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Free Fonts Download, Fonts for Free. Nexa Slab. Nexa Slab is a geometric slab serif font whose design is based on the already popular best-seller Nexa.

Nexa Slab

The font family contains 3 basic forms: italics, obliques and uprights, each of which has 8 different weights. This visual richness makes it the ideal slab serif font family for the web as well as for print, for motion graphics, logos, t-shirts and so on. It is also great for headings, fitting nicely with both small and large typesetting text blocks. Nexa Slab draws from the rich traditions of the classic Neo-Grotesque slab serif fonts such as Lubalin Graph, Rockwell and Memphis, which conceal the richness of typesetting text in its crucial advertising function. Just like these fonts, it’s design is subject to rational, carefully thought-out, thick and thin bars with a low contrast between them. Formats: OpenType (.otf) and TrueType (.ttf) available Details: 500 Character Set, Manual Kerning, Tracking /Pairs Price: from $29, two fonts (Regular & Bold for free) or just.

Rendering text with Javascript, <canvas>, and VML. Polices gratuites. Prévisualisation d'Edge Web Fonts La bibliothèque Edge Web Fonts comprend des centaines de polices. Vous pouvez en tester quelques-unes parmi les plus réussies : Utilisation d'Edge Web Fonts Pour utiliser la police sélectionnée ci-dessus sur votre site web, il vous suffit de copier-coller le code incorporé suivant dans la section <head> de votre code HTML : Ensuite, insérez le nom de la famille de polices dans votre feuille CSS : Pour en savoir plus sur les autres possibilités et l'utilisation de l'intégralité de la typothèque Edge Web Fonts, consultez la documentation complète . Pour en savoir plus Edge Web Fonts est un service de polices gratuit.

Un service Typekit Edge Web Fonts est piloté par Typekit, le remarquable service de polices web d'Adobe, qui donne accès à une bibliothèque de polices web professionnelles issues des meilleures fonderies au monde. Pour améliorer le web Edge Web Fonts vise à améliorer le web en encourageant l'adoption des polices web. À suivre... 10 More Great Google Font Combinations You Can Copy. The last time we wrote about Google Web Fonts, it was a fairly new program with a handful of fonts.

10 More Great Google Font Combinations You Can Copy

Today there are nearly 500 font families ready and waiting to be served up to your website completely free of charge. Google has certainly made its mark on web typography and stands as an excellent alternative to premium subscription services. The downside of this growth is that it’s becomingly increasingly difficult to sift through the library to find the best selections. We’ve got your back though and are serving up another great collection of Google Web Font combinations ripe for the stealing.

Just copy and paste our code, then tweak the style to fit your needs and you’ll be good to go! Bree Serif & Open Sans The HTML The CSS Bevan and Pontano Sans Abril Fatface & Average Playfair Display and Muli Sansita One & Kameron Istok Web & Lora Pacifico & Arimo Nixie One & Ledger Cantata One & Imprima Rancho & Gudea Conclusion Do you have any great Google Web Font combinations that you’d like to share?