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Daring Fireball. TFS Storyboarding tools in PowerPoint. Dieter Rams On Good Design As A Key Business Advantage. Dieter Rams is best-known for his work at Braun--where he revolutionized the design of electronics--and his indelible influence on Apple’s Jony Ive.

Dieter Rams On Good Design As A Key Business Advantage

But he has had a decisive hand in another, much smaller company: Vitsœ, a British manufacturer that has been producing Rams’s modular shelving system for 50 years. To mark his 80th birthday, the German master has allowed Vitsœ to release the transcript of the speech he delivered in New York in 1976, in which he articulates his ethos of user-centered design and some of his famous 10 commandments. In 2012, they feel as if they were written yesterday. The library for professional-quality creative coding in C++

TED: Ideas worth spreading. - Rockin' Sweet 3D CAD, Product Design and Engineering Tech. Digitals.