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Ath-ha-nour, the One and lonely. Erleuchtung und hermetische Wissenschaften? Das sind bloss tote Bäume, an die man Esel bindet. Okkulte Schriften und heilige Bücher? Papierfetzen, mit denen du dir den Schmutz vom Gesicht wischst. Meditationen und magische Rituale? Das sind Gespenster in ihren Gräbern. Wie könntest du nur glauben, dass all diese Dinge irgend etwas mit deinem Freiwerden zu tun haben könnten? Liber Freakonomikon ie Essenz, das Wesentliche, kann nur mit dem Herzen erfasst und erfahren werden. Allzu häufig wird das, was wir zu kennen meinen, nicht ganz verstanden und nicht sorgfältig genug betrachtet, möglicherweise gerade deswegen, weil es uns so vertraut ist. Ave... und seid willkommen Ich bin Frater Eo Ipso, meine Lieben, ein ehrenwert-bescheidenes Mitglied des unsichtbaren und einzig wahren Ordens der Brüderschaft und kümmere mich um diese wohlfeile Seite.

Schön, dass meine schwülstige Einleitung euch nicht verscheucht hat, denn ich habe euch nämlich viel zu erzählen! Nur keine Angst! Liebe Kleine... Wie? Aber Hallo!


Noosphere. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Law of Complexity/Consciousness. The Law of Complexity/Consciousness is the postulated tendency of matter to become more complex over time and at the same time to become more conscious. The law was first formulated by Jesuit priest and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Teilhard holds that at all times and everywhere, matter is endeavoring to complexify upon itself, as observed in the evolutionary history of the Earth. Matter complexified from inanimate matter, to plant life, to animal life, to human life. Or, from the geosphere, to the biosphere, to the noosphere (of which humans represented, because of their possession of a consciousness which reflects upon themselves).

As evolution rises through the geosphere, biosphere, and noosphere, matter continues to rise in a continual increase of both complexity and consciousness. For Teilhard, the Law of Complexity/Consciousness continues to run today in the form of the socialization of mankind. Quotes[edit] See also[edit] Omega Point. The Omega Point is the purported maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which some theorize the universe is evolving. The term was coined by the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955). According to Teilhard the universe is constantly evolving towards higher levels of material complexity and consciousness, a hypothesis that Teilhard called the Law of Complexity/Consciousness.

Teilhard postulates this process results in an absolute, completed whole, which in his view is the actual cause of our Universe's increasing development. In other words, the Omega Point will exist as supremely complex and conscious, transcendent and independent of the evolving universe. Teilhard argued that the Omega Point resembles the Christian Logos, namely Christ, who draws all things into himself, who in the words of the Nicene Creed, is "God from God", "Light from Light", "True God from true God," and "through him all things were made. " Five attributes[edit] Related concepts[edit]