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"Review of Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate by Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro." Back to Index 1 23nextdownload printable version (MS Word .doc) Reader's Review John Baker.

"Review of Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate by Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro."

The Varieties of Intimate Relationship. Keith Johnstone - Home. The myth of the eight-hour sleep. Image copyright Other We often worry about lying awake in the middle of the night - but it could be good for you.

The myth of the eight-hour sleep

A growing body of evidence from both science and history suggests that the eight-hour sleep may be unnatural. In the early 1990s, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr conducted an experiment in which a group of people were plunged into darkness for 14 hours every day for a month. Guest Blog: You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential.