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Welcome to - A short introduction to our site. This is run by Chandoo & a small army of freelancers and volunteers.

Welcome to - A short introduction to our site

Although started as a personal website back in 2004, after 3 years, I changed the direction of site from personal rants to data. Today, after 17 years, is a thriving community of passionate learners and sharers. About Chandoo My name is Purna Duggirala. Excel is Fun! Excel workbook file YouTube Downloads (100s of files, you may have to scroll down a lot to find your file).

Excel is Fun!

If you can't find file, try looking in "Other Excel Series" section at bottom (Ctrl + End) EMT 968-969.xlsx StartFile&FinishedFile.xlsxEMT 970.xlsx StartFile&FinishedFile.xlsx EMT971-975 StartFile&FinishedFile.xlsx EMT976-977 StartFile&FinishedFile.xlsx. Microsoft Excel Tutorials & Training Courses. Word Excel Access. What areas of Excel scare you most? [survey. Free Online Learning at Excel Functions and Formulas. ALL Functions - Category.