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Copyright. Easelly. Elternratgeber: SCHAU HIN! Was Dein Kind mit Medien macht. Security Response Center. Schools Packs. Reviews and Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. Digital Passport. E-safety the Enabler, Not the Showstopper. July 11, 2013 By Alan Mackenzie Alan is an e-safety advisor in the UK, helping schools to use technology innovatively with embedded e-safety and risk management. Whether we realize it or not, we live in a world of risk. We always have, that’s nothing new. From an early age we are taught to assess risk so that it becomes a life-skill rather than something we have to think about consciously, such as crossing the road, talking to strangers, or learning to drive in different road conditions. E-Safety is a subject where the risks are all too often blamed on the technology, but whilst technology can sometimes enhance risk, it is not the technology that is the issue.

Risk is almost always a consequence of two things: A consequence of not knowing A consequence of knowing, but deliberately taking the risk. Children, young people and adults will always take risks. Implementing E-safety at Home and at School I sometimes explain this as the Narnia effect. Advice for Parents on Managing Risk Read it. E-Safety - free resources for you to use. Model e-Safety Policy: A model e-safety policy policy that is clear, concise, and contains the majority of information that many schools will need. Also includes guidance, risk logs, risk assessments and flowcharts. e-Safety Survey for Children: A survey is a great, simple and effective way to understand any gaps in knowledge so that you can target education where it is needed rather than making assumption. e-Safety Survey for Parents: As with the children, a survey to parents can be a good idea if you are thinking of having a parents evening or something similar.

School e-Safety Newsletter: Written specifically with UK schools in mind, this monthly newsletter gives lots of advice, latest research and opinion in an easy to read format. Parents e-Safety Newsletter: Written every few weeks to give parents advice, guidance and opinion from a home context. Internet Monitoring – an explanation to parents Considering a BYOD or 1:1 device initiative? Buono a sapersi – Google. Se sei il proprietario del tablet, tocca Impostazioni, → Utenti → Aggiungi utente o profilo. Tocca Profilo con limitazioni, quindi tocca Nuovo profilo per assegnare un nome al profilo. Utilizza le opzioni di attivazione/disattivazione e le impostazioni per concedere l'accesso a funzioni, impostazioni e app.

Premi il tasto di accensione per tornare alla schermata di blocco, quindi tocca l'icona del nuovo profilo. Al termine della configurazione, la schermata Home è vuota. Tocca l'icona Tutte le applicazioni per iniziare a utilizzare il nuovo profilo. Somerset eLIM eSafety. The Content Map » Home » Your guide to safe and legal digital services. How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School. Produced in collaboration with Facebook. Social media is fast becoming as ubiquitous as the air we breathe. In recent months, many schools and districts around the country have taken steps to create social media policies and guidelines for their students and staff. In my work with several districts to draft these documents, I have seen many approaches that work well, and some that don't.

That said, there is no silver bullet for administrators; every school, district, and state has a different set of circumstances. With that in mind, here are some steps that will help you determine the best approach for your own community. 2. Organize a Team This team should include educators who use social media in the classroom and those who do not. This team should be open and transparent in all their conversations and decision making, and be clear about their shared goal. Questions for ReflectionDoes everyone on the team share the same goal? Should Schools Implement Social Media Policies?

Facebook wasn't a topic of conversation in high schools 10 years ago — it hadn't even been invented yet. One decade and a billion users later, and with the introduction of Twitter, Instagram and other social networking platforms, it's become an unavoidable cultural commodity. If you're a teacher, your students most likely have profiles, and vice versa. There are plenty of examples of Facebooking-gone-wrong in the education field so far. There's the teacher in Pittsburgh, Pa., whose colleagues discovered her photo with a stripper online, and the Boston-area teen who was arrested for alleged "terrorist threats" in a rap video he posted to Facebook.

But the logistics of what is and isn't acceptable between students and teachers online are still being figured out — and it largely varies by school. Mashable reached out to a few schools across the U.S. to ask about how they've adjusted to the digital era. The second policy has to do with Facebook groups. "Over the years, though, it's changed. 10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy. Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting.

She authors a blog at A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: "Okay, but what should it say? " There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way. Other organizations, meanwhile, feel more comfortable establishing a clear policy from the outset. Whether you're writing your social media policy from the get-go, or letting it develop organically in reaction to situations as they arise, here are 10 things you should definitely consider. 1. All policies need to address what's in it for the reader/user — what should the reader take away after reading the policy?

But that’s the spirit of social media — it’s all about leveraging the positive. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. SMG_FINAL_20130415. Cyber-Security Practice: Learn it in one week – gustmees. Read, think, learn and share over Social Media… Security is everyone’s responsibility! We are ALL responsible for the Internet’s future! In previous blogs I have presented already the different security programs who help us to stay secure on Internet and not to infect others in the community because our computer is infected! The text below is just a reminder: In the real world our car needs some maintenance and technical control to make sure that there is no danger to other participants in traffic (pedestrians and drivers…), so the same in the virtual world.

I will prepare seven (7) different blogs, one for each day of the week so you don’t need a lot of time to spend for installing the programs and to get used to them… These blogs will refer anyway to the already published blogs and/or would be a simple copy with practical advice and you can use them how you would like. Sunday: Use the Sunday for a relax check if everything is OK!

Securing a tablet for web browsing in six easy steps .