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Initializr - Start your HTML5 project in 15 seconds! HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly. Js Home Page. When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. Feature table embedding The WCIU compatibility tables can be embedded through an iframe on your own website by appending "/embed" to any feature page's URL like this: id]/embed For additional customization, use the following form: Terms of use Use at your own discretion, and please do not abuse. While the service should be pretty reliable, I make no guarantees for uptime, correctness, etc. May I use your data in my presentation/article/site, etc? Yes, the support data on this site is free to use under the CC BY-NC 3.0 license.

Do you have the data available in a raw format? Yes, the raw support data is available on GitHub and is updated regularly. Could you add feature X to the site? Adding features takes quite some time and there are many requests for additions. Which features do you choose to add to this list? I use the following criteria: Most features are added in priority order from this list.

How do you test support? When is a feature considered "supported"? Hakim El Hattab. HTML5 Security Cheatsheet - Vimperator. 5 Undeniably Awesome Things HTML5 Can Teach You Now! | Web Designer Aid - Vimperator. If you’re always reading or checking our blog, we are a big fan of HTML5. We even code and design a single-page HTML5 portfolio, we curated a list of HTML5 canvas graphing solutions, a collection of HTML5 Sketching tools and we even have our weekly HTML5 series; volume 1 and volume 2. We do have also a step-by-step HTML tutorials for you to look at. It is been awhile since we write about those things, and we thought we can try to write again a HTML5 roundup. So here is our post for today, 5 undeniably awesome things HTML5 can teach you now! If you think you have an awesome HTML5 ideas that you want to include, please feel free to comment below 1. Forms will always be part of web design. 2.

Frameworks are here to help us makes our like easier. 3. Once in awhile, you to have on your website large data or information that you need to visualize or properly demonstrate it in a most creative and most understandable way we can imagine. 4. 5. ELS5_HTML - Vimperator. ECMA-262 5th Edition in HTML Format Complete document Ecma Standards and Technical Reports are made available to all interested persons or organizations, free of charge and copyright, in printed form and, as files in Acrobat ® PDF format. For more information, see This version was created by Richard Mallonée. It is released under the same terms as the original ECMAScript Language Specification. Send comments and errata to: postmaster @ ecma262-5 . com (remove spaces) This HTML file was created through manual conversion of the official PDF version.

Last update: June, 2010 COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © Ecma International 2009 Contents Page Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... vii Normative references ......................................................................................................................... 1.

Les PDF succombent à la tentation du HTML5 et du JavaScript, pdf.js : un projet de la fondation Mozilla. Les navigateurs reposent à présent sur des plug-ins pour afficher les fichiers PDF, mais cela pourrait bientôt changer avec la révélation d'un nouveau projet de la fondation Mozilla. Ce projet en développement depuis quelques mois s'appelle « pdf.js ». Il substitue d'une manière encore perfectible, mais prometteuse, les rendu des plug-ins avec la balise <Canvas> (de dessin 2D en HTML5), pilotée par du JavaScript.

Une démonstration disponible sur le site du contributeur principal du projet (le chercheur Andreas Gal) permet de parcourir les pages d'un fichier PDF d'exemple, riche en combinaisons de textes et d'illustrations, ou d'essayer avec son propre document. À présent, cette démonstration charge tous les fichiers du projet, cible et prépare manuellement l'affichage du PDF, mais son équipe affiche l’ambition de l'intégrer bientôt à Firefox en passant par la case d'extension, tout en stabilisant le produit. Décidément, JavaScript est partout, même là où on le soupçonnait le moins. - Home. Html5rocks - ...see There's more to HTML escaping than &, <, >, and "

A few days ago I tweeted: If I had a dollar for every HTML escaper that only escapes &, <, >, and ", I'd have $0. Because my account would've been pwned via XSS. " This was exaggeration for effect—there aren’t many cases where a simple XSS injection could actually empty a bank account—but I wanted to make a point. By some coincidence, I’ve found myself working with various open source projects recently that take a half-assed approach to HTML escaping. It’s something that tends to be implemented as an afterthought, which is unfortunate because it can be critical for the security of users of these projects.

I won’t name any names in this post (pull requests are forthcoming), but I will explain some of the common problems I’ve seen, why they’re problems, and what can be done to fix them. This post is not an introduction to HTML escaping. Note that this post only discusses escaping, which is something entirely different (and far less complicated) than sanitizing. Escaping < and > isn’t enough. Canvas From Scratch: Transformations and Gradients. In this article, I'm going to walk you through transformations in the canvas, as well as shadows and gradients. Transformations are an extremely valuable set of methods that allow you to start being creative with the way you draw objects on the canvas. Let's get started after the jump! Setting Up You're going to use the same HTML template from the previous articles, so open up your favourite editor and paste in the following code: Here we have nothing more than a basic HTML page with a canvas element and some JavaScript that runs after the DOM has loaded.

Nothing crazy. Translations in Action Translate essentially shifts the entire coordinate system. One of the simplest transformations in canvas is translate. First, place a square in canvas at the position (0, 0): It will draw itself at the top left hand edge of the canvas. Now, try translating the 2d rendering context and drawing another square in the same position: What do you think will happen? So what happened here then? Rotating Elements. The Ultimate HTML5 Tutorials and Useful Techniques.

We always prefer new technology and techniques for make better performance in our work, we’re talking about new new fundamental markup language for the web HTML5 that you all love so much. HTML5 is giving web designers and developers new capabilities in the world of web development. With the presence of HTML5, web application development will be more fun. HTML5 introduces a number of new elements and attributes that reflect typical usage on modern websites. Some of them are semantic replacements for common uses of generic block (<div>) and inline (<span>) elements, for example <nav> (website navigation block) and <footer> (usually referring to bottom of web page or to last lines of html code).

HTML 5 features like Canvas, local storage, and Web Workers let us do more in the browser than ever before. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags. Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3 How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App HTML5: The Basics. HTML 5 Outliner. HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today. HTML Elements and Attributes.