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Architecture and Art Activities. Lesson 10: Light and Shadow. Look at all you've done! Lets take a second and look at all the ground you've covered. Over the course of the first eight lessons, you've learned how to deal with three of the five major skills of drawing: perceiving edges, the perception of shapes, and lastly, the perception of relationships. You learned how to approach edges by recognizing lines and contours in the first five lessons (vase/face drawing, contour, modified contour, and upside-down drawing - lesson 1, lesson 2 , lesson 3 , lesson 4 , lesson 5); You progressed rapidly by making the dimensional leap perceiving negative shapes and positive forms in lessons six and seven ( lesson 6, lesson 7 ); Thirdly, you made the quantum leap in lesson 8 wrestling with relationships: the perspective/proportion encounter. You deserve a giant applause if you've gone through all the lessons so far. Now it's time to combine all these with the fourth skill: the perception of light and shadow.

The Logic of Light Light falls on an object logically. ToonDoo. Prezi - Ideas matter. Prezi Meeting in the Classroom.