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Useful lists

Facebook Twitter | Top 100 downloads of free software for Windows XP & Windows 7. The Best Free Software of 2012. For years, PCMag has brought you an ever-bigger, ever-better list of desktop software that will cost you absolutely nothing. As of last year, we shook things up a bit. Instead of an annual look at the best free software, we went monthly. Since software can cost thousands, you might wonder why and how you can score immensely useful programs for free. This happens for the very good business reason that developers often try to gain traction with the public by giving away their product, or at least a "lite" version of it, in the hope that you'll upgrade to a paid version. We're throwing in all the worthy apps that run on Windows 7 and 8, the latest MacOS, and of course, the cloud-based Web apps that run in a browser like Chrome, Firefox, or IE to use anywhere. Look for a new category of free software titles every month.

Topics from 2014: 20 Useful OS X Tips. Because we are all different, operating system developers always put more than one way of doing things in their systems. One example is there’s often keyboard shortcuts, menus and toolbars in applications for doing the same thing. Consequently, it’s very easy to get into the habit of doing things a particular way without ever learning other ways. Hopefully for the average user there might be at least one tip here that you weren’t aware of and that will be useful to you.

Otherwise, I officially re-title this article: “20 Useful OS X Tips for Beginners and Switchers”. By the way, if you have a single button mouse, where it says “right click”, substitute with “control-click” . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The Option key is a hidden treasure trove. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Now, if you are like “The Hackmeister of OS X”, rather than scoffing, let us know a few of your favorite lesser known tips. 7 outils indispensables de ton PC que tu n'utilises jamais. Bon, j'exagère, tu en utilises sûrement au moins un. Et si tu es un bon élève, peut-être plusieurs.

Mais pas tous, ou pas régulièrement. Sans compter que bon nombre de tes proches n'en ont peut-être jamais entendu parler. Et pourtant... ces quelques outils peuvent te sauver la vie... enfin, au moins ton PC et tes données, c'est déjà pas mal. (n.b. : les exemples cités et les captures d'écran ci-dessous concernent Windows, mais la plupart de ces outils sont aussi disponibles sous Mac et Linux. Que les utilisateurs bien informés de ces deux systèmes se manifestent en commentaire Programme de sauvegarde Imagines la scène : tu veux allumer ton PC un matin, pour terminer ce super rapport qui t'a demandé des heures de travail, consulter ta collection de photos de soirées que tu accumules depuis des mois, ou finir la partie de ton jeu préféré où tu as enfin atteint le dernier niveau... et là... plus rien, ton PC ne démarre plus, le disque dur est mort. Assez de cette vision d'horreur ? 100+ awesome free and open source applications - Software -

Posted on Tuesday 27th of September 2011 at 13:05 in SoftwareIt has always amazed me quite how many incredible, varied and useful applications are available for free on the Internet. Be it free, open source, web-based or merely passive trials - the number of top quality items on offer is huge. The purpose of this list is to help people realise that the free and open source software communities are expansive and generous. In these tense economic times, raising awareness of such projects is something I'm more than happy to do. If you feel that I've missed something good off the list, please leave a comment at the bottom - I read absolutely every one.

Image, Image Editing and Graphics GIMP – The GNU Image Manipulation Program is a Photoshop replacement that doesn’t have "quite" as much functionality but it’s excellent for free. - A really good, lightweight alternative to Photoshop. Artweaver - Office Audio. 25 Useful Ubuntu Shortcuts To Make your Life Easier. Sponsored Links Earlier, i have posted about useful windows shortcuts.

This time, i have compiled a list of 25 useful Ubuntu shortcuts (not those commonly known Ctrl+C type shortcuts) that make your life easier. These shortcuts will help you do routine tasks more quickly and easily. Ubuntu Recently, Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex was released and i must say this version of Ubuntu has improved a lot over earlier versions. Here goes the shortcuts list. Window Management Note: Some shortcuts might require Compiz enabled on your Ubuntu system. Switch Workspaces in Ubuntu (win + E) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ubuntu Window Switcher (Alt + Shift+ Up Arrow) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nautilus 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Miscellaneous 22. 23. 24. 25. I hope these shortcuts will make your life easier doing routine repetitive tasks and make you more productive using your Ubuntu System. If you know of some other useful Ubuntu shortcuts, feel free to share them in comments below. PS: Welcome StumbleUpon Users. Dan Rodney's List of Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts & Keystrokes. For years I’ve collected these keystrokes. I hope they help you become the power user that lies within. I have tested them on Mac OS X El Capitan, but most should work on older versions of Mac OS (such as Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion).

