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How the world's best-performing school systems come out on top. Science Education in Europe: Critical Reflections. MindShift. MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions. We examine how learning is being impacted by technology, discoveries about how the brain works, poverty and inequities, social and emotional practices, assessments, digital games, design thinking and music, among many other topics.

We look at how learning is evolving in the classroom and beyond.We also revisit old ideas that have come full circle in the era of the over scheduled child, such as unschooling, tinkering, playing in the woods, mindfulness, inquiry-based learning and student motivation. We report on shifts in how educators practice their craft as they apply innovative ideas to help students learn, while meeting the rigorous demands of their standards and curriculum.

MindShift has a unique audience of educators, tinkerers, policy makers and life-long learners who engage in meaningful dialogue with one another on our sites. Contact the us by email. 21st Century Skills. Edutopia. Teaching Resources. Magazine de l'éducation. Seann Dikkers, professeur assistant en technologies éducatives à l'université de l'Ohio, utilise un système d'évaluation par niveau d'expérience, inspiré par les jeux vidéo. Une forme de notation plus motivante pour les élèves. Depuis combien de temps utilisez-vous un système de points d’expérience au lieu des notes ? Auparavant, j’ai pratiqué l’évaluation de portfolio et la pédagogie différenciée pendant dix années d’enseignement.

Le vocabulaire du jeu est juste une meilleure façon de véhiculer l’idée que l’apprentissage est réel, personnel, et ancré dans une expérience contextualisée (comme le théorise Piaget). Points d’expérience, késako ? Lee Sheldon, pionner de la classe-jeu vidéo En septembre 2009, le professeur d’université Lee Sheldon commence à organiser un de ses cours comme un jeu vidéo, avec des avatars, des guildes, des missions… et bien sûr, des points d’expérience. Pourquoi les points d’expérience sont-ils plus motivants que les notes habituelles ?

Bonne question ! 3 big shifts. Trying to keep things conceptually simple, I see schools needing to make 3 big shifts: From Low-Level Thinking to High-Level Thinking. From an overwhelming emphasis on students doing lower-level thinking tasks (factual recall, procedural regurgitation) to students more often engaging in tasks of greater cognitive complexity (creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, effective communication).From Analog to Digital. From local classrooms that are largely based on pens/pencils, notebook paper, ring binders, and printed textbooks to local and global learning spaces that are deeply and richly technology-infused (devices + Internet).From Teacher-Directed to Student-Directed. From classrooms that are overwhelmingly teacher-controlled to learning environments that enable greater student agency (ownership and control of what, how, when, where, who with, and why they learn).

I think the third one’s going to be most difficult. As educators we are not ready to give up control… Open Discovery Space. PATHWAY. Fibonacci-Project. S-TEAM. The Stimulating Physics Network - Supporting the Teaching and Learning of Physics. Physics Network Co-ordinators The core of our support for all teachers and pupils in England is provided by Physics Network Co-ordinators. These are experienced teachers or former teachers who organise innovative and inspirational workshops - at no cost to schools or participants.

To find out what's on in your area, or to request a free workshop at your school, visit our regions page. For example: Shocked and Stunned – developing confidence and skill in using the Van de Graaff generator; Rockets – demonstrating how to make a compressed-air rocket launcher from plumbing parts, which fires paper rockets. Find out more about the range of available workshops. IOP Schools Affiliation The IOP offers an affiliation scheme for schools and colleges, which currently costs £48 per annum. Classroom Physics – a newsletter published four times a year, with information about events, resources and training as well as teaching tips and practical ideas focused on the 11–16 age group.

Physics Update Courses. WeSPOT. ::Open Science Resources:: Open source education. Most people think of their interactions with computer systems to occur via a keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen. However, humans evolved to interact with thier environment and each other in much more intricate ways. Bridging the gap between the computational systems of the digital world and the natural world is being studied and tested in the Physical Computing course at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany. As a professor of the course, we are currently leveraging a variety of open source software and hardware projects to learn about fundamental core concepts with hands-on experiences and implementation of open source tools. On the software side, we use an open-source IDE (Arduino Sketch) and develop 3D printer designs using OpenSCAD.

On the open source hardware portion of the course, we utilize the Arduinos and the PrintrBot Simple. Global Hands-On Universe. Edshelf. Resources : Teacher Tools. MIT OpenCourseWare. Unisciel. Faulkes Telescope Project. Las Cumbres Observatory. HYPATIA. Physics Simulation with Java.

11 Com b - Visual Exoplanet Catalogue. The planetary system 11 Com hosts at least one planet. Image Click on the image to get a higher resolution image. Architecture of the system This list shows all planetary and stellar components in the system. It gives a quick overview of the hierarchical architecture. 11 Com is not binary system, so the architecture is rather simple. Video This video shows the planetary system 11 Com. Planets in the system This table lists all planets in the system 11 Com. Stars in the system This table lists all stars in the system 11 Com. Visualizations Orbits Planet sizes The following plot shows the approximate sizes of the planets in this system The Solar System planets are shown as a comparison.

Habitable zone The following plot shows the approximate location of the planets in this system with respect to the habitable zone (green) and the size of the star (red). Scientific references and contributors Links to scientific papers and other data sources Note that this is just a summary. Data download Corrections.