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~Revelations for the Individual

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The Sacred Rendezvous | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson January 29, 2009in Boulder, Colorado You are destined to meet certain people in life. You have a rendezvous with them. They will be guided to meet you as you are being guided to meet them. These relationships are really not based upon past worldly experience, but are a part of a Plan that was established before you came into the world, a Plan that has been created to make it possible for you to discover higher purpose in your life. God knows you cannot recognize and carry out this purpose alone, for it is remarkable and distinct from anything else in the world. But you cannot find this purpose on your own. Relationships are the means, but they are also the reward.

This is what the athlete seeks in attaining a greater strength and ability. You cannot undertake even the preparation for your greater purpose alone, for you will need others who can support it and recognize its value in you. Real Change | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson November 6, 2008in Boulder, Colorado It is becoming evident to ever-increasing numbers of people that great change is needed if humanity is to meet the challenges of its time. Great change is needed in how governments function, in how people behave and respond. Great change is needed in many organizations and institutions to adapt to a changing set of circumstances in the world. For Great Waves of change are coming to the world, great environmental changes. You are facing a world of diminishing resources; a world whose climate has been affected, generating violent and unpredictable weather; a world where economic and political instability are increasing; and there is a growing risk of conflict and war over the remaining resources.

Surely, you cannot just hold on to your preferred way of life, blind in the face of the Great Waves of change. Many people want and demand change in the world. The Great Love | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson November 23, 2007in Boulder, Colorado Around the world love is held to be in the highest esteem, as a pinnacle of human experience. Love is sung about in songs and written about in poetry. It is exalted in great literature. In addition, many people associate certain kinds of behaviors, beliefs and attitudes with love—gentleness and passivity are associated with love. And beyond this, what is God’s Love, the Love of God? So today We will speak on love, the greater love that lives within each individual, and the greater love of God that is the sum of all love in the universe and is the source of all real love everywhere—in this world and in the Greater Community of worlds.

It is necessary here to begin by saying what love is not. Love is not a behavior, an attitude or a mannerism. For love is not bound by these things. But you were born with a deeper mind, the mind of Knowledge. The mind must serve Spirit. Destiny | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson April 12, 2011in Boulder, Colorado The New Message is here to direct humanity and to preserve human civilization. It is the answer to innumerable prayers for the restoration of the individual and to bring greater cooperation, strength and creativity to the human family at its time of greatest need and travail. It is so great that people cannot fathom it, though they may think they understand. The New Message is to prepare humanity for living in a new world and to prepare humanity to engage with life beyond this world, an engagement that is part of your destiny and evolution.

At this moment, humanity is unprepared for both of these great turning points—these great thresholds that will require greater strength, greater discernment and greater compassion from people everywhere. It is a tremendous calling for the individual to become wise and responsible, capable and perceptive. You will have to learn of it. Building the Four Pillars of Your Life | The New Message from God. As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on September 15, 2008 in Boulder.

Colorado In truth, your life is only as strong as the weakest of your Pillars. There are Four Pillars to your life. They represent the strength of your life and the stability of your life. They represent your ability to withstand change and to take advantage of opportunity. They represent your ability to face disappointment and uncertainty.

There is the Pillar of Relationships; there is the Pillar of Work and Providership; there is the Pillar of Health; and there is the Pillar of your Spiritual Development. Like the four legs of a table, they uphold that table, and they uphold whatever is put upon that table. Neglect even one of these Pillars and you will be greatly weakened and prone to failure and defeat. Many people give themselves to one Pillar only. Other people give their whole focus to their relationships, pursuing romance or becoming obsessed with their friends or their extended family. What does this mean? The Confirmation | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson April 2, 2011in Boulder, Colorado You must listen for the Confirmation.

Our words are not just words. The writings are not merely ideas. They are a direct communication to the deepest part of you. If you cannot hear this, then how will your prayers ever be answered, if you cannot hear the answer? This is the Confirmation—the Confirmation of why you have come into the world, The Calling—which will call out of you that which you cannot call out of you yourself, The resonance that must come from the Source of life, a resonance that you are naturally attached to and in relationship with, The Confirmation that will bring your life into perspective, finally, giving it the right context, the right meaning and its true application in a changing and difficult world.

The Confirmation is what your heart is seeking in all of your pursuits and relationships, and happiness and fulfillment of whatever kind, No. The skies are dark. The Great Faith | The New Message from God. As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on April 25, 2007 in Jerusalem It is necessary now to consider what real faith is in the light of great change in the world, with the coming Great Waves that will sweep across the face of the world, with the Greater Darkness that is in the world. Your understanding of faith must change. It must take a higher ground, a more secure position, a more authentic understanding and expression. This faith must be based upon what is unseen, not upon what is seen.

It must be based upon what is known and most deeply felt. Your faith must be in something greater than what humanity has created. You see your faith is meant to keep your mind focused on a Greater Power that resides within you and within the minds and hearts of all who dwell here. For consider, if your faith is based upon the manifestations of life—the creations of humanity, what human institutions have developed—then how can this faith be sustained into the future? This is the Great Faith. The Blessing | The New Message from God. As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on April 20, 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey The Blessing is upon humanity, for this is a time of Revelation. This is the time when humanity is given a great gift, a great gift to give it purpose and direction facing the difficult and uncertain times ahead.

This is the time in which humanity receives a greater understanding of its spirituality, a call for its unity and cooperation and a revelation of its destiny—both within this world and beyond this world within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe. For humanity has reached a great threshold, a threshold from which there is no turning back.

