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Google bets on Africa as the next internet hotspot. To global search giant, Google, Africa is the next Internet hotspot. Globally, there are 94 domains registered per 10 000 users. However, in Africa, there is only one domain per 10 000 users. As such, there is tremendous potential for growth on the continent in the web space. Through its Africa programs focused on getting more Africans online, the company is betting that by developing an accessible, vibrant and self sufficient Internet ecosystem on the continent many more Africans would come online. Key among its strategies to develop the continent’s Internet ecosystem is to increase the amount of local African content online.

To do this effectively, the company has launched initiatives such as the Get African Business Online (GABO) initiative last year as a pilot to a select number of businesses in Nigeria. Interestingly, thinking local has started to pay off. Thinking local has also involved thinking of creative ways to market Google products to an African audience. I AM THIS LAND. CyberGov. Dans les trains suisses : bagage sur un siège, bagage qui paie. Photo CFF Les trains suisses sont souvent bondés. Aux heures de pointe, pour faire de la place, les contrôleurs passent des annonces pour demander aux passagers de ne pas mettre leur sac sur les sièges. Les Chemins de Fer Fédéraux Suisses (CFF) ont trouvé une méthode encore plus efficace pour les convaincre.

Pour pouvoir poser son bagage sur un siège dans un wagon déjà bien chargé, il faudra lui acheter un billet. Son coût sera la moitié du prix du trajet, que le voyageur possède ou non un abonnement demi-tarif. 445.568 políticos y tres piedras | La Tiradera. PAISES MUNDO. UK Politics. PAÍSES. Politics. A Tea Partier Decided To Pick A Fight With A Foreign President. It Didn't Go So Well.

Spain. United Kingdom. Italy. European Union. Ireland. Council_of_Europe. Enforcement. Directorate General of the EU Commission. EIB. Political Groups in the European Parliament. EBRD. Europe. Germany. France. Les plus belles conneries de Berlusconi. Temps de lecture: 4 min «J’ai découvert ce qu’est le point G des femmes... c’est la dernière lettre de shopping», déclarait le 3 novembre 2007 Silvio Berlusconi, lors d’une foire à Vérone.

La blague sexiste n’est ni la première, ni la dernière boutade de l'ex-président du conseil italien, qui a fait le bonheur de la presse internationale à chaque meeting. Si sa démission du poste de président du Conseil samedi 12 novembre a été fêtée dans les rues de Rome, ses gaffes manqueront aux journalistes et amateurs de vidéos cocasses du monde entier. Rendons hommage aux inimitables Berlusconneries en chiffres et en graphiques. En sondant notre mémoire et la presse, nous avons recensé 54 bêtises mémorables (pour un panorama complet, voir la carte en fin d'article). Voici un petit panel de ses prouesses, qui se répartissent en 8 catégories. Typologie des Berlusconneries «Elle est une belle chatte.»

La gauche Sans parler des communistes, bête noire qu'il a régulièrement fustigé. Les étrangers. Tame the persistent elites | Edward Hadas. It is circa 1900. A young girl from a simple fishing village has been sold as a ’practice wife’ to the Bendoro, or local lord. When the Bendoro tires of her and expels her from his house, the girl retires from his presence the way peasants are supposed to: backwards, and on her knees. The scene is from the novel “The Girl from the Coast”, and is based on the life of the grandmother of the Indonesian author, Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The girl suffered because the absolute authority of a petty local ruler and the accompanying indignities were considered normal. And this in a land which, by the standards of the age, was relatively refined. The Bendoro’s rules did not hold in the Netherlands, which ruled the land, but many Europeans would have shared his belief that sharp social stratification was part of the natural order of things.

Times have changed. Still, elitism is far from dead. Indeed, today’s elites are unlikely to have inherited a title such as Bendoro, king or prince. Mitt Romney’s campaign slogan may be “Believe in... Dossiers d'actualité. CYBER_NOW - Resumo. Jornada de Trabalho de Defesa Cibernética - EB/SEPIN. The "War on Drugs" Derecho a desobedecer. Derecho a desobedecer Juan Torres LópezCatedrático de Economía Aplicada de la Universidad de Sevilla El pueblo español y otros europeos hemos comenzado a vivir bajo una tiranía. Las autoridades imponen políticas que provocan daños económicos, físicos y morales a la mayoría de la población. Reducen los ingresos y aumenta la pobreza y la exclusión (solo entre 2009 y 2010 aumentó en 1,1 millones el número de personas pobres en España). Disminuyen la financiación de los servicios públicos básicos, lo que hace que aumente la mortalidad, las enfermedades y todo tipo de daños psicológicos y personales (la tasa de mortalidad ha aumentado un 20% en Portugal desde que empezaron a adoptarse las políticas de ajuste y la esperanza de vida ha bajado por primera vez en España).

Además, imponen estas medidas recurriendo a todo tipo de mentiras. Dicen que las toman para mejorar la economía pero esta está peor que antes de tomarlas. ¡Ya está bien de obedecer a los tiranos que gobiernan contra el pueblo!

Politics Pearlers

Political Activism. Tent City University » Anyone can teach, everyone can learn – Occupy London. Simiocracia (Españistan parte 2) CHOMISTE LAND - La boite à outils du chômeur. WikiLeaks. Perte du AAA. Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism | Micah White. A battle is raging for the soul of activism. It is a struggle between digital activists, who have adopted the logic of the marketplace, and those organisers who vehemently oppose the marketisation of social change. At stake is the possibility of an emancipatory revolution in our lifetimes. The conflict can be traced back to 1997 when a quirky Berkeley, California-based software company known for its iconic flying toaster screensaver was purchased for $13.8m (£8.8m). The sale financially liberated the founders, a left-leaning husband-and-wife team. The trouble is that this model of activism uncritically embraces the ideology of marketing.

Clicktivists utilise sophisticated email marketing software that brags of its "extensive tracking" including "opens, clicks, actions, sign-ups, unsubscribes, bounces and referrals, in total and by source". Gone is faith in the power of ideas, or the poetry of deeds, to enact social change. Homepage. Activism. Activism. TakingITGlobal - Inspire. Inform. Involve.

Wars & Military

Institutions. Occuppy World. Foreign Affairs & Conflicts. Eurozone. Multiculturalism. Threats to Democracy. Political Theory. Arguments for Police Reform. Intelligence News and Information.