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Q&A with Former Full-Time MOOC Student Ankit... By: Abbie Kouzmanoff Ankit Khandelwal is a true MOOC enthusiast.

Q&A with Former Full-Time MOOC Student Ankit...

After graduating with a degree in chemical engineering, he realized he wanted to work in global business, but traditional business school was too expensive and offered no guarantee of getting him where he wanted to be. Interopérabilité et Moocs » Mooc Lab. Lundi 26 Janvier 2015, Inria PARIS 13e 10h-17h30 (Salle Orange) Présentation Le Mooc Lab organise un nouveau séminaire sur le thème « Interopérabilité et des MOOCs ».

Interopérabilité et Moocs » Mooc Lab

Ce séminaire aura lieu le 26 Janvier 2015 de 10h00 à 17h30 à Inria, avenue d’Italie à Paris. Inscription gratuite (dans la limite des places disponibles) : cliquez ici Intervenants. I MOOC, you SPOC, he MIMOs: do you speak the language of online courses? It’s not so easy to find your way among the alphabet soup of online training courses.

I MOOC, you SPOC, he MIMOs: do you speak the language of online courses?

While massive open online courses (MOOCs) is the term in popular use, online course formulae are evolving and mutating into new models. Interview as part of a L’Atelier numérique (L’Atelier Digital) broadcast, with Philippe Chiu, Digital Director at e-learning platform IONISx, and Antoine Amiel, founder of Learn Assembly, an online training website aimed at businesses. L’Atelier: Are MOOCs now outdated, then? Antoine Amiel: No, no, MOOCs are not outdated. This is still a very new concept, just about two years old. Je MOOC, tu SPOC, il MIMO.. ou la déclinaison des cours en ligne 0. Difficile de s’y retrouver parmi la ribambelle d’acronymes autour des cours et formations en ligne.

Je MOOC, tu SPOC, il MIMO.. ou la déclinaison des cours en ligne 0

Si l’on parle essentiellement des Mooc, ces cours en ligne ouverts et massifs, ceux-ci évoluent et mutent en de nouveaux modèles. Entretien dans le cadre de l’émission L’Atelier numérique, avec Philippe Chiu,directeur digital d’IONISx, une plateforme de e-learning ; Antoine Amiel, le fondateur de Learn Assembly, site de formation en ligne mais à destination des entreprises. The Hype is Dead, but MOOCs Are Marching On. Mic Listen to the podcast: Just two years ago, massive open online courses (MOOCs) were all the rage.

The Hype is Dead, but MOOCs Are Marching On

They were garnering lots of media attention and The New York Times called 2012 “the year of the MOOC.” Today, though the hype has died down, the world’s largest provider of MOOCs – Coursera – keeps on innovating and developing its online platform to serve millions of learners. Coursera co-founder Daphne Koller, whom Knowledge@Wharton interviewed in November 2012, returned to campus recently to speak about her progress since launching her company 2.5 years ago, and she gives her predictions for what the MOOC landscape will look like in the future. Poetry classes show MOOCs can have a personal touch. Dive Brief: Online poetry classes from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University are showing that massive open online courses aren’t necessarily impersonal, and can draw students into smaller communities of teaching and discussion.

Poetry classes show MOOCs can have a personal touch

UPenn’s Modern & Contemporary American Poetry course, or ModPo, had 42,000 students in its first year and 38,000 students in its most recent semester, according to the Atlantic. The Harvard course has students from 150 countries. ModPo professors moderate discussion groups in Los Angeles, New York, the District of Columbia, San Francisco, and Prague, and users lead their own groups in more than 20 cities around the world. Quelques désaccords avec Daphne Koller (Coursera) sur les MOOC. Connaissez-vous Daphne Koller, la fondatrice de Coursera ?

Quelques désaccords avec Daphne Koller (Coursera) sur les MOOC

Eh bien si ce n’est pas le cas, vous devriez, car c’est sans doute l’une des personnes les plus influentes de l’univers MOOC. Comme vous le savez sans doute si vous avez suivi l’actualité, elle est passée à Paris il y a quelques semaines pour rendre visite aux établissements partenaires de l’entreprise, Polytechnique, Sciences Po, etc.

Juste avant un dîner-débat qu’elle a animé dans les locaux de l’Etudiant, j’ai pu passer près d’une heure en sa compagnie, en présence de plusieurs journalistes. Thot Cursus. Ressources d'apprentissage gratuites. Formation a distance. MOOCAZ. A Tale of Two MOOCs @ Coursera: Divided by Pedagogy. The Web as a classroom is transforming how people learn, is driving the need for new pedagogy; two recently launched courses at Coursera highlight what happens when pedagogical methods fail to adapt.

