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Writers - Alan Garner - The Weirdstone of Brisingamen. Poveglia. Italian island Poveglia (Italian pronunciation: [poˈveʎʎa]) is a small island located between Venice and Lido in the Venetian Lagoon, northern Italy.


Lost Anthony Burgess essays reveal his hidden inspirations. Previously unpublished essays by Anthony Burgess have been discovered almost 25 years after his death.

Lost Anthony Burgess essays reveal his hidden inspirations

The writings cover a range of subjects, including Metropolis, Fritz Lang’s classic 1927 film, and fellow writers Ernest Hemingway and JB Priestley. They also include an unpublished 1991 lecture on censorship. Eland Books. Taken from The Observer: 17.10.93 Fruit bats, blood soup 'Empire' is undoubtedly the right technical term for a mass of sea-sundered territories ruled from a single centre.

Eland Books

When I lived in Malaysia I was aware of Sumatra a few sea miles to the west; when I was in Brunei (which on Norman Lewis's map has, with Sabah, been swallowed by Sarawak) I was to the north of an unexplored mass of jungle that belonged to Indonesia. Indonesia was welcome to it. Nick Fraser: ‘Documentaries can change the world’ When 71-year-old Nick Fraser first encountered documentaries in the 1960s, he admits he found them “not very interesting”.

Nick Fraser: ‘Documentaries can change the world’

That changed, partly because of a cultural shift – Fraser cites DA Pennebaker in the US and Nick Broomfield here as pioneers – and Fraser played his own part as well. Massingham, Richard (1898-1953) Biography. The Un-Americans , part One - BBC Timewatch ©1992. Dick Cavett's Watergate (TV Movie 2014) - Full Cast & Crew. Archive on 4, 50 Years On: Rivers of Blood. The demise of the nation state. What is happening to national politics?

The demise of the nation state

Global Trumpism. Trump’s victory was predictable, and was predicted, but not by looking at polls.

Global Trumpism

Polling has taken a beating recently having failed to predict the victory of David Cameron’s Conservative Party in the British general elections, then Brexit, and now the election of Donald Trump. One can argue about what’s wrong with the methods involved, but more fundamentally what polls do is to treat these phenomena as isolated events when they are in fact the product of a common set of causes 30 years in the making. There are two issues at play here. Geoffrey Summerfield – Anthony Wilson. All News. This article was originally published in two parts across PC Gamer issue 313 and 314.

All News

For more quality articles about all things PC gaming, you can subscribe now in the UK and the US. Jake Hughes was working as a model designer on Starship Troopers when he received a call from Peter Marquardt. Marquardt was an actor—he played the bad guy in Robert Rodriguez’s first film, El Mariachi—but he also had a passion for games. The pair originally met on the set of Wing Commander IV, where Marquardt was shooting for the game’s cutscenes. “He calls me up and he says, ‘Hey, John Romero is making a company and they’re looking for associate producers, come on out,’” Hughes says. Look at Scotland’s beautiful new Forth bridge – and see Britain’s decline. Last Monday the Queen opened the second road bridge across the Forth estuary, exactly 53 years after she opened the first, and this time without the haar – the sea mist that blanketed the firth on the morning of 4 September 1964, threatening the proceedings with invisibility and the kind of hush, broken only by the regular melancholy of the local foghorn, that sometimes gave weekdays a Sabbatarian character.

Look at Scotland’s beautiful new Forth bridge – and see Britain’s decline

But the sun broke through before noon that day, and my mother walked over the hill with other women in the street to see the royal party reach the bridge’s north end after completing the main ceremony at the southern approaches. Ian nairn. Top 10 books on postwar France. The decades immediately after the second world war must have felt like a strange time to be alive.

Top 10 books on postwar France

The French economist Jean Fourastié called them “les trente glorieuses”, the 30 glorious years of growth, reconstruction and cultural flourishing that brought France back to the world stage. The late 1970s looked pretty similar to the Paris we know now, with its heavy traffic and pressure-washed, white stone facades. Back in the early 1950s, though, whole areas of the city were slums.

