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Cute quotes. Greys. Where Science, Art and Photography Intersect (25 photos) Silhouette with Matches Caleb Charland demonstrates lessons in physics and mathematics with his mind-blowing photography. Inspired by children's books of science experiments, he photographs everyday objects (like matches, pens and mirrors) in ways we've never imagined, often using multiple exposures to tell the story. For example, in Fifteen Hours, the last photo in this set, Charland used 15 exposures to show how the flame of a dinner candle beautifully burns down.

In still others, like in Cube with Rule and Penlight, Caleb Charland sits in pitch black darkness and, with a penlight in his hand, traces the shape of a cube along a ruler. Though at first glance, you think you're just looking at a box, you soon notice that the mysterious shadows are Charland's hands. I caught up with Charland to ask him a few questions about his work. The beauty of it all is that there's an honesty to Charland's work. Cube with Ruler and Penlight Arcs with Arms and Candles Footprints with Matches Atomic Model. Look in art: Simon Birch. SHOOT FOR YOUR LIFE » Bryan Schutmaat. Fine Art Photography. 500 Photographers.

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