After macOS Sierra comes out I will update as needed! Menu Symbols Finder App Switcher Managing Windows & Dialogs Dock Dashboard Working with Text Only work in some apps (Safari, Mail, TextEdit, etc.) Screenshots Saved to the Desktop as a PNG file. Spotlight Mission Control Startup, Restart, Shutdown & Sleep Safari Apple Mail Preview Miscellaneous Emacs Key Bindings Only work in some apps (Safari, Mail, TextEdit, etc.) Web Mashups and APIs - ProgrammableWeb. 70 Things Every Computer Geek Should Know. | Arrow Webzine. The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness.

As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. If you’re that type of person and are looking for a few extra skills to pick up, or if you’re a newbie aiming to get a handhold on the honor that is geekhood, read on to find out what skills you need to know. How to become a real computer Geek? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 21 Lesser-Known Open-Source Applications for Windows. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock in Madagascar for the last few years, you undoubtedly already know about the All-Star open-source applications for Windows.

I’m talking about applications such as Firefox, Thunderbird, GIMP, OpenOffice, and VLC. However, there are hundreds of lesser-known but highly-useful open-source applications available for Windows. A few of my favourites are below. These applications range from moderately popular to downright obscure, but all of them are open-source and FREE. All of them are worth the install time if you have never tried them. As a side bonus, many of them are cross-platform as well. Here they are, in random order: 1. ZScreen is an open-source screen capture program that quietly resides in your system tray until needed. If you frequently take screen shots, ZScreen is light years faster than pressing Print Scrn and pasting into MS Paint. 2.

PDFCreator allows you to create PDFs from any program that can print. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Logiciels Libres. Nouvelles notices Live_Raizo Live-Raizo est un Live-USB Linux Debian Wheezy destiné à l’expérimentation de l’administration système et la configuration de réseau. . | FR | TUX 15 juin 2015 DirectNews_France Logiciel qui vous notifiera des derniers articles de journaux parus sur le web. . | FR | WIN 8 juin 2015 Ancestromania Ancestromania, Logiciel complet de généalogie | FR | WIN | TUX 4 juin 2015 Novius Novius OS est un CMS Open Source multi-canal | FR | WIN | TUX 18 avril 2015 Sylius Sylius, une application web Open Source en Symfony2 destinée à créer des sites d’e-commerce puissants. 11 avril 2015 Formagri Plate-forme du Cnerta/Eduter/Enesad de Dijon | FR | WIN | TUX | MAC | GPL 10 avril 2015 Adminer Remplace PHPMyAdmin, en un seul fichier PHP, simple à utiliser et à installer [ Ajouter une notice ] Quelques indispensables [ Tout le best-of ] Informations complémentaires Framasoft needs you !

Notices mises à jour [ Mettre à jour une notice ] Informations générales Cheer. Outils de veille gratuits. Windows 7 Sticky Notes Tips, Tricks, Backup, Restore, Format, FAQ. If you are a regular Windows 7 | 8 sticky notes user, you might find these tips & tricks to use, format, backup and restore handy. It also tells you how to turn the Sticky Note delete confirmation box, back on, in case you have turned it off earlier.

To open a new Sticky Note, type sticky in start search and hit Enter.To change its size, drag it from its bottom right corner.To change its color, right click the note and then click the color you want.To create a new sticky note, click on the ‘+‘ sign in its top left corner.To close a sticky note, right click on its taskbar icon and select ‘Close window’.To delete a sticky note click on the ‘x‘ mark in its top right corner.

Once its running and you start making notes, you can use the following keyboard shortcut keys to format its text: Select the text where required, and then press the desired keys: 1. Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, etc of course work as usual. Backup and Restore Sticky Notes Turn the Sticky Note delete warning back on. 10 interesantes aplicaciones para videoconferencias y reuniones online. La red ha sido el mejor medio para establecer el sistema globalizado que hoy nos rige, aunque lo importante es que su constante evolución ha permitido que cualquiera pueda sacar lo mejor de sus características para establecer relaciones laborales -o de cualquier otro tipo- de contacto o de trabajo colaborativo en cuestión de segundos.

