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Spain's campaigning judge seeks change in law to prosecute global corporations. He has brought down governments, closed newspapers and ordered the arrests of dictators. Now Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish judge who redefined the boundaries of cross-border justice, has set his sights on widening the definition of international law to target corporations that carry out economic or environmental crimes.

“Humanitarian and economic crises cause more deaths around the world than all of the genocides we have documented,” said Garzón, who made headlines around the world when he ordered the 1998 arrest of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet in London. Next month, he and other leading activists, judges and academics from a dozen countries will come together at a conference in Buenos Aires to push forward the idea that economic and environmental crimes be considered crimes against humanity, akin to torture or genocide.

These actions fit within the definition of crimes against humanity, as they affect certain sectors of the population and trample on human rights, he said. Stadsgenoot zet Nico van den Ham op zwart en op straat. South Africa: Michael Tellinger: Our Countries are Corporations. From: Michael Tellinger Sent: 31 January 2013 02:07 AM To: Lynton Subject: Our Coutries Are Corporations Our countries are registered as corporations. What does that make us - Trading stock? Dear Lynton Part of discovering our human origins is discovering some sobering and shocking information that we do net expect. The legal system we embrace today is a product of this manipulation and has eveolved over thousands of years of careful structuring by those who make the rules, for the benefit of those who make the rules.

What the leaders do when they are sworn in, is to swear to do the best they can for the CORPORATION called REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. I also include two YouTube links: 1) The opening speech in my first court appearance against the banks in SA. 2) The UBUNTU presentation from the first public meeting in Durban SA on 3 Nov 2012. Open letter and enquiry from the UBUNTU Party DATE: 18 Jan 2013 TO: Sibusiso Xaba, the Director General of Arts & Culture - Republic Of South Africa. EDGAR Search Results. The MEPs who became corporate lobbyists. From MEP to lobbyist Karin Riis-Jørgensen was a Danish MEP for 15 years and during this time she sat on the committee for internal market and consumer protection, amongst others. Shortly after she left the Parliament in 2009, she became a senior advisor at lobby firm Kreab Gavin Anderson.

Kreab is one of Brussels' biggest lobby consultancies with an annual lobby turnover of nearly four million euros. Its clients in 2012 (the most recent year for which information is available on the EU Transparency Register (link is external)) include: Google, EDF, UBS, Goldman Sachs and Scania. One of Riis-Jørgensen's clients at Kreab is Swedish Match, the controversial tobacco company which in 2012 was a central player in the Dalligate scandal.

On 16 March 2011 and 6 March 2012 Riis-Jørgensen, together with Swedish Match's public affairs director, met with representatives from the European Commission's Secretariat General to discuss the review of the tobacco products directive. What's the problem? 'Openheid over farmanetwerk' | Binnenland | Wijzigingen in de Telecommunicatiewet maken dat iedere website de verplichting heeft te informeren over het gebruik van cookies. Ook dient toestemming gevraagd te worden voor het specifieke gebruik van cookies. We beseffen dat dit lastig en zelfs klantonvriendelijk kan overkomen. Bij voorbaat onze excuses hiervoor. Cookies helpen om u een optimale gebruikerservaring te bieden bij het bezoeken van onze websites. Met cookies kunnen we het gedrag van bezoekers analyseren en daardoor onze webpagina verbeteren.

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If we consider the Fed’s policies (tapering, etc.) solely within the narrow confines of the corporatocracy or a strictly financial context, we are in effect touching the foot of the elephant and declaring the creature to be short and roundish. I have been studying the Deep State for 40 years, before it had gained the nifty name “deep state.” What others describe as the Deep State I term the National Security State which enables the American Empire, a vast structure that incorporates hard and soft power–military, diplomatic, intelligence, finance, commercial, energy, media, higher education–in a system of global domination and influence. Back in 2007 I drew a simplified chart of the Imperial structure, what I called the Elite Maintaining and Extending Global Dominance (EMEGD): At a very superficial level, some pundits have sought a Master Control in the Trilateral Commission or similar elite gatherings.

One way to understand the Deep State is to trace the vectors of dependency. G-20 Agrees To Grow Global Economy By $2 Trillion, Has No Idea How To Actually Achieve It. Apparently all it takes to kick the world out of a secular recession and back into growth mode, is for several dozen finance ministers and central bankers to sit down and sign on the dotted line, agreeing it has to be done.

