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Geoserver/wfs_query.php at master · bitweaver/geoserver. GeoServer REST API with PHP | Okello Nelson's Blog. For the past couple of weeks, I've been writing libraries in C# that communicates with GeoServer's REST API. Having finished this, I was faced with another problem; implementing the same in PHP. Prerequisites: Enable cURL support in PHP: Open php.ini and look for the line extension=php_curl.dll . Uncomment this line(It's commented out by default). Restart Apache for the changes to take effect. I'm assuming that: You've been using GeoServer, and you understand the concept of workspaces, data stores, and feature types.

You already have Apache installed and with PHP support enabled. My implementation is as follows: First, have your GeoServer settings ready. Where: GEOSERVER_REST_API is the URL of the GeoServer REST API GEOSERVER_USER is the username/password combination for accessing GeoServer. This is the main function that does the heavy lifting. 1. 2. $request = "workspaces/".

$table = name of the PostGIS table to be created. Ext JS Examples and over 100 Ext JS Demos | Samples & Demos | Sencha Ext JS. Terms, Icons, and Labels Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component).

The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference. Access Levels Framework classes or their members may be specified as private or protected. Else, the class / member is public. Public, protected, and private are access descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used. Public classes and class members are available for use by any other class or application code and may be relied upon as a stable and persistent within major product versions. Member Types Config - The configuration options for a class. Member Syntax Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case). item : Object.

Documentation — GeoExt v1.1. User Manual — GeoServer 2.3.x User Manual. REST configuration — GeoServer 2.3.x User Manual. GeoServer provides a RESTful interface through which clients can configure an instance using simple HTTP calls. Using the REST interface, clients can configure GeoServer without the need to use the Web Administration Interface . REST is an acronym for “ REpresentational State Transfer ”. REST adopts a fixed set of operations on named resources, where the representation of each resource is the same for retrieving and setting information. In other words, you can retrieve (read) data in an XML format and also send data back to the server in similar XML format in order to set (write) changes to the system.

Operations on resources are implemented with the standard primitives of HTTP: GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. Each resource is represented as a URL, such as . For further information about the REST API, refer to the REST configuration API reference section. Home · geosolutions-it/geoserver-manager Wiki. cURL — GeoServer 2.3.x User Manual. The examples in this section use cURL, a command line tool for executing HTTP requests and transferring files, to generate requests to GeoServer’s REST interface. Although the examples are based on cURL, they could be adapted for any HTTP-capable tool or library. Please be aware, that cURL acts not entirely the same as a web-browser. In contrast to Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome cURL will not escape special characters in your request-string automatically. To make sure, that your requests can be processed correctly, make sure, that characters like paranthesis, commas and the like are escaped before sending them via cURL.

If you use libcurl in PHP 5.5 or newer you can prepare the url-string using the function curl_escape. In older versions of PHP hmlspecialchars should do the job also. Adding a new workspace The following creates a new workspace named “acme” with a POST request: Note Each code block below contains a single command that may be extended over multiple lines. ... ... <? <? <? <? <?