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June 1 2011

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10 Great Magazine Ads That Don't Just Sit There Looking Pretty. Top ten tips for incredibly successful public speaking. eHarmony Video Bio. Bikinis Made from 3-D Printers Custom Fit Every Curve. Despite being of the male persuasion, even I know that bikini season is no day at the beach.

Bikinis Made from 3-D Printers Custom Fit Every Curve

Finding the right fit in a style and cut that threads the needle of decency is enough to make any woman throw up her hands and opt for a one-piece with shorts. Well ladies, Jenna Fizel and Mary Haung of Continuum Fashion have heard your dressing room distress calls. In search of the elusive 'perfect fit,' they've designed the N12 bikini, the world's first 3-D printed two-piece made of small nylon discs held together by thread-like springs. The N12 gets its name from the material it's made of: Nylon 12. Shapeways uses their 3-D printing technology to create the material for the designers and calls Nylon 12 "ideal swimsuit material as it is innately waterproof. " John Hagel – Gathering ’11: an opportunity to make meaningful change.

Thiel: Tech Bubble? What Tech Bubble? There has been lots of chatter about a technology bubble in Silicon Valley.

Thiel: Tech Bubble? What Tech Bubble?

LinkedIn’s initial public offering, Groupon’s upcoming I.P.O. and bloated start-up investments and valuations are bringing back painful memories of the dot-com bubble’s burst roughly a decade ago. David Paul Morris/Bloomberg NewsPeter Thiel says the technology industry is missing a key component for a bubble: the ability for the public to invest money. But this time there is no bubble, says Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder, early Facebook investor and hedge fund manager. The Blue Ocean in RED - Ideas and Inspiration. Fotolia's Social Media News Release - The blogger's resource to information. Quicklinks AP Images now distribute Fotolia images April 26, 2012 - We're very excited to announce that as of today, APImages will be giving customers access to millions of royalty-free Fotolia images. The collaboration between AP and Fotolia makes this an industry first in one-stop-shop for all imagery needs.

"We're excited to be part of yet another industry first by opening up a new market for our 126,000-plus artists", said Oleg Tscheltzoff, co-founder and CEO of Fotolia. "We believe this is just the first step in a strategic alliance that will allow both of us to continue our industry-leading innovations, grow our companies and benefit our customers. " Fotolia acquires crowd sourcing design community March 15, 2012 - We now offer a new way for designers and clients to stay connected.

Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death. A study of seven terminally ill patients found identical surges in brain activity moments before death, providing what may be physiological evidence of "out of body" experiences reported by people who survive near-death ordeals.

Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death

Doctors at George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates recorded brain activity of people dying from critical illnesses, such as cancer or heart attacks. Moments before death, the patients experienced a burst in brain wave activity, with the spikes occurring at the same time before death and at comparable intensity and duration. Writing in the October issue of the Journal of Palliative Medicine, the doctors theorize that the brain surges may be tied to widely reported near-death experiences which typically involve spiritual or religious attributes. Do psychics now pose just as big a threat to journalistic verification skills as social media? There is a lovely coy line in this BBC report about the hoax call about mass graves in Texas last night: “US police say there were no bodies found at a house in east Texas, where an anonymous caller claiming to be a psychic said there was a mass grave.

Do psychics now pose just as big a threat to journalistic verification skills as social media?

US media earlier reported there were up to 30 dismembered bodies including children buried there.” Forsook! Google Can't Spell "Facebook" Posted by Tom Foremski - June 8, 2011 I use GMail all the time and its spell checker is usually pretty good. But the other day I noticed it can't spell "Facebook. " Andresen on BitCoin and Virtual Currency. Malware Gangs Run Ads To Hire New Coders. The Stealthy Anonymart. Is there greater thrill than encountering a new species technology in the wild ?

The Stealthy Anonymart

Why Some People Eat Dirt. Amid the countless edible plants and animals on Earth, there’s little consideration for the ground beneath our feet.

