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Firedoglake. The Real News Network. Tim DeChristopher: The "drill now, think later" mentality posing massive threat to our future Greg Wilpert: Chavez makes deal as part of warming relations with Pres. Santos of Colombia Protest continues against Supreme Court ruling in favor of controversial bill as recall campaign intensifies. Doha Debates: An overwhelming majority of Arabs are betting on reformist movements across the Middle East Honduran capital's "Marcha de las Putas" becomes latest site for international movement against blaming victims for sexual violence Bob Pollin: There are many ways states can deal with crisis without cuts to services Jeannette Wicks Lim: Research shows that living wage legislation will not significantly reduce the number of jobs New Internet Name Rule Opens Door to Huge Changes VOA News Breaking: Supreme Court Sides with Wal-Mart in Sex Discrimination Class Action Associated Press Missing Iraq cash 'as high as $18bn', Unaccounted reconstruction money is three times the reported $6.6bn.

A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 900 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the United States. Mother Jones | Smart, Fearless Journalism. The Nation.

Black Agenda Report | News, analysis and commentary from the black left.