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Facebook Twitter - Touristic webcams worldwide. Global disease alert map. GoNew IP To Country. My IP Address Lookup and GeoTargeting - Community Geotarget IP Project - what country, city ip addresses map to - IP Trace. Twittervision. Flickrvision (beta) WikiPediaVision (beta) Geonames. » Some predictions for the coming 'mashosphere' | Enterprise Web 2.0 | As MashupCamp gets into full swing today, I thought I'd try my hand at projecting current trends forward and seeing how the mashup world might look in the near future. The fact is that the services and data available all over the Web, and inside our own organizations, are now just too tempting a target as significant source material for our software efforts.

This is important within the enterprise because mashups have the potential to deliver zero-footprint, Web-based business applications that are easier to build, cheaper, more reusable, and more maintainable. And the open Web services and SOAs that most of us are now building are also really helping make this possible by lowering the impedance between our systems. Thus, being able to readily combine all our services into rich new applications will probably herald the long-awaited arrival of true software reuse (beyond the ever ubiquitous cut-and-paste method that is).

A quick backstory: Driving forces behind mashups.