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Documentales en Español. The Cost of Energy. At breakfast this morning, my wife reminded me that we picked up our Nissan Leaf exactly one year ago.

The Cost of Energy

Since I was looking for time to write a summary of our first year in EV-land, this looks like as good an excuse as any. The ultra-short answer: We love the car and we’re very happy with the overall price/performance. The longer answer, is, well, longer. Life with a Leaf took very little adjustment. We drive it when we want, and we plug it in over night. The objection I hear from people who have never so much as touched an EV — “But you have to plug it in all the time!”

The driving and ownership experience is great. I would change a few very minor things in my car, though. And yes, more battery range would be nice. My one regret There is one aspect of our Leaf experience I regret, and that’s getting it on only a two-year lease instead of the three year option. I’m equally sure that we’ll be leasing and not buying the next EV.

Looking forward: EVs in general. Why Climate Change Will Make You Love Big Government. This article originally appeared at

Why Climate Change Will Make You Love Big Government

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Climate Central. Astronomy Picture of the Day. PBS. Discovery. Science Daily. National Geographic. TED.