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Ma journée sans Google, la difficile redécouverte d'Internet. Une épreuve de plus dans ma carrière de journaliste hyperconnecté. Au lendemain de la modification des règles de confidentialité de Google, vendredi 2 mars, le défi m'a été lancé de vivre et travailler une journée sans Google pour étudier les alternatives à des services devenus très communs. Du matin au soir, je passe mon temps entouré de technologies développées par Google : le navigateur Chrome,, Gmail, Google docs, YouTube et surtout, le système mobile Android que j'utilise sur smartphone et tablette. Petit compte rendu de ce lundi où j'ai tenté de remplacer mon addiction à Google par des solutions plus ouvertes. Au réveil, mon smartphone Android est remplacé par deux objets : un réveil classique et un Nokia N95, prêté par un ami.

Premier réflexe du matin : vérifier sur mon PC mes e-mails sur Gmail. La seule difficulté de cette transition a été de m'habituer à une nouvelle interface, moins riche que celle de Gmail, et à un espace de stockage plus réduit. Arrivée au travail. Pour une meilleure utilisation de Twitter.

Search & Social 101. Launching a New Website: 18 Steps to Successful Metrics & Marketing. The process of launching a new website is, for many entrepreneurs, bloggers and business owners, an uncertain and scary prospect. This is often due to both unanswered questions and incomplete knowledge of which questions to ask. In this post, I'll give my best recommendations for launching a new site from a marketing and metrics setup perspective. This won't just help with SEO, but on traffic generation, accessibility, and your ability to measure and improve everything about your site. #1 - Install Visitor Analytics Nothing can be improved that is not tracked.

Keeping these immortal words of wisdom in mind, get your pages firing analytics code before your first visitor. Google Analytics is the obvious choice, and customization options abound (for most sites more advanced than a basic blog, I'd highly recommend at least using first-touch attribution). Google analytics, or any other package (see some alternatives here), needs to be placed on every page of your site and verified. P.s.


GOOGLE. Mobile UI Patterns | Recently Added. SOCIAL. 7 Image Search Tools That Will Change Your Life. By Maria Popova What martinis have to do with reverse art lookup and obscure German calendars from the 1990’s. Although Google has been playing with some fun image search toys in its lab and the official Google Image Search has recently significantly upped its game, some of its most hyped features — color search, instant scrolling, hover preview — are but mere shadows of sleeker, better versions that geekier, more sophisticated image search tools offer. Here are seven of our favorites. oSkope is a visual search assistant that lets you browse images and products from popular sites like Amazon, eBay, YouTube and Flickr in a highly intuitive way. Thanks, Amrit! CompFight is a Flickr search tool tremendously useful for all your comp stock image needs but also doubling as a visual inspiration ignition engine.

CompFight was featured in the Experimental category of this year’s Communication Arts annual. We first featured Cooliris nearly three years ago, when it was still called PicLens.