it help her get clean? It’s been 56 hours since Grace Bergere’s last shot of heroin—too long. DMT: You Cannot Imagine a Stranger Drug or a Stranger Experience. Illustrations by the author.

DMT: You Cannot Imagine a Stranger Drug or a Stranger Experience

Uniao Do Vegetal Church In New Mexico Opens Up To NPR. How Psychedelics Might Transform the Human Mind and Lead Humanity Towards Intellectual and Artistic Heights. Photo Credit: The idea of a Psychedelic Renaissance — as captured in the title of Ben Sessa’s book The Psychedelic Renaissance — is growing in the health professions, and as a Feb. 9, 2015, article in The New Yorker phrased it, current clinical research is "part of a renaissance of psychedelic research," so we see the phrase is catching on in the general culture too.

How Psychedelics Might Transform the Human Mind and Lead Humanity Towards Intellectual and Artistic Heights

To me, Psychedelic Renaissance is more than a guide for psychotherapeutic practices, more than the inauguration of an era of experience-based religion, more than an enrichment of academic and artistic fields; it can be an embarkation port to a realistic and expanded view of what our minds are and what they can become. Health dominates current policy discussions, but as psychedelics’ other domains become widely accepted, what new uses will emerge, and what policy discussions can we anticipate for future years?

A Four-Stage Model The Medical-Neuroscientific Stage The Spiritual-Religious Stage. Eat Pray Roll — Matter. Everyone has a drug they like best.

Eat Pray Roll — Matter

For me it’s ecstasy. Mostly because I haven’t done much else. My first time, I was 16. It was the semester before high school graduation and I’d run away from home. For four months I crashed with some friends and about a trillion cockroaches eight stoplights over from my parents. She told me I might be sick — and I was — and we rolled for eight hours and talked.

Instead of senior prom I went to a Caffeine party, ate pills, and watched girls who were dressed like Rainbow Brite hop around to happy hardcore, which sounds like sped-up video-game music. I Took a Lot of Drugs at a Psychedelic Boot Camp. Just before Christmas I booked myself onto a thing called the African Savannah Transformation Retreat.

I Took a Lot of Drugs at a Psychedelic Boot Camp

This was a ten-day getaway in South Africa that promised to transform people through a combination of starvation, sunshine, and psychedelic drugs. The drugs we would take were ayahuasca, mescaline, and iboga, though the participants on the retreat didn't call them by their real names, they called them the Mother, the Father, and the Grandfather, which was confusing for a minute. "Have you done Mother before? " What Is the Ayahuasca Experience? - Mind and Body. Related Content High Times The countercultural drug revival.

What Is the Ayahuasca Experience? - Mind and Body

Originally published as “High Times” in the March-April 1996 issue... Scientist Argues That Using Psychedelics Is Safer Than Riding a Bike. Is using psychedelic drugs as easy as riding a bike? A pair of scientists argued in a letter published this week in the Lancet Psychiatric Journal that, if nothing else, MDMA and magic mushrooms are just as safe as riding one. Terri Krebs, an American research fellow within the Department of Neuroscience at the Norway University of Science and Technology, co-wrote the letter with her Norwegian husband Pål-Ørjan Johansen, a clinical psychologist. The couple set up a non-profit organization, EmmaSofia, which wants to increase access to quality controlled psychedelics and MDMA, as well as promote human rights for psychedelic users.

Discovery of New ‘Legal High’ Psychoactive Drugs on the Rise. A startling number of new psychoactive substances (NPS) are being discovered, providing a viable legal alternative to their illicit counterparts like MDMA and LSD. In recent years, the rate of NPS discoveries has skyrocketed, with a total of 126 NPS reported in 2009 and jumping to 450 NPS in 2014. These synthetic drugs produce powerful physical, emotional, and hallucinogenic effects, and while technically legal, have been shown to negatively impact health. “NPS are marketed as alternatives to internationally controlled drugs and are purported to produce effects similar to those of their ‘traditional’ counterparts,” the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) wrote in its report.

'Microdosing' Psychedelics in Daily Life Shows Increased Focus, Emotional Clarity. The effects of microdosing—the practice of taking small doses of psychedelics while going about one’s daily activities—have been overwhelmingly positive, according to a small study conducted by veteran psychedelic researcher, Dr. James Fadiman, AlterNet reports. Fadiman began his study in 2010 with a network of self-reporting volunteers, since LSD research is still banned, who administered their own doses and reported the results to Fadiman via email.

Since the doses are so small, they are imperceptible, allowing one to experience a “sub-perceptual” effect of the psychedelic. Study participants reported increased focus, emotional clarity, and creativity as they went about their daily routines. Marijuana the Way our Ancestors Smoked it. What if it were marijuana’s medicinal qualities that originally inspired humans to light up, instead of the urge to get high? Oliver Sacks: What hallucination reveals about our minds. Please Subscribe to 3QD If you would like to make a one time donation in any amount, please do so by clicking the "Pay Now" button below. You may use any credit or debit card and do NOT need to join Paypal. Ancient Builders Created Monumental Structures that Altered Sound and Mind, Say Researchers.

Some ancient monumental structures were built to manipulate sound for sensory and mind effects, suggests recent research. The results of recent research suggests that ancient, or prehistoric, builders of the monumental structures found in such diverse places as Ireland, Malta, southern Turkey and Peru all have a peculiarly common characteristic -- they may have been specially designed to conduct and manipulate sound to produce certain sensory effects. Beginning in 2008, a recent and ongoing study of the massive 6,000-year-old stone structure complex known as the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum on the island of Malta, for example, is producing some revelatory results. Like its related prehistoric temple structures on Malta, this structure features central corridors and curved chambers.

What It's Like to Have Synesthesia And See All Your Numbers in Color. Watching This Optical Illusion Video Is Like Being on Drugs. Vladimir Nabokov Talks Synesthesia.