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Naughty Dog UGM Extended. Articles I've been writing and moderating this wiki, both to share art information with other artists and as a way to document new techniques as I learn them. I wrote this to help communicate what a Technical Artist is, what we expected at Blue Fang from our TAs, what TAs do for the studio at large, etc. There's also a list of links at the end for more info on the subject.

I created these examples to show how bent vertex normals can help foliage look better in games. This test shows how subsurface scattering can be faked for tree leaves, by using an inverted normal map. Guillaume kindly let me host these two articles. I wrote this back in 1999. A tutorial about making your own sketchbooks from scratch, loose notes from an informal class in college. A tutorial about how I combined multiple photos into a single panorama, using 3ds Max and Photoshop. A few old tutorials for making textures. Networking My profile on the professional networking site. My profile on the game database site. Photos. UDK Hint & Tips - Neil Gowland - Environment Artist.

A Better Way To Take Wireframe Screenshots I often see people displaying wireframe screenshots from UDK by simply switching to wireframe mode. Personally I think this is ugly and it is far to cluttered to make any useful judgement about an artist's technical ability. A much better way to display wireframe screenshots would be to turn on 'Display Mesh Edges' (Viewport Options > Show > Advanced > Mesh Edges). This will essentially overlay the wireframe onto whatever viewmode you currently have selected, whether it be Lit, Lighting Only or Unlit. You can change the wireframe colour by selecting all of the static meshes, going to their properties and changing the wireframe colour.

Copying Objects Into Text Editors It sounds crazy but did you know that anything that can be placed in the viewport can be copied into a text editor and stored for later use? Break Kismet Links Quickly You can break kismet links quickly by holding 'Alt' and 'Left Clicking' on the connector node. Tutorials | Unity Cookie. FOLIAGE ( :D) map - WIP. Thanks again for the feedback Grag, and Mr Significant. I completely agree with the both of you and I really need to hide the horizon line and with the fallen bark trees. That will be next plan and I will get started on that ASAP! For now: Significant, I really agree that the leaves lacked color, so I added some saturation back into the,, and I think it really helped sell the trees more.

Do you think it's too much, a good level, or I can crank it up more? I also made the ground slightly greener to match the more ambient green light coming off the plants/trees. Yes that was my old foliage scene and I definitely agree it is better. I promise to make this EVEN BETTER than that scene, since I have learned so much more. Keep the feedback coming guys, cause I'm definitely loving your input and the direction it's going! Udk grass. Leaf. Amir Abdaoui. Making_Of_Scottish_Landscape.

Damian Lazarski. Reducing seams In this section I will discuss the methods that can be used for reducing texture, shading, material and physical seams in UDK environments. Texturing principles In this section I will discuss the process of planning and designing the textures for your environment in a way that will allow you to hide the seams with ease. The first step for reducing seams in your environments is to divide the types of your assets into three categories; structural, mixed and organic. Normally, you may think of organic assets as objects that have irregular shapes, such as rocks or trees. Here however, we will make the distinction based not on the shape of an object, but on the type of a texture that it will use.

The type of texture information will usually dictate what solutions will be best at reducing the seams. When it comes to creating the textures, you might want to decide right from the start what type of texture you are trying to make. Reducing UV seams: Trims Indents and vertex alpha Decals. Making Awesome Metal in UDK | Blog @ GameTextures. Materials in UDK can be as simple or advanced as you want them to be. I tend to make mine way too complicated, and sometimes that’s not entirely what I want. Metals are always one of the trickier materials for people. In this short tutorial we’re going to go over making a metal texture for UDK. We’re going to be building this material in UDK: (available here) – We’ll make it free, so make a free account over at GameTextures, and download it to follow along! The first step, as with any of our textures is to get everything prepared for UDK. 1. 9.

So, I’m just going to be working with one of the UDK preset scenes, so that we can all be on the same page here. The first thing we need to do is create a new package for our little scene. Alright, at the bottom left of your content window, right next to the “New” BFB, click “Import” . ► Metal_wallSciFiPanels_1k_specularFix – Specular Map with Gloss in Alpha Channel. This is a special window. Boom. Sweet. The first input is just “Specular”. 1. 4. Outsider_wip06. Glass2n. ZBrush INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT with David Bentley (12 videos) 5/22/2013. In this Industry Spotlight, David Bentley walks you through his automotive design process. Watch, as David details the features and functions used to create this pavement pounding exotic. You'll see features like Panel Loops, the Noise Maker plugin, Insert Meshes, Clipping brushes and a host of others used to bring this project to life. "I put this series of videos together on design sketching in ZBrush because I've had a number of requests from friends and professionals who ask me where they can go for a design tutorial in ZBrush.

They see sculpting in ZBrush as a huge conceptual design opportunity. I hope viewers will find these videos useful and learn from my own experiments. " "I currently am an Assistant Professor in the Entertainment Arts Department at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit where I work with game and animation students focusing on character, environment and concept design.

SIGGRAPH 2013 Course: Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice - Self Shadow. Brief Considerations About Materials | Manufato. Important: The following tutorial was written back in 2010. A lot of it still makes sense, but some parts should (and will eventually) be revised to include the concept of PBR materials.

Brief Considerations About Materials I originally made this tutorial for a lecture I gave at CCAA, a school in Brazil where I help running the Post-Graduation Course on Game Art. It came from the necessity to explain some elements of the materials that are commonly misunderstood. Most artists, in general, have a pretty good understanding of diffuse, normals, alpha, but it’s often on the specular map that they will get lost and some times even ruin a pretty good asset. I hope you enjoy it. Textures and Shaders If the shape of an object, in 3D, is the result of its geometry, the material from which this object is made of is the result of its shader and textures.

Shaders are instructions that tell the render how an object should be displayed. Textures are images that provide visual information to the shader. And…