It is a threshold unlike any threshold that humanity as a whole has ever reached before. Now you must become a people of the world—not just people of one nation or tribe or group. Here you are entering a greater panorama of life, and you are entering a competitive environment in the universe unlike anything you could even imagine. The time is short. The Initiation | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s Messenger Marshall Vian Summers on June 28, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado While the world goes about its daily affairs, the Messenger must proclaim. He must proclaim God’s New Revelation, for it holds the key to so many people’s lives and future. It will initiate their calling, their greater calling, which could not be initiated by any other teaching or any other reality.

It is here to prepare the world for the great change that is coming, the Great Waves of change—the great environmental, economic and political change—which are far greater than what people anticipate today. There are many people waiting for the New Revelation, for they have not found this Initiation in the religions of the past, in the traditions of the world. For them, it is not merely a teaching or a phenomenon. For them, this is the greatest moment though they may not understand its full meaning or what it will require in the future. Your mind may speculate. Building a Bridge to a New Life | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson February 25, 2008in Boulder, Colorado At a certain point you will come to realize that this New Revelation is here to give you a new life. It is not simply to make improvements or to sweeten it with a sense of spiritual meaning or to condone your thoughts and beliefs and past actions with some kind of blessing from above.

At some point you will come to realize that the life you are living is really not appropriate for you. It is a compromise. And the compromise has been too great. It has been too thorough. For God knows that without Knowledge, the deeper intelligence that has been placed within you, you would live a life of compromise. Now you have become a product of your society, a product of the expectations of society, a product of your own personal thinking, but you have lost contact with the deeper thread and meaning of your life. And now it seems to come to nothing. Leave your future open. The Meaning of Christmas | The New Message from God.

Received by Marshall Vian Summers December 23, 1994 in Boulder, Colorado Christmas represents the emergence of Knowledge in the individual. This is exemplified in the life of Jesus, who beyond his own understanding even, a Greater Power emerged within him and overtook his life—uniting him with the Unseen Ones, who guided him and led to the expression of his great and significant ministry. His demonstration, then, though greatly misunderstood and misappropriated, remains today as a symbol of the emergence of Knowledge within the individual. Though Jesus has been idealized, though his life has been made to be unique and un-matched by any other life, though he has been placed on a pedestal above and beyond every other person, in truth, his life represents the emergence of Knowledge within the individual. This emergence is possible for you. Jesus is now amongst the Unseen Ones, who guided, counseled and comforted him in his time as a person on Earth.

This is your Christmas now. Witnessing the Revelation | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson June 24, 2011in Boulder, Colorado The Messenger is in the world. He has brought with him a great Message for humanity, a Message that he has been receiving for over 25 years, a Message comprehensive enough to guide humanity into the next great stage of its evolution and development. Yet he is an ordinary man, but in appearance only. For he carries with him the seed of a greater understanding and a Greater Reality—the reality of life in the universe; the reality of a greater spiritual dimension of the world and beyond; the reality of purpose, meaning and direction; the reality of contact with the Angelic Presence, who is responsible for the well-being and the progress of the human family.

Many people will try to reject him. The Messenger’s presence is precious in the world. Who will bear witness to the Revelation? People want many things from the Creator of all life. People want miracles. The Gift of a New Life | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson May 14, 2011in Boulder, Colorado God’s New Revelation is not here to simply add value to your current existence or to validate your current ideas and pursuits. It is not here to validate the world’s religions or to conform to their beliefs or expectations, for God is not bound by these things.

It is not here to validate your expectations, for the Creator of all the universes is certainly not bound by this. Really, the New Message from God is here to provide a new life to those who can truly respond to it, to give them a greater foundation upon which to build a meaningful life—an inspired life, a life that is guided by Knowledge, a life of true relationships and meaningful engagement with the world. People come to the New Message to see if it conforms to their beliefs, their ideas and their expectations. Of course, it does not do this. You do not invent purpose and direction, for it is built in, you see. No. Love and Relationships | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson April 21, 2011in Boulder, Colorado It is certainly possible to feel great love for someone with whom you cannot participate in life and, in fact, this is not uncommon.

It is possible to feel great love for someone with whom you are incompatible, even on a personal level. People make the mistake of trying to build a relationship around this thinking that love is all they really need when, in fact, they are very incompatible with the other person, and their relationship can never be harmonious or really successful. People think that love is a kind of ultimate state of being, but in terms of romantic love, this cannot be the case.

People treat the experience of being in love as if it is an ultimate experience, but there is no guarantee that this will lead to a successful relationship, for a successful relationship must be built on purpose, readiness and compatibility. Destiny here means everything. God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity | The New Message from God. Right-click here to download As revealed to God’s MessengerMarshall Vian Summerson September 20, 2011in Boulder, Colorado Throughout history humanity has made covenants with God, often thinking that it is God’s Covenant that they are creating. These have varied according to the Sacred Covenant that God has always made. For human understanding can never encompass the Divine awareness. And human ethics and human law can never mirror perfectly the Divine awareness, for it is far too great and mysterious, extending far and far beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect. People want to have a concrete understanding.

But God is mysterious. Therefore, the Mystery is an essential and fundamental part of your life, greater than you currently realize. While human ethics and covenants have varied and human understanding has evolved, God has created a Sacred Covenant with humanity. The Sacred Covenant is fundamental to all life. The solution to the Separation was given at the beginning of time. The Rays of Initiation | The New Message from God. Love and Fear | The New Message from God. The Freedom to Move with Knowledge | The New Message from God. The Turning Point | The New Message from God.