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More locks for your SSH door. My first article about hardening SSH access (see Resources) considered three methods that are suitable for small operations, such as a home server or a small business with few people requiring remote SSH access: Changing SSH's standard port to an unusual value and reinforcing SSH configuration so that simple-minded attacks just bounce back.Defining a restricted list of users who are allowed to log in using Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM).Completely hiding the fact that you even allow SSH access and requiring a special "knock" sequence to be recognized as a possible user. Using PAM to define a restricted list of users who are allowed to log in still makes sense for larger setups, but the other two options can become bothersome. Therefore, this article examines a couple methods of enhancing security that you can more easily apply to larger configurations: Password-less connectionsRejecting attackers Password-less connections Listing 1.

Creating the key pair is only the first step. HomePage. When good disks go bad. Détail pour : BugBase. Présentation du code QR - Explication, information des codes QR. Conserver e. La navigation Web se veut de plus en plus visuelle. C’est ce que tente de démontrer la société Pearltrees qui propose un service de « social bookmarking » vous permettant d’archiver et de classifier un nombre infini de pages web, par l’intermédiaire d’une interface graphique et ergonomique. Ce système ne présente pas vos liens favoris sous forme de liste comme Delicious mais sous forme d’arbre, de carte. On trouve ainsi deux types d’éléments sur un arbre : les perles et les pearltrees. Les pearltrees sont des dossiers dans lesquels on peut mettre d’autres pearltrees ou des perles qui , elles, sont des liens vers des pages web. Ensuite, vous pouvez les manipuler, les supprimer et les organiser très facilement.

Si l’ergonomie est agréable,Pearltrees vous permet aussi de partager votre contenu et de découvrir les perles des autres internautes. Ainsi, vous pouvez visualiser toutes les perles similaires aux vôtres et réagir en y laissant des commentaires. collaboration Articles Similaires : 539 - Vive le tweet! A Map of Twitter's Languages | Strange Maps. What a joy these maps are to behold. It’s as if someone took one of those composite satellite maps - you know, impossibly showing the whole world at night, the darkness broken by hubs and strings of artificial light (1) - and gave it the power of speech. For the riot of colours on these maps correspond to the diversity of languages spoken, or rather: typed, on Twitter. The explosive growth of the micro-blogging service’s global popularity is emblematic of a trend affecting the entire internet: it’s becoming less American, and less Anglophone.

The most recent numbers I could find, indicate a drop in US-based ‘unique users’ from 62% in June 2009 to just over 50% in January 2010. In relative terms, the world’s top tweeting nation are the Netherlands, with just over 22% of the Dutch online population using Twitter. The US, at 8%, is far behind Brazil (almost 22%), Venezuela (21%) and Indonesia (19%). But which ones? What does this map tell us? Many thanks to J.B. . (3) Or is it la tweet? Accueil - Disposition de clavier francophone et ergonomique bépo. Bitly | Basic | a simple URL shortener.