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Sherryd865 : This is the show I want... Evilpinkghosty : This is how much attention... Choose your favorite TV duos and share your picks with friends! Supernatural Story Finders - Looking for some Sam/Gabriel mpreg stories where Sam is the pregnant one. Like Snickers - Master List of Fanfic. KamiDiox's deviantART Gallery. A Family Torn Asunder Chapter 1, a supernatural fanfic. Here is my new story.

A Family Torn Asunder Chapter 1, a supernatural fanfic

A bit different from what I've done before. Hope you like it. (This is a repost of chapter 1 as half of it didn't post the first time around!) Cindy Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that you recognize from the show. Just outside Gresham Oregon-Thursday, April 22, 1999 "Sam! "Yes, sir," Sam replied softly, shooting a glare at his older brother when he chuckled in amusement beside him.

"I don't want any of your screw ups, Samuel. "I won't screw up, Dad," Sam answered sullenly. "What was that, Sam? "No, sir. "Good. "Yes, sir," Dean said, speaking for the first time since they had exited the Impala and left it a mile back at the visitor parking area, the twenty year old standing straight, ready for the hunt to begin. Miles Before I Sleep, a supernatural fanfic. Title: Miles Before I Sleep Author: Silverkitsune1 Part: 1/1 Rating: R Summary: An AU in which Sam never went to Stanford.

Miles Before I Sleep, a supernatural fanfic

When you talk too much for Twitter. Supernatural's Jared Padalecki Welcomes a Son. Jared Padalecki on Supernatural 2012! Supernatural – Episode 7.16 – Out With The Old – Sneak Peek. I just know we're all we've got. Bookmarks for spn_blindfold. When Crowley gave Castiel the ‘loan’ of 50,000 souls, the demon added some details into the fine print, and part of the deal was that ‘interest’ would start to accrue past a certain point.

bookmarks for spn_blindfold

Cas had been confident they would find Purgatory quickly enough, but it’s taking far longer than he thought. Starting 3 months after they made the deal, Cas would pay interest with one hour of ‘obedience and submission’ per month. This interest compounds, however. After 4 months, it is one hour every two weeks, then every week, then every night, etc. There is demonic influence limiting his power and actions during the ‘hour’ that is due to Crowley and if Castiel makes the necessary effort to break free of those bonds, then he loses the power of the 50,000 souls, and loses any chance of surviving his defiance of Raphael…

Spn_j2_bigbang: Hold Me Til The Morning Comes. Supernatural Story Finders - Ghost Sam. Life is Fiction - GHOST'S WHISPERS. The knock at her door was persistent, and she hurried downstairs as fast as her old legs allowed her.

Life is Fiction - GHOST'S WHISPERS

It better not be one of those door to door sellers, she thought. Or even worse, a preacher. For some reason the local pastor had bestowed upon himself the sacred mission of regaining her into his flock, and his well-intentioned minions still dropped by from time to time: no matter how many years had passed since the last time she stepped into a church. "I'm coming! " She huffed, when the doorbell rang again. The words caught in her throat as she opened the door, and her heart stuttered inside her chest.

"Oh... " "Missouri. " Dean's voice was as ragged as his appearance, tired lines and dark circles under bloodshot eyes making the thirty-year old look way over forty. "Oh... " Sam stood next to Dean, wearing the saddest expression Missouri had ever seen. "Oh, my poor boys. " "Can you see him? " Sam was dead. Oooooooo()oooooooO "Can you really see me? " Petite_madame - The Calendar-Wallpaper Project: Calendar-free wallpapers! The Calendar-Wallpaper Project: Calendar-free wallpapers!

petite_madame - The Calendar-Wallpaper Project: Calendar-free wallpapers!

What's the concept? During the year 2011, I posted one drawing a month (alongside other arts, it wasn't my only project) all inspired by a fan fiction (to cut a long story short, it was one month, one drawing, one calendar wallpaper). It was a way to pay tribute to all the authors and stories I enjoyed in the past few years in the Supernatural fandom. What's different from your preceding posts? In this post, all the wallpapers are available in their original size (or a bit smaller) but without the calendar at the bottom. The Calendars Click on the title of the art to full view.

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I Geek, Therefore I Blog. Always Love - J2 Masterlist. Supernatural Story Finders. Your Bottle Is Empty (But Your Glass Has Been Filled) - jjtaylor - Supernatural. Sam stumbles sleepily into the diner.

Your Bottle Is Empty (But Your Glass Has Been Filled) - jjtaylor - Supernatural

It's four in the afternoon on a rainy day in Pennsylvania and he's not sure what meal he's buying, though it's not like it really matters. Food is food, and diner food is as all purpose as it gets. Sam heads up to the counter, asks if they'll make something to go and it's not like anyone ever says no, but he feels like it's polite to ask. He orders burgers and fries and pie and takes a seat on the worn leather stool, propping his elbows up on the counter.

Someone slides a cup of coffee in front of him. "You want more coffee for the road? " Before Sam can even nod, Gabriel snaps and Sam's holding a fresh styrofoam cup . "Thanks," Sam says again. Dean unwraps his burger as soon as Sam hands him the bag and he takes a bite and then punches Sam hard in the shoulder. Secret Thoughts of a Dirty Mind.

Sinful Desire. Supernatural Boscon 2011- Jared's train story.