That is the take home message from the just concluded latest G-20 meeting in Syndey, where said leaders agreed that it is time to finally grow the world economy by 2% over the next 5 years. The final G-20 communiqué announced its member nations would take concrete action to increase investment and employment, among other reforms. "We will develop ambitious but realistic policies with the aim to lift our collective GDP by more than 2 percent above the trajectory implied by current policies over the coming 5 years," the G20 statement said.

Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey, who hosted the meeting, sold the plan as a new day for cooperation in the G20. And to think all it took was several dozen of politicians sitting down for 2 days in balny Syndey and agreeing. Corporate Colonialism: Winners and Losers of Global 'Free' Trade. By Don Quijones, a freelance writer and translator based in Barcelona, Spain. His blog, Raging Bull-Shit, is a modest attempt to challenge some of the wishful thinking and scrub away the lathers of soft soap peddled by our political and business leaders and their loyal mainstream media. “I think of globalisation as a light which shines brighter and brighter on a few people, and the rest are in darkness, wiped out” – Arundhati Roy On February 12th of this year, the presidents of Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile signed an agreement to eliminate tariffs on 92 percent of trade among their countries.

The agreement is seen as vital in the economic integration of the four fastest-growing economies in Latin America, and a significant advance in their goal of working as a united trade partner with Asia. At least that’s the official story, reported verbatim and with gushing enthusiasm by the mainstream financial and general press. Mexico: Global Free Trade’s Poster Child Wolf here. UN panel: corporate tax avoidance is Africa's biggest financial drain. Can Thabo Mbeki, the second president in post-apartheid South Africa, help save the continent from the scourge of corruption and illicit money outflows? The United Nations seems to think so. Mbeki is the public face of a UN-sponsored group – “The High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows” -- that is in the process of drawing up what it says will be practical recommendations to end the flight of much-needed capital from Africa whether from outright corruption, criminal activities or, most significantly, tax avoidance schemes by multi-national corporations.

The target audience for the group’s recommendations, which are to be issued next June, are fellow African leaders who will be provided with specific steps to follow and who, it is hoped, will be motivated to take action. Mbeki was in New York last week hosting a panel discussion with officials from various government agencies and non-profit groups to solicit their ideas.

This is not only a problem in Africa. Fake-food scandal revealed as tests show third of products mislabelled. Consumers are being sold food including mozzarella that is less than half real cheese, ham on pizzas that is either poultry or "meat emulsion", and frozen prawns that are 50% water, according to tests by a public laboratory. The checks on hundreds of food samples, which were taken in West Yorkshire, revealed that more than a third were not what they claimed to be, or were mislabelled in some way. Their results have been shared with the Guardian. Testers also discovered beef mince adulterated with pork or poultry, and even a herbal slimming tea that was neither herb nor tea but glucose powder laced with a withdrawn prescription drug for obesity at 13 times the normal dose. A third of fruit juices sampled were not what they claimed or had labelling errors. Two contained additives that are not permitted in the EU, including brominated vegetable oil, which is designed for use in flame retardants and linked to behavioural problems in rats at high doses.

Against Fascism: Towards the Separation of Business and State. The relationship between trade rules and the operations of multinational corporations. Hoe corporatisme telkens wint: het EPD/LSP. Op 5 april 2011 verwierp de Eerste Kamer het voorstel om het Elektronisch Patiënten Dossier (EPD) wettelijk geregeld te krijgen. De Kamer was hierbij reeds voorafgegaan door huisartsen die eveneens aangaven het niet eens te zijn met de invoering van het EPD. Kortom, dat zag er allemaal hoopvol en rooskleurig uit. Maar aangezien we met zijn allen helaas in een wereld leven die niet om ons maar om geld draait, pakte een en ander uiteindelijk toch weer totaal anders uit. Al snel bleek dat het grote geld koste wat het kost over uw persoonlijke gegevens wilde beschikken. Daar zijn tenslotte allerlei vreselijk opwindende marketingprofielen uit te genereren die in de toekomst mogelijkerwijs voor nog meer omzet kunnen zorgen.

En dus gingen verzekeringstoko’s proberen huisartsen om te kopen. Vandaag werd bekend dat er een EPD voor heel Noord Nederland komt. Dat alles – uiteraard – met dank aan uw volksvertegenwoordigers. En zo ziet u: het corporatisme wint.