Why Some People Eat Dirt

Intentionally eating dirt, also called geophagy, is a natural instinct and may serve a greater health purpose. Some humans’ urge to consume clay may stem from the activity’s protective properties for the digestive system, according to new research to be published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. NEWS: Monkey Barfs and Rechews Food After examining 482 cases of human geophagy and 330 records of the practice among animals in a meta-analysis, researchers led by Sera Young of Cornell University discovered that eating dirt had little to do with being hungry or seeking minerals the body might be lacking. New Study: Sharing Accounts for 31 Percent of Referral Traffic. Can Positive Thinking Be Negative? Why Your Small Business Should Act Like A Social Media Company. Are you using social media tools to the best of your ability?

Why Your Small Business Should Act Like A Social Media Company

If not, you may be missing out. June 06, 2011 So many small businesses try very hard to use social media as a megaphone, trying to shout their messages. I’ve tried hard to demonstrate that there are many other strategies you can try, rather than the commonly “holler in a hurricane” approach. One I like is treating your business as a social media company. My friend Tom Foremski, who stepped out of his job as Silicon Valley reporter for the venerable Financial Times to become a one-person publishing company, has succeeded in turning his sponsored-blog Silicon Valley Watcher into a don’t-miss source of news, opinion and analysis. Oracle wants a huge cut of Google's mobile advertising revenue plus compensation for fragmentation of Java. One of the best-kept secrets in the patent dispute between Oracle and Google is what Oracle demands in terms of compensation for past damages and on which terms (monetary and other conditions) Oracle might allow Google to continue to distribute its Dalvik virtual machine as a result of a settlement or, alternatively, if Oracle prevailed in court and obtained an injunction.

Oracle wants a huge cut of Google's mobile advertising revenue plus compensation for fragmentation of Java

The details of those demands are still not known. It was always obvious that Oracle wanted a lot. They wouldn't sue for chicken feed, and if their demands were very limited, this would have been settled a while ago. But for the first time in this entire lawsuit (which began almost ten months ago), a publicly accessible document provides, despite some blackened passages, a pretty good indication as to how demanding Oracle is.

I have analyzed the situation and I can tell you up-front: the word "demanding" is an understatement. Apple Has Finally Stuck A Dagger Into SMS. I Love It. Now that the WWDC keynote is over and I’ve had a little bit of time to reflect, I’ve been thinking about what excited me the most from today’s announcements.

Apple Has Finally Stuck A Dagger Into SMS. I Love It.

The list is long, no doubt. But I think I’m going to have to go with something that surprised me — while at the same time making me look smarter than perhaps I really am. (Again, just perhaps.) iMessages. AOL After the Honeymoon - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media. French media tweet and poke ban. 6 June 2011Last updated at 18:36 In future, newsreaders will have to direct viewers to websites without naming them French TV and radio presenters have been banned from mentioning social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter on air.

French media tweet and poke ban

The country's broadcasting watchdog has ruled that doing so would break guidelines on advertising. U.N. Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right. Horn Group, Inc. > Blog. This week I'm pleased to share a recent video interview from our Innovator Series with Tom Foremski, Editor of Silicon Valley Watcher. Horn Group Innovator Series - Tom Foremski, Editor of Silicon Valley Watcher from Horn Group on Vimeo. Tweet late, email early, and don’t forget about Saturday: Using data to develop a social media strategy. Why Startups Should Raise Money at the Top End of Normal.

This article originally appeared on TechCrunch. 2 preamble issues having read the comments on TC today: 1: I know that the prices of startup companies is much great in Silicon Valley than in smaller towns / less tech focused areas in the US and the US prices higher than many foreign markets. I acknowledged this in the article. Groupon Is Overstating Revenue By 140%, Should Voluntarily Postpone IPO. Blog Archive » The Rolltop Laptop. Analyzing the metered model.