A Tale of Two MOOCs @ Coursera: Divided by Pedagogy

Divided pedagogy I wrote recently about the Fundamentals of Online: Education [FOE] the Coursera course that was suspended after its first week and is now in MOOC hibernation mode. Over thirty thousands students signed up for the course hoping to learn how to develop an online course. It was a technical malfunction when students were directed to sign-up for groups through a Google Doc that shuttered the course, along with hundreds of student complaints about lack of clear instructions, and poor lecture quality. Apprendre à lire dans un MOOC de langues. Hey, si vous en avez pas marre de mon projet d’applications pour l’apprentissage des langues (dans le cadre de MOOC dédiés), voici un nouveau billet sur le sujet.

Apprendre à lire dans un MOOC de langues

Cette fois-ci, on s’intéresse à l’apprentissage du script d’une langue étrangère. On a parlé récemment de vocabulaire, de grammaire, mais on a oublié l’apprentissage de la lecture. Fichtre, sacré oubli. Inicio - ECO Learning. What is a MOOC? What are the different types of MOOC? xMOOCs and cMOOCs. The acronym “MOOC” has been in vogue recently, with lots of discussion about organisations like udacity, coursera and edX.

What is a MOOC? What are the different types of MOOC? xMOOCs and cMOOCs

The acronym stands for “Massive Open Online Course.” These organisations provide one interpretation of the MOOC model. They focus on concise, targeted video content – with short videos rather than full-length lectures to wade through – and use automated testing to check students’ understanding as they work through the content. Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning. All MOOCs, All The Time. One of the purposes of research is to establish a foundation of prior knowledge for future experiments to engage and extrapolate before proposing a new design that will further the field. This is important; without an understanding of what came before, research runs the risk of reinventing the wheel, or even (worse yet) coming up with something more rudimentary than the wheel. In my days of teaching creative writing, it used to be quite the stressor to get smart, motivated teenagers to take notes of their plots and characters. What is a Constructivist MOOC?

Lisa Lane describes three kinds of MOOCs here. OSSEMOOC is a Constructivist MOOC (what Lisa would call a network-based MOOC). It is a way of exploring and sharing resources, and constructing new knowledge through connections. Please check out the video: “What is a MOOC?” Le MOOC, nouvel outil d'information clients. Informer ses clients et les former au domaine d’expertise, aux outils et au savoir faire de l’entreprise. Former ses clients à son domaine d’expertise : Dans certains secteurs, il est important de pouvoir former ses clients pour s’assurer de leur bonne compréhension de l’environnement et des enjeux de votre entreprise. Dans cette optique, un MOOC vous permet de les former et de les accompagner afin qu’ils puissent s’approprier l’univers dans lequel vous évoluez.

Exemple : BNP Paribas a créé un MOOC sur le prélèvement SEPA pour former ses clients sur cette nouvelle régulation financière européenne qui est devenue obligatoire en 2014. Former ses clients à ses outils : Moocs could do for skills what iTunes did for music. LAST week Ireland Inc was presented with a golden opportunity to use its unique position to lead the world in combining the future needs of business and education. I had the pleasure of introducing one of the world's largest and most progressive companies, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), to the Taoiseach, the Enterprise and Jobs Minister and the heads of many of Ireland's top third level education establishments. And the potential link-ups that the CEO of TCS presented, I believe, give the Irish education system, and the Irish economy, the opportunity to be at the forefront of a revolution in the way we both learn and work.

The key is Ireland's potential role with Tata in the development of Massive Open Online Courses (or MOOCs). Les MOOC : entre mirage technologique et virage pédagogique … le retour ! Le MOOC idéal - matthy bLog. Aujourd’hui, pas de compte-rendu de MOOC, mais un billet plus général. C’est l’heure de la synthèse : après avoir essayé une trentaine de MOOC (et en avoir terminé 23), je commence à avoir une idée assez précise de ce que j’aimerais trouver dans les prochains. Je vais donc dresser le portrait du MOOC idéal ; un portrait subjectif bien entendu, qui j’espère te fera réagir et te donnera envie de donner un avis différent, sur ce blog ou sur Twitter. Reprenons. Les 5 facteurs clés de succès d'un MOOC.