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Department of Psychology :: 25 Principles of Learning :: University of Memphis. DMLcentral. Gerry Stahl's website. GVU Center at Georgia Tech. Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Education. Bjork Learning and Forgetting Lab - Research. Applying Cognitive Psychology to Enhance Educational Practice The primary goal of this research, which is funded by the James S. McDonnell foundation, is to promote learning and memory performance within educational contexts through the investigation of principles in cognitive psychology.

Studies address issues of transfer-appropriate and material-appropriate processing between encoding and retrieval. Applying tests in order to enhance learning and determining the desirable amount and timing of feedback regarding an individual's memory performance are methods that are currently under investigation. The overlying theme of "desirable difficulties," first introduced by Robert Bjork (1994), is also explored through manipulations in the spacing of learning events and the study schedule produced by interleaving various to-be-learned items, such as English-Swahili translated word pairs or prose materials. I. In recent years, we have explored this phenomenon in a variety of ways. II. R. III. V. Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools: Home. Games For Learning Institute.

AAA Lab at Stanford - Home.