At that time, the city was full of expats, existentialists, jazz, and passionate debates over communism and capitalism, individualism and the collective. It was an exciting time, but a volatile one: resistance hero Charles de Gaulle was returned to power in a military coup and there were hundreds of bombings, both by Algerian nationalists and rightwing extremists. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A decade after the financial meltdown, its underlying problems haven’t been fixed. Ten years ago this week, the global financial crisis started with a small rumble in France.

A decade after the financial meltdown, its underlying problems haven’t been fixed

Local bank BNP Paribas announced it was freezing the assets of three hedge funds with heavy exposures to the US sub-prime mortgage market. A little more than a year later, after the run on Northern Rock and the bailout of Bear Stearns in the US, the full earthquake arrived in the form of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, one of Wall Street’s biggest banks. We soon discovered the full horrors within the financial system. Banks had taken on risks they did not understand and called the process “innovation”. Credit rating agencies had fallen asleep. Letizia Battaglia's best photograph: mafia murder victims in Palermo. When I took this photograph, I was a young and lively woman, strong in my ideals and beliefs.

I photographed Palermo day and night for an anti-fascist communist paper, taking pictures of everything I saw: wealth, deprivation, children, as well as mafia violence. Swing Shift in the Baltics. The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to Independence by Anatol Lieven Yale University Press, 454 pp., $29.95 Liberal thought of our time has often treated nationalism as a relic of an unenlightened tribal past. No wonder that many are now bewildered by the passions aroused by the question of national identity in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. A much more nuanced approach was elaborated by Leninist doctrine, which was mindful of nationalism’s nineteenth-century origins. DCReport – Covering what our federal government DOES, not what politicians SAY. Swing Shift in the Baltics. The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency. Last month, when President Donald Trump toured a Boeing aircraft plant in North Charleston, South Carolina, he saw a familiar face in the crowd that greeted him: Patrick Caddell, a former Democratic political operative and pollster who, for forty-five years, has been prodding insurgent Presidential candidates to attack the Washington establishment.

Caddell, who lives in Charleston, is perhaps best known for helping Jimmy Carter win the 1976 Presidential race. He is also remembered for having collaborated with his friend Warren Beatty on the 1998 satire “Bulworth.” In that film, a kamikaze candidate abandons the usual talking points and excoriates both the major political parties and the media; voters love his unconventionality, and he becomes improbably popular. Who are the Union backing Constitutional Research Council? - Autonomy Scotland.

Not this CRC! However, while they may sound like an above the board organisation a quick google reveals that they don’t exist in any official form. So, what do we know about them? We know that they were able to anonymously donate £425k to the DUP in order to help fund the Brexit campaign. The actual official Vote Leave campaign had reached its funding cap. #May’s #DUP crutch linked to ‘Saudi dark money’ The dark money driving the Scottish Tory surge. Led Zeppelin, soaring oil and house prices: is it 1973 all over again? Not all 'the bad old days': Revisiting Labour's 1970s industrial strategy.

When Labour came back into power under Harold Wilson in 1974 it faced an all-too-familiar problem of industrial under-performance. Its broad approach was hardly controversial and was based on several agreed assumptions. It was a central tenet that government had an important role to play in promoting economic development, and could not simply leave the market to decide. Is Finland’s basic universal income a solution to automation, fewer jobs and lower wages? When he got the letter after Christmas saying he was entitled to an unconditional income of €560 (£478) a month, Mika Ruusunen couldn’t believe his luck. “At first I thought it was a joke. I had to read it many times.

I looked for any evidence it might be false.” British banks are go-betweens in global conflict. This can be stopped. Almost a year ago, the UK government convened a global summit to commit to fighting corruption. The final communiqué from the governments involved summed up their historic intentions: “We want to send a clear signal to the corrupt that they will face consequences internationally. We want to make it harder for them to travel and do business in our countries.”