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Twitter. Great, simple game to work on the four Rs (Read, React, Respond, Recover) in divided-court games. ‼️☢️ RETO DEL DÍA ☢️‼️ □Reglas: □ Se golpea con □ y solo 1 Bote. □‍♂️Jugador al Golpear cambia balón. 1️⃣□ con bote y 1️⃣□ sin bote. □ Objetivo: llegar a 1️⃣2️⃣ sin fallar. ♻️ Transferencia: □/⚽/□/□‍♂️. □ Variante: golpeo con □ ⚽ ⬆️. 4 jugadores□□ y 2 bal. Great lead-up game for divided-court games. Catch volleyball is one of the best activities to introduce elementary students to volleyball. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. HILO Juegos que utilizo para introducir la estructura de Cancha Dividida en la 1ª sesión de la UD. Respecto a Bate y Campo, aparece la transición (A-D y D-A) y el pase en ataque: - Pelota alta - Gana las dos - Twin voley - El Rey (o Reina) de la pista #ed. (164) Introducing Smashball. Working on the serve w @PhysedGames Serving Game. 1 S from each team serves to teammates on other side of net whose feet are stuck in cement. If they catch the serve, they grab another ball & join the server. Continue until your entire team is off the cou.

Iniciación al Voleibol. Mike Morris sur Twitter : "UP, UP & AWAY-volley your balloon 5 times in your hoop, then move to a different hoop to volley. If your foot comes out or your ballon drops, your volley count starts over .How many different hoops can you volley in before time. Volleyball espejo. En tríos, golpear el balón a través del aro sin que toque el suelo. Si lo hace, cambio de rol.… HULA HOOP VOLLEYBALL- ss volley a balloon back and fourth through a hoop. They have 3 hits to return the balloon through the hoop. If they don’t return it, they alternate with a hoop holder. #physed… VOLEI-RELOJ: Reto cooperativo en gran grupo para trabajar el "toque de dedos. Jon Caset sur Twitter : "Terminamos la Unidad de Volley □ con una práctica con sábanas!! □️ Qué mejor manera de aprender, trabajar en equipo y pasarlo bien, todo en uno!! □ @Colegio_Brains #Lombillo & Year 6 □‍♀️ #PhysEd #edufis #AlwaysFun #Volleyball… ht.

Justin Cahill sur Twitter : "Loved this VOLLEYBALL modification today w/ my small group. SERVE CATCH TOSS TO A TEAMMATE WHO MUST BUMP IT OVER. The focus was on movement to the ball, positioning, passing, bumping and having FUN! #trinitype. #trinitylearns. Reforzando habilidades con balón #edufis. Mini volley con pañuelo en #edufis. In #PhysEd 1st grade students are working on #volley with a partner using balloons □ #Joy #QPE… Volleyball Four Square, must pass or set above your head...2nd graders at the end of our unit! #physed #elementryPE #activelearning #pegueek #recess… Y qué bien se lo pasan nuestros alumnos de 1° BACH BILINGÜE con la UDI de COOPERATIVE VOLLEYBALL... By teacher @thailergm @JuanjoGuerraSD □□□…

Adjunto la rúbrica de evaluación que voy a llevar a cabo por si a alguien le interesa, también acepto críticas, el ofrecimiento de otros puntos de vista y cómo abordáis vosotros este contenido. De Spelles! sur Twitter : "Vandaag drie geslaagde workshops gegeven bij de studiedag van @AllesinBeweging. Doel: iedereen beweegt, hoge betrokkenheid en plezier in bewegen. Bedankt @Geldergym @relreiger voor de uitnodiging! #onderwijs #bewegingsonderwijs. Randy Spring sur Twitter : "A little 1st grade #physed experiment today □ Coned up a ball to build into an underhand strike □ They loved it & had no idea how many steps in opposition, strikes, & catches they were training their bodies & brains to do. Oh y. Twitter. Very impressed with my 2/3G during our volleying skills unit. Working on underhand & overhand serving to a target. Thank u @NorthPolkWestPE…

I find this to be a nice lead-up to serving a #VOLLEYBALL for my 3rd grade classes. #physed… Kevin McGrath sur Twitter : "@JoeyFeith, @PhysEdDepot, Got a little excited after making the set assessment & decided to complete the other volleyball ones. Perfect to record performance levels with plickers afterwards! Removed the background for printing. Dice Bonk using volleyball skills today. Underhand serve for round one and bumping and setting for round two. Students loved it! @MikeMorrisPE #PhysEd #PhysicalEducation… Great idea one of my students came up with during the 4 Square Tableball today. Hard to tell what side the ball went over. In a sense, did it, or did it not “touch the line”. 1/2 #physed… Practicing underhand serving. Thanks Randy Spring for idea! @MrSpringPE…

Randy Spring sur Twitter : "Table Ball visuals for #physed T's & S's. This @JoeMcCarthy09 activity creation is absolutely fantastic & can be utilized to hit tons of learning targets in any grades K-12 (IMO). If you haven't tried it yet, maybe these visual. No tables for #tableball? No problem! #usewhatyouhave. Not quite as fancy as @SandersCornerPE or @RHEPE1, but it works.… Today’s High Score in Low Net Volley was set at 218. Excited to see what tomorrow will bring. #Physed… Table Balls visual for 1v1 or 1v1v1. YouTube link #PEGeeks #physed…