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Red/Yellow Card project. Here is everything you ever needed to know about my Red/Yellow Card project! Background This project has its roots in Defcon 2011. Defcon, if you’re not aware, is the worlds largest hacker conference. It takes place every summer in Las Vegas. It is a place for hackers of all types to come together for a bit of fun, learning, and partying. Extra Credits: Harassment. The Guy's Guide to Being a Feminist Ally in Video Gaming. One of the things I hear whenever I write about misogyny in video games is that there’s a silent majority of male gamers who are uncomfortable with the vicious sexism some of their counterparts deploy against women (and frankly, against men, too).

The Guy's Guide to Being a Feminist Ally in Video Gaming

Women aren’t alone in feeling hopeless, or like there’s no effective way to change either the behavior of individuals or the culture that leaves space for the harassment of women. So I hopped on Twitter yesterday and asked men who play video games, and who push back against sexist behavior when they see it, what kinds of arguments they’ve found to be effective. Dozens of you responded, with a lot of terrific advice. Chronique vidéo - 3615 Usul - La virilité - Jeuxvideo. Girl stuff. Girl stuff is a term used (complete with air quotes) to describe activities that tend to be associated with women, especially in the free software communities.

Girl stuff

As originally defined by Mary Gardiner: In Free Software this includes but is not limited to documentation, usability research, community management and (somewhat unusually for wider society) sometimes management in general. Androcentrism means that "girl stuff" tends to be de-valued or undervalued. It may not enough for you to qualify as a real geek. posts: Articles universitaires. Viol(ences), harcèlement. Femen Activists Get Naked to Raise Political Awareness. Oksana Shachko, a girl with a doll-like face, is supposed to go to prison for five years.

Femen Activists Get Naked to Raise Political Awareness

It's a cool spring Thursday in Ukraine as the 24-year-old walks through the streets of Kiev with her attorney. She is wearing a leather jacket and black boots, and dangling an almost-finished cigarette between her fingers. Five years, because she bared her breasts in public once again. The hearing at the Interior Ministry is at 5 p.m., and they are in a hurry. They walk past tall, brown and gray buildings from the Stalin era. Shachko is a Ukrainian women's rights activist, and her weapons are attached to her pale, petite body like the two halves of an apple. Opération Socio. Ambivalent sexism. Ambivalent sexism is a theoretical framework which posits that sexism has two sub-components: "hostile sexism" and "benevolent sexism.

Ambivalent sexism

" Hostile sexism reflects overtly negative evaluations and stereotypes about a gender (e.g. the ideas that women are incompetent and inferior to men or that all men are potential rapists). Benevolent sexism represents evaluations of gender that may appear subjectively positive, but are actually damaging to people and gender equity more broadly (e.g. the ideas that women need to be protected by men or that men aren't fit to take care of children). For the most part, psychologists have studied hostile forms of sexism. However, theorists using the theoretical framework of ambivalent sexism have found extensive empirical evidence for both varieties. The theory has largely been developed by Peter Glick and Susan Fiske. General overview[edit] Sexism, like other forms of prejudice, is a type of bias about a group of people.

Theoretical framework[edit] Flip All The Pronouns – blarg? Maya and I have been playing through Windwaker together; she likes sailing, scary birds and remembering to be brave, rescuing her little brother and finding out what’s happening to Medli and her dragon boat.

Flip All The Pronouns – blarg?

She’s the hero of the story, of course. It’s annoying and awkward, to put it mildly, having to do gender-translation on the fly when Maya asks me to read what it says on the screen. Ces études à la con qui nous prennent pour des connes. Les dangers du neurosexisme à travers le portrait-robot de «Gwendoline», LA femme telle qu'elle est décrite par des pseudo-études scientifiques.

Ces études à la con qui nous prennent pour des connes

Mi-janvier, le psychologue évolutionnaire, Jesse Bering, a écrit un article pour, où il présentait quatre manières dont les femmes avaient évolué pour se protéger des viols lorsqu’elles ovulaient. Son article a déclenché de violentes critiques, au sein de Slate et sur des sites scientifiques notamment. Plusieurs journalistes de Double X, le site féminin de Slate, ont écrit une réponse à son article, et Jesse Bering a lui-même écrit une réponse à ces critiques.

Nous publions en même temps le premier article de Bering, une des réponses de Double X, la réponse aux réponses de Bering, ainsi qu’un article de Peggy Sastre sur le problème des féministes avec la psychologie évolutionnaire et enfin un article de Titiou Lecoq qui porte plus généralement sur les études scientifiques et «la femme». Comment le féminisme a changé mon rapport à la pop culture. Être féministe, ce n’est pas toujours de tout repos.

Comment le féminisme a changé mon rapport à la pop culture

Dorothy Blanche and Rose Uterus and Ovaries par organbank. The Male Gender.