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Collages - KATIE TORN. Pilvi Takala — The Trainee. The Trainee, 2008Installation Three videos with a duration of 13:52, powerpoint presentation, keycard, letter The Trainee has been produced in collaboration with international accounting firm Deloitte.

Pilvi Takala — The Trainee

In order to realise the project, the artist worked for a month as trainee in the marketing department of Deloitte, where only a few people knew the true nature of the project. Simon Stålenhag’s Retro Sci-Fi Images of a Dystopian Swedish Countryside Published In Two New Books. Across the backdrop of an expansive retro-Scandinavian landscape, Swedish illustrator Simon Stålenhag has spent the last few years imagining a world of science fiction inhabited by roaming mech robots, dinosaurs, and other technological innovations plopped right onto the Swedish countryside.

Simon Stålenhag’s Retro Sci-Fi Images of a Dystopian Swedish Countryside Published In Two New Books

The digitally painted images spread far and wide across the internet over the last few years, capturing the imagination of legions of fantasy and sci-fi fans who clamoured for comic books and even a feature film. For now, we’ll have to make do with old-fashioned art books. Stålenhag and Free League Publishing just announced a Kickstarter project for two new books featuring Stålenhag’s dystopian vision of the future that will pair illustrations with short stories written in English.

Esta artista crea sus pinturas en Microsoft Paint. Todas las imágenes vía Microsoft Paint, ese software prehistórico que nos ha animado tantas tardes lluviosas.

Esta artista crea sus pinturas en Microsoft Paint

Corrían esos tiempos en los que tu conexión a internet era tan débil que tras pelearte media hora con tu módem decidías descargar tu creatividad con el sencillo y colorido programa. Debido a sus limitaciones, muchos de nosotros no conseguimos llegar muy lejos con él, pero este no es el caso de Mirande Lorikeet, más conocida como Lazy Bones Illustration, que ha acabado utilizándolo como herramienta principal para la creación de sus ilustraciones.

La ilustradora de 25 años nativa de Sydney logra crear las obras más coloridas y surreales en Paint. Ristorante Giapponese Cinese Roma. ‘Bumpkins’: Appalachian artist creates unflinching hillbilly portraits. Hunter or Hipster, Male, 2012 Young artist Rebecca Morgan creates stirring, funny and often grotesque depictions of the “bumpkins” she grew up around in the Appalachian Mountain region of Pennsylvania.

‘Bumpkins’: Appalachian artist creates unflinching hillbilly portraits

Rebecca Morgan's Ceramic Vase Caricatures Of Appalachian Hillbillies. Rebecca Morgan is a wonderfully playful, expressive artist producing mostly drawings, paintings, ceramics and cutouts, all based on characters and stereotypes from her native Appalachian area in America.

Rebecca Morgan's Ceramic Vase Caricatures Of Appalachian Hillbillies

Long term fans of Morgan’s, we have actually featured her previous series of portraits of rednecks and peasants- ‘Deliverance‘, here on B/D. 15 Favorite Art Activities for Children. 13 MOST EPIC PROJECTION MAPPED STAGES - Ill.MethodologyIll.Methodology. The future is here.

13 MOST EPIC PROJECTION MAPPED STAGES - Ill.MethodologyIll.Methodology

Each day it advances and each day it trips us out more and more. Combine our ever-expanding and mind blowing technology with the weird new sounds that electronic music introduces and you are left with a whole new type of concert going experience. In the world of stage visuals, Projection Mapping is the future. It turns our dance music shows into visually stimulating journeys out of our own minds and into the minds of the artists we admire. This Pixar Artist Took Your Favorite R-Rated Films and Turned Them Into a Children's Book. The news: For years, Josh Cooley worked as a storyboard artist at Pixar Animation Studios.

This Pixar Artist Took Your Favorite R-Rated Films and Turned Them Into a Children's Book

His illustrations laid the blueprint for such family classics as The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), and Up (2009). But on Feb. 25, he’ll try his hand at the publishing game with a new book entitled Movies R Fun! : A Collection of Cinematic Classics for the Pre-(Film) School Cinephile. So far, it looks pretty awesome. Untitled. Alyssa monks. Ekta. Ollio. Patricia Piccinini. Marlene Steyn. Electric retard. This is Art…with Packaging Tape! Meet Mark Jenkins. Mark Jenkins makes art from tape.

This is Art…with Packaging Tape! Meet Mark Jenkins

Packaging tape to be exact. From babies to giraffes and back again, Mr. Jenkins places his work in odd spaces; causing confusion, anger and laughter. The Sifter explores his work, influences and thoughts on street art. VITALS Born: 1970 in Fairfax, Virginia Education: Degree in Geology from Virginia Tech Current Location: Washington DC “I live in Washington D.C. “I have a pretty strong background in music. Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck. “Although I spend a lot of time on the surface, it’s the life inside I want to capture.” - Ron Mueck, 1998 Hyperrealist sculptor Ron Mueck was born in 1958 in Melbourne, Australia.

Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck

The son of German-born toymakers, Mueck grew up making creatures, puppets and costumes in his spare time, experimenting with materials and techniques. With no formal art training beyond high school, he began his career making models for television and film. Photograph by Hanneorla Photograph by Burgaard - Mueck’s early career was as a model maker and puppeteer for children’s television and films, notably the film Labyrinth and the Jim Henson series The Storyteller - Mueck moved on to establish his own company in London, making photo-realistic props and animatronics for the advertising industry.

Mierdecitas. El arte de Paul Laffoley, diagramas de alquimia del futuro y planos de arquitectura extraterrestre. Paul Laffoley es uno de los artistas contemporáneos más excéntricos y también uno de los más fascinantes.

El arte de Paul Laffoley, diagramas de alquimia del futuro y planos de arquitectura extraterrestre

Pese a la pretensión de construir una máquina del tiempo en sus diagramas o de trazar la historia del futuro y fin del universo en sus planos de arquitecura demiúrgica, Laffoley emana una enorme autenticidad, una emotiva fidelidad a un sueño extraterrestre que resplandece en toda su extraña majestuosidad. Laffoley nació en Cambridge, Massachusetts (lugar donde más tarde se enrolaría brevemente en la Universidad de Harvard). Según él mismo narra, dijo su primera palabra, “Constantinopla”, a los seis meses de edad, luego permaneció en silencio hasta los 4 años (diagnosticado autista), cuando empezó a dibujar y a pintar. Según cuenta a Richard Metzger de Dangerous Minds, de niño Laffoley soñó con un extraño museo lleno de formas de vida alienígenas y máquinas biológicas que lo contemplaban minuciosamntes.

Se despertó de este sueño con la misión de crear una nueva forma de arte. Michael Johansson. Badmadafaca.