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Educational apps

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Librarian Approved: 30 Ed-Tech Apps to Inspire Creativity and Creation. Tool discovery is often a challenge for teachers interested in finding ways to use technology that will change the way they and their students work. With so much going on in the classroom, many teachers don’t have the time to test out various apps and find the perfect tool to meet their needs. Luckily, several tech-savvy librarians have been curating the apps their colleagues find useful and sharing the all-stars with one another through personal learning communities (PLC) and edWeb webinars.

These educators are paying attention to their own working habits, as well as those of students, to figure out which technology products and trends are here to stay. Michelle Luhtala, a school librarian in New Canaan, Connecticut, has noticed that much of her own work has transitioned from the computer to her smartphone. She sees the same trend in students, but also recognizes many schools have policies against phones because they can be distractions. Check out previous years favorites here and here. Apps and Technology for Kids – Welcome to AppStar Picks - Reviews of the Best Apps for Kids! - AppStarPicks - Best Apps for Kids. Sydney TAFE eLearning Moodle: Log in to the site. Sydney TAFE eLearning Moodle: Log in to the site.

Sydney TAFE eLearning Moodle: Log in to the site. Sydney TAFE eLearning Moodle: Log in to the site. 32 Innovative (Free!) Online Educational Tools to Try in 2015. Want to be a better student? There are literally thousands of apps for that. Not to mention a wide array of other online learning tools. They’re not all changing education — but a few innovative ones are. Among the wide-ranging apps, sites, learning management systems, flashcard creators, and content archives, there are a few dozen that promise to make an impact on how students learn this year.

Noodle’s team of education experts investigated the vast array of online learning tools to create this list of the 32 best, most innovative online tools that we think will change the education space in 2015. We spoke with teachers, tutors, and leaders in the space. We have grouped these 32 selections based on how they are making a difference in student education. Without further ado, here are the tools that you’ll want to have on your computer, tablet, or smartphone this year... Classroom Connectors Clever Why it’s good: Clever saves time in the classroom. Edmodo Kahoot! What it is: Kahoot! Schoology. Here Is A Great Tool for Taking Notes on Any Webpage.

November 19, 2015Note Anywhere is a great note taking tool to use on your browser.

Here Is A Great Tool for Taking Notes on Any Webpage

It is not as powerful as Evernote or Google Keep but this Chrome app has some interesting distinctive features. It allows you to easily make notes anywhere on a webpage. And even when you close the webpage and come back to it the notes load automatically. This is definitely a great tool for annotating content you curate online. You can make as many notes as you want on a webpage and still be able to access them all from a single page. for Public Libraries by Susan Kelly. Appcrawlr - App discovery by Softonic. Apps and Technology for Kids – Welcome to AppStar Picks - Reviews of the Best Apps for Kids! - AppStarPicks - Best Apps for Kids.