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Northern Lights | Free Soundscapes & Noise Machines. ♥ This setting sounds like you're floating through the stars ♥ Wow! Checkout the Calibration feature, create your personalized audio curve (to match your ear or speaker capability) and then apply it to a sound - suddenly whole layers you did not hear before jump out ! Perfect background for work, I combine Beta binaural with a Noise track (two tabs open) hope I'm doing that right - seems to work for me... more than happy to donate !!! ♥ For the past two months I have had major troubles getting to bed. Mixing the Northern Lights generator with the Osmosis generator on 'animate' really calms me down and helps me get to sleep, slowly but surely I'm sleeping better, and finding it easier to get to sleep, thanks to the noise generators! Thanks! ♥ I love layering Northern Lights with Ice World. . ♥ This is nice. ♥ Thank you for this wonderful website.

. ♥ This is amazing. . ♥ Brown preset on Northern Lights + Grey preset on Ice Drone = Awesomeness ♥ Amazing. . ♥ THE. . ♥ Wow! ♥ This is nice. ♥ Amazing. Shpongle - Are You Shpongled [Full album] Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day". Remember - I Am You - We Are One (Omkara & Mooji) ATMA - Eternal Boundlessness lyrics. Blessed life - by Kirtana. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic zeros - Om nashi me (Bienvenido a la tierra - Welcome to earth)