Como muestra, las videoconferencias y las reuniones online tan útiles y sencillas de armar con las debidas herramientas. Aquí están, gracias a la ayuda de Hongkiat, 10 de las mejores: 1. MeetingBurner Un servicio online sin necesidad de descargas adicionales que incluye integración con Skype, grabación de archivos de audio para compartirlos luego instantáneamente, transmisión en vivo de la pantalla del anfitrión y hasta estadísticas para registrar la interacción de los usuarios presentes en la charla. 2. 3. 4. 5. La “telepresencia” es lo más promocionado como una de sus especialidades contando con aplicaciones para iPad, Android y BlackBerry. 6. 7. 8. 9.

AccountKiller. Spring Financial is a finance company based in Canada. The company was founded in 2014. Spring Financial is a subsidiary of Canada Drives, which is a leading auto financing company in Canada. The Chief Executive Officer is Michael Galpin. The Director is Cody Green. The Customer Relations Manager is Laura Marchand. Upon loan approval, the funds will go into a secure trust account. Canceling your loan is simple.

10 Puzzle Websites to Sharpen Your Programming Skills - StumbleUpon. Solving programming puzzles is a fun way to develop your logical and problem solving abilities. Also, when you’re familiarizing yourself with a new programming language, solving puzzles for that language can help speed up the learning process. Here are the top 10 popular programming puzzle sites that will help test your thinking and improve your programming, problem solving, and logical thinking skills. 1.

Programming Praxis Programming Praxis is a blog that includes a range of interesting problems with solutions usually available in several different programming languages. 2. CodeKata is a blog of programming puzzles written by Dave Thomas, who’s most famous for the groundbreaking book, Pragmatic Programmer. 3. TopCoder is an active programming community of developers who love to solve puzzles. 4. 5. Facebook has a collection of very challenging programming puzzles that–should you manage to solve them–could result in you getting a job at Facebook! 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 99 Prolog Problems. Diez libros libres sobre tecnología en castellano que debes copiar. Y leer. De nada sirve acumular libros y libros electrónicos si quedarán recluidos en un oscuro directorio de tu sistema operativo.

Planea tus lecturas, organiza tu tiempo, evita abrumarte... Pero no nos desviemos del tema: quiero ofrecerte una recopilación de diez trabajos de excelencia relacionadas con asuntos tecnológicos, que son de libre distribución y están escritos/traducidos en/al castellano. En orden cronológico, aquí los tienen. 1 Activismo Digital y Telemático Autor(es): Xabier Barandiaran y Metabolik BioHacklabAño: 2003Páginas: 26Licencia: Creative Commons “Reconocimiento-NoComercial CompartirIgual”.Palabras clave: Activismo (digital y telemático), ciberespacio, guerrilla de la comunicación, política, nuevos movimientos sociales, poder.Extracto: Señoras y señores, bienvenidos al ciberespacio, un país transnacional, territorio multidimensional, poblado de máquinas, humanos y ciborgs, alimentado por imágenes, construido por códigos, atravesado por el flujo de signos.

101 Essential Freelancing Resources. How to Copy Music from Your iPod to Your Computer. Most Popular Repurposing Tricks of 2011 - StumbleUpon. Top 10 Ways to Speed Up Your Computer's Boot Time. Wwwhat’s new? » 1000 aplicaciones web 2.0 clasificadas - Aplicaciones gratis web 2.0. 5 herramientas clave con versión móvil para enseñar periodismo digital. Por Christian Espinosa B. (*) Estas son las herramientas que más utilizo como profesor de Periodismo Digital, Comunicación Corporativa On Line y Periodismo Móvil en varias universidades. 1.

Frienfeed: Sí, este sitio que inspiró el rediseño de Facebook hace años y que muchos casi lo olvidaron, es la plataforma on line que nos funciona en formato social media en clases. Este muro social de aprendizaje nos sirve a su vez para que nuevos alumnos chequeen lo que vimos el año anterior. Así reaprovechemos lo investigado en ciclos anteriores con la ventaja de que te permite hacer hashtags de cualquier contenido para recuperar en forma clasificada los #deberes #videos #lecturas, etc. 2. 3. 4. 5. (*) Periodista. Computer and Internet Tools and Resources. - Free DNS tools.

101 Free admin tools. 3 New Tools for Promoting Your Interests. 10 Useful Findings About How People View Websites. 42 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed.